So my olivia has being doing well but i keep getting worried about her distended belly. I know its common for preemies to have big tummies especially given how premature she is but seeing her tummy yesterday had me freaked out i burst into tears. For some reason though the doctors aren't that concerned cuz no large aspirates are coming back, she is opening her bowels 2-3 times a day which looks normal, she doesn't look tired or sick. We asked for a scan to be done yday and it turns out its a lot of air but i cant help but worry. She is 30 weeks gestational age and weighs 770g and so Dr's dont want to stop her feeds as her weight gain is slow. She is on 160mls per day and having 5mls every hour. We cant seem to go past 160mls as she's been on that volume of milk for a while. Tried going up to 180ml but she vomitted and was reduced back to 160ml which seems to be comfortable with. Cant stop worrying about the size of her belly. Dont u guys think its reasonable to stop feeds as i am going to try and suggest that to her doctors when i visit tommorrow pls advice and especially from anyone who has experienced this or sthg similar. Also her size worries me a lot. Its so hard
Dont read and run.
Dont read and run.