Do you think a homebirth is a possibility?

Eleanor ace

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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Hi! :wave:
I'm currently expecting Lo number 2. I'm seeing my consultant in 2 weeks to discuss birth plans but I'd really like to get prepared before then, so that I know what my options are. So, back story:
DS was 9lb 15oz. I had a good labour, quick (6 hours) and had G&A for pain relief which was very effective. I really loved labour and am very excited to do it again! Unfortunately I had a 3rd/4th degree tear and due to that and DS's size my consultant is keen for me to have a c-section. Obviously if I NEED a c-section for LO then I will have one. But I don't feel that I need one and my midwife is happy with me having another vaginal delivery if all goes well with the pregnancy.
So if I can have another vaginal delivery I would like to try for a home birth. Although my labour was great there were aspects that I wasn't happy with, which I feel could have been avoided if I was at home. I was induced at 13 days over. I was checked an hour before I went into labour and when I called the midwife back to say I was in labour she didn't believe me and was cross with me. She wouldn't get me my asthma medicine when I couldn't breathe properly because she said I was just working myself up. Despite it saying in my notes that I was suffering with a chest infection and that I should have access to a nebuliser during labour. Then she examined me and let me have my medicine and all was well. She left me in the exam room while she went to book me a room. I wanted to go to the MLU and use the pool which I'd been told would be fine. She ended up taking me to L&D instead which I wasn't happy about, I'd really wanted to labour in the water. DS needed to be monitored as he was tachycardic and in L&D they only had a monitor which required me to lie on my back, whereas in the MLU they had a monitor which could be used in the water or in different positions. I had progressed 0-7cm in 2 hours before getting to L&D but once I was on my back labour slowed. Being on my back was quite painful as DS was back to back. I know this isn't a big deal but it would have been nice if I could have gone to the MLU, especially as there was no reason for me not to.
Anyway DS had a nuchal hand which is what caused the tearing. Pushing took 2 hours and I'm sure if I'd been able to deliver on all fours (which is how I'd laboured until I got to L&D) he'd have found it easier to make his way out!
If I have a home birth I can have a water birth, have gas and air if I want it and if LO needs monitoring the midwives can use the portable monitor. However I don't know if there's any way my consultant will agree?? I am counted as high risk due to the previous tear, the fact that DS was tachycardic and his size and my current tachycardia. I think I will likely need to be induced again this time (in my family the women have always needed inducing and usually have quick labours once induction starts) and I don't know whether this counts against you for being allowed a home birth?
Sorry its so long (and probably really jumbled!), any advice greatly appreciated! :flower:
I would discuss all your options with the midwife who is happy for you to have a vaginal delivery. As you are still early enough in your pregnancy there is time to monitor and check that all would be fine with a home birth(measurements, heart rates, blood tests, etc.). I hope that they will let you have it.
Thanks :). I spoke to my midwife, she said she wouldn't completely rule it our, but its something that the consultant would lead on decision wise. So if he says no, for the midwives its also a no.
I guess I just have to be patient, and hope he has mellowed a little :)
Hopefully if everything is shaping up differently he will be willing to consider it a possibility.
You don't need his permission - if you want a homebirth you can have one. It sounds like a lot of your issues in labour wouldn't have occurred if you had been cared for differently in labour, and wouldn't happen at home (ie not being allowed to mobilise) Have you visited xxx
Thanks :). I spoke to my midwife, she said she wouldn't completely rule it our, but its something that the consultant would lead on decision wise. So if he says no, for the midwives its also a no.
I guess I just have to be patient, and hope he has mellowed a little :)

Actually hun its you that has the lead on where you have your baby, thay cannot say yes or no and if they try to they are breaking legislation. They can only advise and give you the facts.
Ooh I didn't know that, the way it was put to me was that if the consultant suggests a c-section I can decline, but I would be going against medical advice, but if the consultant says no to a homebirth the midwives won't be able to attend to me at home. I feel a bit more positive, my hospital are very pro homebirth and it was presented as an option to me with DS, right up to the point where I went over due, so maybe he'll be supportive this time if all goes well :).
The consultant can say no, but the midwives have a legal obligation to provide you with care, or be struck off, but they would never tell you that. Lots of women birth successfully at home 'against medical advice' with no problems whatsoever xxx
Ooh I didn't know that, the way it was put to me was that if the consultant suggests a c-section I can decline, but I would be going against medical advice, but if the consultant says no to a homebirth the midwives won't be able to attend to me at home. I feel a bit more positive, my hospital are very pro homebirth and it was presented as an option to me with DS, right up to the point where I went over due, so maybe he'll be supportive this time if all goes well :).

Like booflebump said, the midwives can't say no. You just tell them that's what you're doing and they will show up when you need them, end of. It's your birth, your body and your baby, and they have a duty of care to you. Now, I don't know anything about tachycardia to be honest, but the nuchal hand and the fact that you were induced before probably go a long way to explaining why you had a tear. There's nothing about your body that is prone to tearing, it was just a product of the situation, and more than likely won't happen again. You can't be induced for a home birth, but there's no reason you can't try to wait it out. Most women do go into labour before 42 weeks anyway, and there are also natural ways to induce that aren't likely to cause such fast powerful labours (like with induction) and that might make you less prone to tear because your body will be able to cope with the intensity a bit better. It's worth looking into. And size isn't an issue either for most women. My doula had a really traumatic first birth in hospital (with a really bad cut and tear) and went on to birth a 10lb 9oz baby at home with no pain relief and no major tearing the second time. So it is absolutely possible! I'd say do your research and decide what's best for you. is a great resource, especially if you have nervous consultants or midwives. That said, if you're able to hire a doula to support you in whatever choice you make, you're likely to have a much, much more positive and lower intervention birth no matter where it happens. I am really loving my doula already and she's been a great resource and an amazing voice of reason. And doulas don't have to be expensive either. In the UK, mentored doulas work for free (they're still training) and relatively new doulas are considerably less than some of the 'older' ones. We are far from rich, but easily able to afford to hire here as her fees are pretty low.
If they say no, contact AIMS. They are very helpful! They will help you know your rights and let you know what steps to take :)
i had a very difficult labour with my first and ended up having an assisted delivery as both mine and my daughters heart rates were all over the place. but i have been told that as long as i know the risks and that the pregnancy goes well there is no reason for me not to have a home birth. fight your case if its what u want! :) xx

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