Im expecting baby number 4.
with baby 1 i breastfed for 3 weeks, she was 10lb 11 born and my milk just never seemed to come through very well, i didnt even consider combined feeding, and expressing was a failure, i had a "booby lady" health visitor come and she tried so hard ot help me get the knack of expressing, my positioning was perfect for bf baby latched on fine, and in the end she suggested i switched to formula cos baby wasnt getting enough. so with that i did.
baby 2 - i breastfed for 6 months - 5lb baby who was so clam and setlled latched perfectly, my firstobrn was still only little so no school runs etc and it was a dream, at 6 months i made the decission to switch to bottle, and she instantly slept through at night in time for my eldest to start nursery.
baby 3- was a huge struggle, 2 children in school 1 full time one half day, so many school runs which took 40 mins round trips by foot, she wouldnt latch for ages so had the booby lady out again for some guidance ( im quite happy to ask for help-rather than give up) milk was awful just nothing coming, upped my fluid intake, ate plenty of healthy foods, but still sod all, my daughter started to loose alot of weight, as we kept at it until she was latching and trying to get some, she mastered it finally, we hired really good breast pumps from the hospital, as others didnt work, this too didnt get any, so we had to start topping up with formula, she was loosing so much weight, i went to 3 support groups a week, and in the end advised to kick the bucket, when i finally did i was told, they were so glad id switched to bottle which got me really angry, cos i would have given up ages before had they made me feel it was for the best. i really beat myself up about it felt like a failure by not doing best by my Daughter. i was a mess and so depressed about it, supprt group helps and you here so many people saying that bf is better when u have lots of children cos u dont have to sterilise etc, well the support groups were the opposite and i would totally agree, when u have several children, it becomes a really hard task, especially when bf babies tend to be fed on demand up every hour all night, this is so hard when your dh works long days / nights and u have children to take to school etc.
my conclusion is that ive tried to breastfeed, my milk flow is pritty damn crap and although thinks could be different this time, im going to give the first feed by breast to this baby for all the goodness and building up the immune system, then straight to bottle, im fully aware breast is best in some situations, however it made my lo so poorly, my health went downhill and my other children suffered, for me bf with several lo's who are already school age is hard work, and i take my hat off to anyone mastering it.
This is something i find really hard to talk about as especially on bnb it gets so bitchy if u voice ur opinion, but this is my opinion and i wouldnt insist it on anyone else.
so happy to have the same mw as last time, so i wont be pressured and she totally understands bf is not for me.