Doc says clomid but i ovulate?


Here we go again...
Mar 2, 2010
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Hi everyone,
In december I will have been trying for a year to conceive, with a mc in march. My specialist said that I shouls most likely be pregnant again by this time, and the next step would be to start clomid and do IUI basically. Anyone have any idea why he wouldn't just try clomid first with timed intercourse? Why jump right to IUI? Also if I'm ovulating why do I need to go on clomid? I've had hsg and shg which were fine. He did say something about if there is a problem with the tubes picking up the egg then there would be more of a chance. I asked a lot of questions when I was there and I will be asking him these questions as well, but does this sound normal to you? He did also mention that the best success rates have been found with clomid and insemination rather than by one method on its own...
Thanks for your help...
Some Dr. perscribe clomid so that you produce more follicles and there is a better chance of the sperm connecting with one of the eggs. you could probably as your dr to consider timed intercourse but with the IUI the sperm is washed and then place past the cervix give it a better opportunity of connecting with the egg, versus trying to swim to meet the egg as with regular intercourse.

Good luck and keep us posted.
hi hun, it does seem a bit quick for him to suggest iui or even clomid for that matter but every area in the country have doctors who do things differently. the doctor wouldnt give me clomid as i ovulate well and it would be against his practice to in case it over stimulated me and i ended up with a multiple pregnany that puts my health in jeopardy. im so sorry for your mc. (((hugs))) because you have been able to be pregnant and it was this year, i wouldnt suggest rushing into being poked and prodded ( I am going through it a the moment) perhaps your body is just taking a while to prepare itself to hold a full healthy pregnancy, good luck with what happens next. keep us posted xxx
hi i was ovulating ok but i was put on clomid, just the low dose of 50mg. i fell preg with twins in feb which was 4th cycle of clomid after ttc for nearly 2 years! :) im pleased to say i have 12 day old boy and girl twinnies now :) i didnt have iui, we just timed it. My sister also ovulates fine and is about to start clomid as has been ttc for almost 2 years. good luck x

I wish my doctor would do this for me!! I ovulate really well but my partner only has 4% mobility sperm. My mum went on clomid to increase her chances of conceiving my sister (and this was 21 years ago!!!) but she had polycystic ovaries (excuse my spelling lol) and she was pregs the next month!

When i suggested it to my doctor, his blunt answer was "well your not the one with the problem are you"!! Tosser lol!

But if your saying it increases chances of the sperm attaching i may try another doc and say that lol!

Thank you xx
I ov just do not ov on a good cd last cycle I ov on cd 38 ! So I'm on my 1st round of clomid and on cd 13 and as of yesterday had 2 follicles over 19mm hopefully they both will drop and I can be like dancingkaty !! I have to do my ovdril inj tomorrow so here's hoping
Thank you all for your replies... i think i will ask my doc about starting clomid by itself and just going from there. I dont feel ready to do anything more aggressive until ive been trying for a few more months. Having said that, if the clomid doesnt work after a few months, i would try the IUI. we are getting a SA for my husband too to make sure there is no MF issue so we will see. Twins would be great.. whatever happens.. happens! Hanzy, i hope it is like you say and my body is just getting ready to carry a healthy, full term pregnancy :) thanks again to everyone and good luck
Hi, I had unexplained infertility, all tests for me and oh came bk clear, doc said that there isnt a way of actually twllin that you are actually ovulating normally but all my tests suggested that I was, I was put on 100 clomid, hyperovulated so was told not to dtd or could end up with multiple preg, following month had a 50mg does and fell pregnant with my daughter who was born 6 weeks ago x
Hi Girls... newbie here.. I went to OB/GYN today, and as I have been trying for a few months and I am also 40... Dr put me on Clomid right away... gave me 50 mg and said to try that for 3 months if it doesnt work he will then refer me to a FS. He is not going to do any tests on me at all, through out the cycle, to check my folicles or anything... this sound odd to you ? or maybe becaue the dosage is low ? cause I see a lot of other girls go on 100 or 150. His instructions to me were to just said to take the Clomid from CD 3-7 , on CD9 do a homemade baking soda/water douche, then have sex day 12,14,16,18.

Interesting never heard of the baking soda douche before.

So I am actualy on CD14 right now...waiting for my CBFM to go peak on me so I still have a chance this month... but if not I guess its on to my first cycle of Clomid next month... gonna be doing my research on that now, and reading more threads on here about it as well.
My god I cant believe he isnt montioring you, when I was put on 100mg went for a follical scan and was told not to do the deed or could end up with 6 babies, even when it was reduced to 50mg i had hyperovulated but only one follicle was big enough to work so was told to try but the following month they were going to change my meds, never heard of a baking soda doushe before
ya he is kind of an old school dr (so to speak) he is the OB/GYN I have been going to since I was 16 (so thats been for 24 years now) and he is appx 70 years old. I usually only seen him once a year get my examine and I am out the door.

Went specifically to "speak" to him about TTC and his thoughts. I really am going to go to a different dr, starting the 1st of the year who is more "in with the times" .

I did just get off the phone with another one of my friends that actually did take Clomid un monitored as well.. for the 1st 3 months she just took it and "had sex" the next 3 months the dr monitored her as she was getting prepped for an IUI.

Dont know seems like some girls are monitored closely while others are not... I think what I will atleast do is call the office back come Monday, and let them know that I want to get prescribed the 21 day progestrone test to make sure I am ovulating while I am taking these Clomid, if he doesnt care to know my progestrone levels, I certainly do.

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