Didnt want to be posting here, but looks like I may have to join you soon, so worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hi ladies, first of all, your all such strong women. I havent actually got in your situation yet and hope I do not but its looking like I probably will :(

Had problems since the beginning of pregnancy with extreme sickness, kidney problems and a bicornuate uterus. Since 2 weeks ago I started having braxton hicks (at 26 weeks) well so they told me, but I can feel the tightenings and I get crampy with them and although they arent regular intervals they are very often.

I then went into hospital yesterday to get my urine tested as Im having a lot of pressure down below and ended up being put on monitor to check baby and found out had irratable uterus with small contractions over 4 in an hour but not at regular times. They were going up to over 60 on monitor.

This worried be cause then they started rushing around saying i needed steroid injections and maybe transferred to different hospital.

Anyway stayed in over night had both my injections 12 hours apart and went back on monitor this morning.

Babys heartbeat was great but had no movements in over an hour on there and then all of a sudden his heart dipped from a steady 140 down to 60 :( Never been so terrified all my life.

They rushed me straight in for emergency scan and checked blood flow through cord and told me everything is fine they think baby just clutched on to the cord stopping the oxygen.

His heart is back to normal now touch wood, and the tightenings calmed down over night but still having a lot of pains and aches but been allowed home as cervix closed (thankfully) but baby is facing head down and they have said they dont think I have much longer left.

Im just so worried and need some advice, Im only 28 weeks at the moment which scares me, baby is at good size and was weighing 2 pound at 26 weeks. So can imagine hes at least 2 and half now. What happens at such a little age? will he be ok? Why are his movements practically non existent today but everything else fine (I got another appointment wednesday)

Im just so so scared for my little boy :(
I know how you feel except its our baby with kidney probs and no fluid. The biggest killer is pul. Hypoplasia as they can't develop lungs without fluid but we only lost the last of our fluid at 28 weeks. They think our chances may be slightly more than the normal 50/50 but they can't say.

They say premmies can go either way but look at all the survivors on here. Stay strong x
:hugs: I hope your lo stays cooking for many more weeks.

If you do deliver within the next few weeks then it is a big help you have had the steroids as they mature the babies lungs. Until the baby is born it is difficult to determine what help he will need. The most common things are needing assistance breathing either with a ventilator or cpap (mask on nose that puts some pressure into their lungs). Most prem babies have jaundice so will need light treatment. He will be in an incubator as he will be too small to maintain his body temp. They usually start babies on fluids via a drip and if he is stable enough they will introduce a tiny amount of breastmilk and gradually increase it once he tolerates it.

Everyday in the tummy makes a big difference. If you do deliver early there is plenty of people on this board to answer any questions and help you on your nicu journey.

Take care xx
Hey hunny
At 26 weeks thats a very good weight. You're further on than i was when alex was born, and she only got one set of steroids. Alex was 2lb 14oz and we were constantly told she was a big weight from the neonatal nurses.

25weeker is right, every day counts.

Alexs blog, from birth onwards www.babygagasdiary.blogspot.com
thanks ladies.

HopefulMI - I really do hope that the best possible outcome happens for you hun. Hold on to that 50 chance, I know its scary but try be strong for baba (easily said than done I know!) What are they going to do for you?

sb22 and 25 weeker thanks to the both of you for replying. To know your both babies were born so early and are fine now gives me a lot of hope.

Im so frightened of him clutching on to the cord again :( What a crazy baby. His heartrate went right down and mine crossed over his and went right up to 150 at the same time as I panicked so much.

I am so thankful to still have him inside me right now an extra day. But getting so worried about what hes up to in there!

Im wondering could the steroids have had affect on his movements? I had my first lot at 9pm last night and about half hour later he went quiet and been quiet since. Except 9 am this morning he started moving about and then injection at 10am and been quiet since. All day. Not like him.

Have so much pressure down below (feel like everytime I sit or walk my down below area is going to burst open if you know what I mean?)
What a worry for you. The ladies here will be able to give you lots of advice and hints. Just keep an eye on movement- what did the hospital say to you about movement and how many to be looking out for? remember that if you are worried about Lo moving you need to phone the hospital- it is what they are there for.xxx
Big hugs hun :hugs:

I had the same thing at 28 weeks. Regular contractions and pressure and was kept in hospital with signs of premature labour. I was given steroids and they managed to stop the contractions and I was sent home. I carried my baby to 40+11 in the end, and all was well. Hope it's a similar story for you.
indy and lara - the movements have been down all night and morning but they still sent me home this evening because they checked him via a doppler scan and said his growth oxygen and bloody flow look fine so they are not worried? They did say if he movements dont pick up tomorrow to ring in. But that the movements could be down to him being head down? :S

I have consultant appointment wednesday with another scan so shall see what happens. Just hoping babys movements pick up tonight. They didnt give me anything to slow contractions because they slowed down o ntheir own over night and they were very happy with them this morning. But I got home just over hour ago and the pains and aches have started again. Im keeping an eye on the tightenings and if they get worse again tonight will have to phone hospital but going to be difficult to get out as we are deep inches in snow now.

pyrrhic Im glad they managed to stop you hun, I hope that happens for me! But they have said because of the bicornuate uterus I have very little chance of going full term (37 weeks)
:hugs: You have had steroids which is great and your baby seems a great size. The chances at 28 weeks are great, mainly a case of your baby in NICU to help them grow and maintain their temp.

Its great your cervix is closed still, have you had its length checked and a ffn test? these can give you more info as to how iminent birth is. Also there are meds your ob can send you home with to take if you have more than 4 contractions in an hour, terbutaline for eg.

Good luck hun:flower:
Hi :hugs:

Just wanted to say I'd totally agree with what the others have said.

My little Sophie was born at 27 weeks exactly, weighing just 1lb 13oz. She spent 7 weeks in intensive care, 3 weeks in high dependency and 2 weeks in special care before coming home 6 days before her due date. The main thing with Sophie was her breathing and she was on CPAP for 10 weeks. She had a touch of jaundice when she was a few days old but other than that it was really just the breathing.

I did actually find after the steroids that she wasn't moving around so much because I remember really panicking that night and then thinking maybe I was being paranoid because they had told me to look out for any reduction in movement.

I never realised before I found out Sophie was coming early just how many babies are born very early and go on to do really well. When they told me I might just get to 30 weeks, I honestly didn't think she'd have a chance of survival - till I came on here.

Sophie's blog is on my signature - I'm afaid I'm a few weeks behind with it but the whole story of her birth and neonatal journey are on there.

There are lots of people on here who will be able to help you.

I hope your baby stays put for a few weeks yet :hugs:
So glad to hear about your little sophie hun what a fighter!

Im very worried about his movements I must say why do you think this could be happening?

I am told to wait until tomorrow and if movements still down I have to phone midwife. Very greatful for all your responses.
:hugs: It is very scary. Our baby was born at 28 weeks and 6 days, and he is now 1 month and 4 days old. He was born weighing 2 pounds 11 ounces, and measuring 15 inches long. He's now almost 17 inches long, and 4 pounds 8 ounces.

If you do deliver soon, the steroid injections you got will be a huge help. I had two steroid injections a few days before I delivered, and they helped a lot! Thanks to them, Elias didn't even need to be ventilated.

Being in the NICU is a roller-coaster, but I'm sure you will get through it, and so will your little one. :hugs:
Hi honey, my waters went at 25+6 and when I was scanned they estimated him at 1lb 13oz. I held onto him until 28+3 when he arrived weighing 2lb 11.5oz!! I stayed in hospital for the 2.5 weeks before having him and I got told that 28 is a "magic number" and that's what they wanted me to aim for!
Well Leo proved them right because he only spent 7.5 weeks in neonatal (they do tell you to aim for the due date for coming home though),one day ventilated, breathing on his own within about a week,it took him a while to keep his oxygen levels up though and he had one little operation. It's amazing how things progress!
Obviously I had no idea what the neonatal journey would be like, even after having specialists talk to me about it, but I was imagining alsorts and could never have dreamed we'd have such a positive outcome. Stay strong and good luck xx
25weeker resumed it very well! *waves* It is indeed very scary but try to keep positive - every day helps! If your little one does arrive early, the nicu is quite the rollercoaster ride but you`ll have all these great ladies to help you through it :thumbup:

Your little one already weighs double what mine did =p It was a rough ride, he stayed in nicu until 3 weeks past his due date but he pulled through.

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