so me and my husband have had a rubbish past 16 months, he became addicted to drugs during the start of my pregnancy and kept abandoning me through it. Anyway since before christmas we were trying again and he was leaving the drugs alone and things were really good except he's out of work and we're really struggling for money. so he's been going for interviews and putting the petrol that he needs to get there on my credit card. anyway today i told him i didn't want him to do it and he begged me and begged me to let him so he could go to this interview and make it up to me how he's treated me etc etc and anyway when he didn't come home tonight i was totally worried about him so log onto his emails and what do i find? he's arranged to meet the girl he was sleeping with for drugs. i can't believe i was stupied enough to beleive him. My baby is asleep in the other room but he's so poorly and everytime he coughs it just breaks my heart knowing that his dad would rather be there with some cheap drug dealer than here looking after him. i'm sorry this is just a massive rant but i can't believe i'm sat here again like this