I'm so excited that you are going to be able to get time away with your DH. Every couple deserves a honey moon.. even if it happens a few months/years after the wedding.
My experience: We got married last May and took our honeymoon in September. We took a Carnival cruise to Port Canaveral Florida, Nassau Bahamas and to Freeport Bahamas. I almost pooped myself at the idea of leaving Conner for 8 days, but we had a great time and I'm really glad we took that opportunity. I freaked that we would not have any cell service while at sea and that the roaming charges would kill us (to call home). We checked in with my inlaws when we got aboard, again that night while at sea (we actually had cell service for a little while), again when we landed in Florida, and one last time in the Bahamas. There were a few days that we couldn't call and it killed me- but I just had to trust that everything and everyone was okay.
Advice- Leave a hand written note with your John Handcock on the bottom giving permission for your child care giver (whatever family member that may be) to seek medical attention if necessary. Also, leave a copy of your ins card, your pediatrician address, name and phone number, along with your cell number, the location you will be staying at, and any flights, cruise lines etc that you may be on. Also, note any medications/food etc allergies that your child may have. Example- your child needs to be taken to the ER but they are allergic to pennicilin.. make sure thats noted (better to be safe than sorry).
Last piece of advice- let your hair down and have fun!! Don't spend your entire honey moon fretting about your l/o. Everything will be just fine!!! Also, make sure you pick up a little trinket of some sort for your care giver and for your l/o. It will be a cute little keep sake for all parties. We got Conner a little shirt that said "someone who loves me very much traveled to the Bahamas and bought me this shirt". Of course, he will grow out of it- but we will have the picture of him wearing it forever!!
And we grabbed some post cards, a key chain and a few magnets for my parents and inlaws. Chances are, they wont ever make it to the Bahamas, so we thought it would be a nice gesture to bring them home a little something!!
One last thing-- Take lots of pictures!! This is your honeymoon GIRL!!!! You will always have the memory of the experience but pictures, you can share with your children and your grandchildren, your friends and family!! I hate having my picture taken but we got some really great snap shots and I cherish them!!!
I hope you have a wonderful time!!! Cant wait to hear all about it.