We didn't buy any newborn stuff although we ended up with a couple things in newborn size. We did a lot of gowns with Violet in the beginning. She peed and pooped A LOT, so it made for easier diaper changes. When taking her out, we put pants under the gown. With time we began putting her in more onsies and pants, but used gowns at night for a long time. With Leo, his digestion is much more manageable, but we still dressed him in gowns for about the first month... Maybe a bit less than that. Anyway, after that, we moved to onsies and pants. The gowns we used were almost all 0-3 month size. We just folded over the sleeves to make the length more appropriate until they were grown into. If paired with pants, a short sleeve onsie that is too big, still works pretty well. If it's a long sleeve onsie, it can also work pretty well if there are cuffs on the sleeves to either keep them from going past the hands. The cuffs can also help for folding the sleeve. Sleeves with cuffs stay folded at the right spot a lot better than sleeves without cuffs.