Do you get lo to do any jobs in the house ?

Mrs Doddy

1 pink 1 blue
Aug 2, 2008
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I know they are quite young but I've always been of the mind that now she is nearly 3 she is not a baby and has to do things for herself and to help - I don't force her and more often than not I will e doing something and she will offer

She turns the dishwasher on
Takes her plate into the kitchen when finished
Loads washing machine and tumble dryer
"Tidy up time" in her playroom
She can make her own breakfast with me holding the milk as she pours

My parents didn't do any of this with me , wasn't aloud in the kitchen and wonder sometimes if that's why I'm so lazy ! Don't want lo to be like this so am encouraging she tries to do things and I will help if she needs it

What do your lo's do ?
I'm teaching lo to tidy her toys away. That's it so far
He cleans up his room, he does it all around the day as he can't play if there are so many toys around.
Loading/ unloading washing machine/ dryer
Putting his snacks plate back in the kitchen when he's done
Bringing water for me when I ask him :rofl:
Getting his shoes from his room when we go out
Putting his dirty clothes in the laundry box
Preparing his morning cereals (with my help)
Wiping the table after he's done playing with water
his 'jobs' are:-

To tidy his toys away at the end of the day.
to put his clean clothes away (he LOVES doing this!!).
to put the dishwasher tablet in the dishwasher (heaven help me if I do it without telling him!).
to put the washing tablet in the washing machine.
to put his plate in the kitchen when he has finished eating.

He also has his own little broom and dust pan and brush so he can 'help' me sweep the floor.
laundry in his hamper.
washing in the washing machine.
Washing on the drier
toys away
tidies room
he fetches nappies for himself and the baby if i ask..

all things he helps himself, i dont ask him too, i tell him thats what im off to do, and there he is helping lol xx
Earl doesn't have 'chores' yet but we do have expectations of him.

He'll help to make beds, put washing in the basket, help me hang washing on the airer/line.

He'll take away plates and cups when finished.

He'll put rubbish in the bin and if he finds anything on the floor that's clearly rubbish he's expected to pick it up and put it in the litter when out and about too.

He helps me with vacuuming and dusting (gets upset if I'm rushing lol) and loves to vacuum the stairs - that is 'his job' if he has one lol.

He helps with the garden - waters the plants for me, weeds the plant pots, things like that.

When I clean the bathroom he helps me rinse off the shower and bath (loves that lol).

I think that's about everything. Generally he doesn't have chores and I'm quite lax on him with things like keeping his room tidy or picking up his toys, but I think that's because the house is so small and there's now two of them making a mess and until Eddy can help too it seems a bit unfair. If we get things like Play doh or bricks out though he'll put them away when finished as they're messy lol.

I think I go quite easy on him....but if I ask him to do something he'll do it so I guess that's something.
Tobys 'jobs' are -

Tidying toys away when I ask
Putting his clothes in the washing basket.

He helps load the dishwasher and washing machine/tumble drier but only coz he likes it lol x
She's a little young yet, but yes she'll have jobs like the ones listed above.

We've started on helping put her toys away so far and she's catching on quite quickly :)
I've found this quite difficult with a non walking toddler. She loves to help but there is so much she can't do. So mainly I have to invent things that she can help with. She loves washing up so I put a bowl on the floor with washing up water and get her to wash up my plastic tubs. Or sit her chair at the work tops and she wipes them down. Oh and she loves dusting so I have the cleanest skirting boards of all!

And Binxyboo, Abby is the same with the dishwasher - goes nuts if I dare put the tablet in!
Adrian helps tidy away his toys, usually before lunch and then before dinner (just looking at the devastation in the sitting room, it didn't happen with daddy today! :haha:)
He loves putting the washing in the machine, putting the tablet in and turning it on. I have to quickly adjust the programme, but he's so proud of himself.
He grabs the wipes off me when i'm doing his hands after meal time and wipes his highchair tray - i do that one properly as well!
It's all just copying, so so cute.
He's a bit too young yet to do anything properly... If i tell him to put his worn clothes in the wash basket, they go in the right direction, just might not make their proper destination! :)
Tidies her toys away
Helps me load the washing machine and turn it on
"Hangs" the washing up
Likes dusting
Jaxon feeds the dog, and gives the dog her treats.
He puts the tablet in the diswasher
he 'helps' fold clothes (I wish he wouldnt do this one)
and latly he's been helping cook dinner (we let him help season the meal, and stir if we have to stir). Suprisingly the first time we let him season all by himself the dinner was still edible and very tasty...he must be a natural.
We've always encouraged LO to help out and so far she does it willingly. She helps to load/unload washing machine and hang up washing. She puts washing in the washing basket, rubbish in the bin, sweeps the floors, helps feed the animals. She'll help me to clear and set the table and wipe up. She helps with cooking and likes to stir things or pour things. At the moment it's all a game to her and she does it willingly. Hopefully she'll be the same when she's a teenager!
she will load the washing machine for me & gets the clothes out after.
she puts her pj's & clothes in the wash bin.
she makes her bed.
she puts her wipes away after ive changed her nappy & gets nappy & wipes out before nappy change.
shes puts her toys away.
she helps hoover.
puts her plate in the kitchen.
if i give her a baby wipe she will clean what ever she can reach.

at my muns she helps unload the dishwasher.
feeds the birds & fish etc..

slave labour. :dohh:
Ajay helps me put the washing in and hang it out. We tidy his toys together and he helps oh wash the cars. He doesn't really help but he wants to so it's sweet.
He tidies his room daily, helps load and unload the washing machine/drier. Cleans up spills with a towel if he knocks a drink over, etc.

Nothing big, he enjoys doing them all :)
Thomas 'wipes' his high chair, puts blocks away and I'm teaching him to fetch me certain things his shoes etc. not a lot as he's still quite young. He loves it though thinks its a game :)
My lo helps put her toys away. She will bring.her plate to you when she has finished with it (food left or not lol) she puts rubbish in the bin when.asked and she will help me put laundry in the washer.and also transfer to the dryer when its washed

Mojo tidies his room before he goes to bed. Also likes to help unload the washing machine and he puts stuff in the dryer for me, and he presses the button to make it start
She's only 14 months but she 'carries' her nappies/clothes/wipes downstairs in the mornings, as she gets older I intend to encourage her to do things that will both make her feel grown up and give me a break! Lol!

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