Did your LO bite you?


Mommy of 2 little boys
Jul 12, 2012
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So as the title says...

I'm curious how many mom's have been bitten? I've heard all sorts of stories, so now I'm asking you. :)
my first bit me a few times, i told him no no and wouldn't let him feed anymore. My second has only bit me twice, and she thinks its funny! She nibbles and when i say OUCH! she looks up and smiles then goes back to do it again.
Luz... yikes!! :dohh:

I have seen LO laugh when either I get upset at DH or if I squeak from something (like a minor burn in the kitchen). They must find our reactions amusing. lol
at least she only has her two bottom teeth so it doesn't hurt too bad. My first nursed until 18 months and he chonked down a few times with a full mouth of teeth. . . . now THAT hurts.
My dd only starting biting when she was 11.5 months (she had 8 front teeth by then), it was almost like she was setting me an ultimate challenge to make it harder for me to reach the 12 month milestone! It lasted for 2 weeks, every single time she went to feed she'd bite several times and it was awful. She'd also finish every feed with a bite. I just kept telling her no, that it hurt mummy, and removing her before trying again. In the end I got used to the movement she'd make with her mouth before biting and manage to avoid it. She then stopped completely (thank goodness!) and we're still feeding at 15.5 months. She does still bite now and again but it's by accident when she's sometimes just falling asleep and forgets to unlatch properly. I squeal so loud, she half opens her eyes and gives me this look of "what the hell's wrong with you mum, can't you see I'm trying to sleep here?!".
.....this is not very encouraging. :rofl:

Thanks for the responses ladies.
My LO is biting me all the time at the moment :( I really hope he stops soon
No biting *yet* at 10 and a half months with two teeth so far !
My LO is biting me all the time right now.... over the last 3 weeks he's cut 4 top teeth so I think it's related to teething. It hurts though!! I can't wait until this phase is over! Every time he does it I take him off and give him a teething toy instead - it's not really making much of a difference though.
My LO is 8 months old, no teeth. She just recently bit me for the first time. She was done eating, just comfort sucking, probably teething and just chopped down. Luckily there's no teeth, but it still hurt a good deal.
I did just what I read to do - said no, no, took her off and set her down. Then later at another feed, she did it again, but she was watching me very closely as she did it. Again I said no, no and set her down. She cried hysterically, it was like I really hurt her feelings :( I wasn't loud, or even upset, I just said in my regular voice, no. But she hasn't bitten me since.
I nursed all 5 of my kids, and don't recall ever being bitten...if they did, it wasn't bad.
DS bit me once when he'd had his first two teeth come through. I said OUCH loudly and put him down for a few seconds (which resulted in tears). Happened again a few months later and repeated the above. He's got lots of teeth through now and hasn't bitten since (touch wood). I do watch him though because if he's feeding properly he can't bite me but if he's messing he's more likely to be able to bite. I think he's realised that bites = no more milk and he can't have that lol.
Most of the bad bites I've gotten have been when she's falling asleep. Every once in a while just before she really drifts offs, she'll clamp down really hard. I jump in pain, but have to be quiet so as not to wake her. It hasn't happened in a while though. And even though it really hurts, she's never drawn blood despite being an early teether and having a mouth full of teeth. It's really not been a problem, though. It's one of those things that you're really scared of at first, then it happens and it really hurts, but you forget about it quickly until the next time it happens.
My little monkey bit me on purpose for a while when the first two teeth arrived. She would look up at me, get a glint in her eye, then CHOMP!! Like everyone else, after being bitten I'd instantly end the nursing session. I also used to say in a stern voice "don't bite mummy". The vampire stage only lasted a week or so once she figured the yelp from mummy simply wasn't worth being taken off her beloved boobie!

She's only just now cut her first top teeth so I'm expecting there'll be some experimenting from her again. Ouch!

Just a quick word of reassurance for you though OP - of course it's not very nice being bitten and it does hurt, but in the grand scheme of things it's not normally a big deal and only hurts for a second... the screech from you is enough to get them to stop!

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