what typically sweet wise do you eat a day? Cake, chocolate, sweeties, or do just just sweeten things heavily like tea, coffee and cerials etc?
Like I say keep tabs of what you eat a day so you can see where the bulk of your calories go. This is a really usefull amaerican resource for you https://www.fitday.com/ Free to use, just enter the details of what you eat in a day, it will tell you your total calorie intake a day and break it down on a chart so you can see how much protien, carbs, fat etc your taking in.
As for your sweet tooth, obviously if its in sweetning food you can obviously use sugar substitutes, if your liking sweet snacks dont deprive yourself it will only make dieting harder to stick to as you will end up having chocolate binges. I live chocolate and treats so what I do is I have 5 small meals a day, this is great for weight loss as when you eat your metabolism speeds up, if you eat only 2 -3 big meals you body struggles to process it all in one hit so stores it as . . yup fat! So if you eat small amounts throught the day your blood sugar remains consistant and your energy levels good, you aviod bloating and your metabolism burns off the calories more eficiently. Typically I have a breakfast cerial then an early lunch of pitta bread sandwiches, or boiled eggs etc then mid afternoon I have low fat chocolate cake, then dinner of chicken fish or pork, with salad or veg, and potatoes rice or cous cous then in the evening I have dessert of fruit and low fat icecream or I have popcorn, so Im still getting treats so I dont feel like Im depriving myself of the good stuff, Im eating loads so I dont go hungry but still only having 1200 calories a day.