Hi girls,
I saw my GP in August as I have PCOS, have long cycles (around 70 days) and TTC.
He referred me to a gynecologist at King's college, Denmark Hill. I booked the appointment for the 21st September. But when they received my GP's letter, the "consultant" cancelled my appointment and transferred me to the Assisted Conception Unit at King's College.
There, my husband and I had some tests confirming my PCOS (which I already knew about) and my husband only has 4% of normal forms (but count rest being ok).
I started metformin on the 22nd October and had my first cycle of clomid (50mg) but the scans showd I didn't respond. So I need to go on next cycle and have another follicule tracking scan
Although my treatments are funded by the NHS, they charge £200 for the follicle tracking scans and I don't understand why tey charge for this...
I was wondering what unit follows you girls and if you have all treatments free.. If not, what do they charge you for?
I saw my GP in August as I have PCOS, have long cycles (around 70 days) and TTC.
He referred me to a gynecologist at King's college, Denmark Hill. I booked the appointment for the 21st September. But when they received my GP's letter, the "consultant" cancelled my appointment and transferred me to the Assisted Conception Unit at King's College.
There, my husband and I had some tests confirming my PCOS (which I already knew about) and my husband only has 4% of normal forms (but count rest being ok).
I started metformin on the 22nd October and had my first cycle of clomid (50mg) but the scans showd I didn't respond. So I need to go on next cycle and have another follicule tracking scan
Although my treatments are funded by the NHS, they charge £200 for the follicle tracking scans and I don't understand why tey charge for this...
I was wondering what unit follows you girls and if you have all treatments free.. If not, what do they charge you for?