For me, the name's origin is irrelevant. It's the meaning. Like you said, it can really shape a child's identity. I know my mom put a lot of thought into what my name meant and her hopes for me, so I'm proud of my name. For me, if I'm going to use a name from a show then I want it to be because I like that character. If my DD survived, she would have been Aria. I know that the Ezra/Aria relationship in PLL is so problematic, but Aria is brave, vulnerable, loyal, and loving. I also love the way it sounds, the literal name origin (I come from a family of singers), and that it starts with A since DS has an A name as well. DS was almost Tobias. I loved Tobias in general from Divergent, but especially his whole speech about how he admires each faction for their standout quality and how he wished to be brave, selfless, smart, honest, and kind. His middle name is after my dad who was brave, selfless, smart, honest, and kind.

As long as it's meaningful to you, it'll be meaningful to them. But yeah I wouldn't use a name of a character in show if didn't like their character development just like I vetoed a lot of names that, for lack of better wording, teaching ruined for me hahaha.