Do I call or will I just get fobbed off?


Cautiously expecting #3
Nov 24, 2013
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I'm 38+1. I have a c section scheduled at 39+3. Reason for c section is that I've had 2 previous c sections and consultant wasn't happy for me to vba2c. Fine with me, I was happy for another elective.

Anyway, pregnancy has been great, nothing to report really. Strangely for a third baby, baby has been fully engaged since around 35 weeks, and stayed there. I visibly 'dropped' and have had that bowling ball between the legs feeling and peeing every 15 minutes. Lol.

Anyway on Monday (a week ago) I started having contractions, they weren't Braxton hicks. They lasted for about 4 hours and were every 6-7 minutes but not painful enough for me to do anything about it. I went to bed with paracetamol and woke up fine the next day. Then every day last week I had the same thing, mainly in the evenings, up to 4 hours of contractions but nothing I couldn't cope with.

Then on Saturday I noticed them during the daytime too whereas they'd mainly been happening in the evenings. I had to call the midwife centre on Saturday anyway to see if some blood results were back for me and while I was on the phone the midwife asked how I was and I told her about the contractions etc. She said she would advise that I call the main hospital where I'm due to have my section and arrange to go in to at least get my pre op brought forward incase I need to be taken in earlier (I'm not due to have it until Friday).

She said I should take my bags incase they decide to keep me in and do the section etc.

Anyway Saturday was a really hectic day for me, my oh was at work, I had no childcare and because the contractions still weren't painful enough I just left it.

Then last night having contractions again I lost some plug (which I know is totally normal), and immediately after had quite bad period cramps and a bit of pressure down below. Went to bed and woke up fine today.

TMI but I've had a couple if bowel movements already this morning and then lost another big glob of plug. I've not noticed any blood, just yellowy snotty slime. Anyway so now I'm say here with period cramps again, the odd contraction and a pressure/throbbing down below in my foof, and when I stand I have to give it a minute to settle as it's quite intense and feels like she might fall out.

Now part of me thinks I should call the hospital just to see what they say, but the other part of me says not to bother, they just won't be interested and will just fob me off telling me not to worry unless the contractions get really painful or regular.

With my second daughter I was scheduled a c section for 38+2 and at 37 weeks I had a night of quite bad contractions but when I called they just were so not bothered and basically told me I was overreacting. So I'm just reluctant to waste my time again. It seems the midwives at the midwife centre are always way more sympathetic and willing to listen and see what's what, whereas the main hospital always seem too busy dealing with other things.

Would you call? The period pains I'm having now are quite bad but to me they aren't contractions, I've had a couple throughout the morning but now I've got the cramps and pressure but my bump isn't going hard anymore.

Thanks, and well done if you got to the end of my essay!

Hi I would give them a call tell them your situation and make them aware of the contractions you've been having, if they make you feel like you are bothering them I would tell them your own midwife advised you to call.
I'd call. The worest is they fob you off but at least you know you tried keeping them in the loop

I would say your MW advised you call tho
Yes agreed - I'd let them know the situation and say your midwife told you to call. I hope someone nice answers the phone and doesn't fob you off, it is so frustrating when you get treated like that! All the best :flower:
I would seems it will be your third c section. Also third babies are so unpredictable, be best to get checked out, id only guess if you went into labour it would be all 'rushed' rather than the calm planned approach.
I would definitely give them a call. Keep us updated :) x
Well after posting I came over crazy tired, like unable to keep my eyes open. So decided to nap while my youngest did.

When I woke up I needed another bowel movement (I only ever have one a day) which was my 4th today. And as I wiped I felt more plug come away but this time it was browny tinged.

Only noticed a couple of contractions this afternoon, mainly more of a constant tight feeling around my stomach and mild cramping.

I had to collect my eldest from school but we're home now and no change, so going to get my daughters bathed and fed and make a decision when my oh gets home later on.

keep us posted hun. Hope either settles for you or you get anwsers.take care
Give them a ring! I have been told to ring for every twinge that repeats itself more than a couple of times. I've rang in a couple of times already, they don't drag me in for monitoring but they quiz me about them and ask me if I'm confident monitoring myself. I am, and they generally thank me for ringing, and give me a list of things to watch for. I have quiet the list now haha.
I also blame the midwife/consultant every time I ring them. "Hiya, I was told to ring if I get any pain or discomfort by my midwife. It's just...". If I get a grumpy bollocks on the phone, I just keep mentioning what the consultant said haha.
Same today, no real change. Still losing plug, still having mild cramps, and the odd contraction here and there but nothing to write home about.

TMI but still having a good clear out too. So I'm hoping that all these things added together might mean things are at least moving in the right direction, but if I'm honest I can still totally see me making my section date next Wednesday!


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