Did anyone else hate being team yellow while pregnant?


Mum to Lachie and Clem
Oct 27, 2009
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It's silly because I'm not even pregnant anymore and it shouldn't matter, but I've been feeling a sad that I didn't find out...I don't think it helps that I couldn't find out because baby kept her legs tightly crossed :haha: (there are no places around here that do private scans). But I really wish I had found out what I was having during pregnancy so that I could shop for non neutral clothing etc, and felt like I didn't bond as much with my baby while pregnant as much as I did with my son during my first pregnancy when I knew the sex.

Don't get me wrong - I did love the surprise, but I am of the opinion that whether you find out at the birth or at a scan, it's still a surprise either way.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this :wacko:
Absolutly I could have wrote this threat myself. We found out with ds because we were so excited, we knew his name from 20 weeks, I could plan and go and buy gender specific things. With dd we decided to stay team yellow because we had found out with the first one and wanted that "surprise" at birth. The not knowing was killing me. I was almost certain we were having another boy as the oregnancy was very similar so when she popped out a girl I was in shock. Don't get me wrong I loved her from the time she was placed into my arms but I DEFINATLY felt closely bonded to ds at his birth than dd. I think also because I couldn't go out and buy pink this time and plan (I'm a big planner) that also had an effect too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I do wish I had done it the other way round tho so stayed yellow for ds, then found out with dd but as and when we ttc #3 we will definatly be finding out the sex xxx
No in fact if I could go back I wouldn't have found out with DS1. I loved not knowing with DS2.
Found out with first - it was fun to plan! Didn't find out with second - loved the anticipation (though hubby hated not knowing). It helped that had hand me downs for either sex so I wasn't worried about buying things.

If there's a next time, I'd like team yellow again. Sorry you didn't get to anticipate with yours... But you might be surprised what you'll desire if you have another!
I didn't find out with either of mine, but it's different because I chose not to find out. I think it's probably different when you want to know but can't know. I also don't like how highly gendered baby things are these days. Most of my son's clothes are actually hand-me-downs from his older sister. It was easier for the newborn stuff, but as he gets older, it will be harder because of the sort of things people get you when they know the sex of the baby/child. I may have put him in a sleep suit that had green, grey, and pink elephants, but I won't be putting him in dresses, for example. I actually liked that not knowing, forced people to select gender neutral things for gifts. In terms of bonding, I had no issue. I bonded to my baby while pregnant and just like how I continue to know more and more about each one as they get older, birth was when I got to know a few more things about my babies, including their sex. Also, the way I see it is that I've been planning to have children for about a decade, so what's 9 more months to wait to find out the sex? Interestingly, I also accurately guessed the sex of both my kids from about the beginning of pregnancy.
Even though we're not planning on having any more children, if we did have a third baby I would definitely find out. I did find that I have bonded more with my daughter than I did with my son, but I put that down to having been a new mum back then and not really knowing what to expect, but during the pregnancy didn't feel very bonded up until I was in the 30 week range.

Also, because pink is one of my favourite colours, I think I'm a bit bummed that I didn't get a chance to buy girly outfits at a time where I had the funds to (while I was working, as opposed to on maternity leave where money is pinched).

Interesting to hear all your replies :)
I found out with my son I was so organised I bought something every few weeks so it didnt seem that expensive and we always talked about our little boy. with my daughter we didnt find out. nothing at all bought except maybe 10 white items, we talked about the yellow blob but not really as a baby. even when she came out I wasnt shocked as I thought she was going to be a girl I was just a little sad she had no clothes or things of her own. of course thats my own fault I could easily have bought more gender neutral things but there just not really for me. im happy now though looking back but at the time I just wished I had a little bow for her hair haha
I chose to stay team yellow with my first and absolutely loved it. I didn't have a feeling either way about gender do a girl was a wonderful surprise. I wanted to stay team yellow with my second, although I strongly suspected it was a boy, but at the 20 week scan he had it all out in display that even I could see! But I think it was good I found out then because dh desperately wanted another girl and he needed time to process his disappointment.
I chose to stay team yellow with all 3 of mine and loved it. After having 2 boys I was genuinely concerned as to how disappointed I'd be if I found out baby 3 was another boy while still pregnant. I figured that I wouldn't care either way once I'd actually had baby
After having 2 boys I was genuinely concerned as to how disappointed I'd be if I found out baby 3 was another boy while still pregnant. I figured that I wouldn't care either way once I'd actually had baby

The bit in bold is why i stayed team yellow for my second. i found out with my first but i was so desperate for a girl that if she had been a boy i would have not bonded with the baby at all - but then thought well no matter what he/she is when they get here i won't care. does that make sense?
Forgot to say i absolutely hated it and nearly found out at each scan i had (16 week and 20 week), but stayed strong! i now regret it as i didn't get to buy all girly pretty things before she got here, so she wore a lot of white!!! and because she was tiny, she stayed in her first clothes until she was about 6 weeks...!
Why do a couple of you make it sound inevitable that your baby would be wearing white if you don't know their sex? I dressed both of mine in an array of colors as well as cute animal patterns.
pretty much all the shops I went to had pink, blue or white. I searched all over but to get anything unisex in other colours tended to be from websites that were alot more expensive for newborns. I had yellow and light greens too but pretty much everything I found was white/grey
I guess most places are like that, but there are exceptions. I bought most of my newborn stuff from thrift stores and they were pretty good. I also did have some blue.
Why do a couple of you make it sound inevitable that your baby would be wearing white if you don't know their sex? I dressed both of mine in an array of colors as well as cute animal patterns.

Because I like to dress my children in 'boys' and 'girls' clothes. I would never dream of shopping for my baby girls clothes in the boys section and vice versa. Amelia has worn a couple of Joshua's bibs that I still had, but never out of the house.
I was :yellow:, through my own choice though we never got the option to find out at the 20-week scan as it took so long to get all the other measurements done so they kicked us out without asking us if we wanted to know :haha:

I did enjoy the suspense, and I wanted my husband to tell me if we had a son or a daughter, but also part of the reason I didn't want to know was because I was desperate for my first baby to be a girl, and I worried that if a scan showed we were having a boy, I might struggle with how I felt about that. That sounds really bad, I know, but I knew that if I found out at the birth, I wouldn't give two hoots whether we had a boy or a girl, and I'd love my baby just the same regardless. I had a strong feeling I was having a girl, right from getting my :bfp:, but I didn't know if it was genuine intuition or just wishing.

Anyway, I got my longed-for girly, and though I'd quite like another girl, I really, truly do not mind what the next (and last) one turns out to be. I don't know what we'll do for the next one, whether we'll do the same and stay :yellow:, or whether we'll opt for the different experience of finding out at a scan.

If we did find out early, though, I'd want it to be a secret, and announce it to the rest of the world after baby arrives, but I'm not sure I could stop myself accidentally referring to baby as 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it' or 'little alien' (as my poor daughter was called all through the pregnancy, lol.)

As an aside on clothing, all her NB and 0-3 bits were cream/white/yellow/green/brown etc, and my mum told me 'the first time someone mistakes her for a boy you'll go out and buy something pink!'...I laughed and said no, as I'm not a fan of pink, but I kinda did...well, it was a pair of red dungarees, but a pinky red. DD actually really suits strong pinks, so she's ended up with more pink in her wardrobe than I planned/hoped...I just compromise by making sure the pink stuff isn't also ruffly :haha:
im not even a pink fan actually but I love floral and girly patterns. alot of her clothes are blue actually. she has unisex clothes but as a newborn I just like nice plain coloured clothes, light pinks, light blues makes them look so babyish.
After having 2 boys I was genuinely concerned as to how disappointed I'd be if I found out baby 3 was another boy while still pregnant. I figured that I wouldn't care either way once I'd actually had baby

The bit in bold is why i stayed team yellow for my second. i found out with my first but i was so desperate for a girl that if she had been a boy i would have not bonded with the baby at all - but then thought well no matter what he/she is when they get here i won't care. does that make sense?

These are my exact thoughts right now. I'm thinking of staying team yellow with this baby, just because I so badly want a boy, so I don't want to be disappointed if it's a girl :( I'd rather know when he/she is placed in my arms, that way it won't matter because I'll be madly in love and incredibly happy anyway! Buying unisex clothes doesn't bother me. :)
I didn't find out with either pregnancy. I didn't feel any less bonded than people assumed I would be (incredibly bonded to my babies throughout pregnancy) and love newborns in white anyway! I also had loads of baby blue clothing which had kept like new from when Louis was little that Alex wore. I guessed that I was having a boy each time and I was right.

If we do have another baby though, I would like to know next time. Xx
We found out with our 2 girls but we're planning on staying team yellow with this one to have the surprise just once, it's soo hard though! :blush: I'm torn though as this is our last baby for sure and I know OH really wants a boy so I don't know if it would be better to find out it's a girl earlier so he can adjust his expectations or find out at birth as we'll love him/her no matter what anyway. I don't mind either way but I guess if I could choose the gender i'd lean towards boy, simply because it's different to what we've had before and it would be really nice for OH to experience the father-son bond and to have a grandson in the family (OH has 3 sisters and a niece I have 1 sister so along with our 2 daughters there are a lot of girls lol!) Even if we do stay team yellow you'd better believe i'll be scrutinising every scan photo for gender clues! :haha:

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