Doctors, Tests, & All the Rest!


Going with the flow!
Jul 7, 2009
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After speaking with groovygrl in another thread, I think this is important!

For those of you who feel that your doctors have failed you or aren't being helpful enough... I want this thread to help you, me... us! I want it to be a collection of the tests that can and should be run to try to help discover potential issues that keeps up from having the babies we desire so desperately!

My next post is going to be a list of my recent blood test results, with the "normal" range of those results. I'll also add some info about one of the results specifically that many people aren't tested for and probably should be!

Please, ask your questions, add your experiences, vent your frustrations at the medical community.... whatever you need to do!


Tests suggested by groovygrl's naturopath:

1) FBC - including ESR
Vit. D
iron, ferritin, B12
FSH, LH, E2 - Day 2-3
lgE, lgA
Antinuclear antibodies
Cardiolipin antibodies
Lupus anticoagulant
Thrombophilia studies
2) Progesterone - Day 21

Chart of normal blood test results and when tests should be done (also from groovygrl):

Links for PCOS sufferers from (from hb1):

A link re GI diet and PCOS :

PCOS and rapid weight gain :

Clomid overview :

Soulcycters :

Great Metformin link:

General PCOS info:

Link to info on AMH test (from zeezee):

Info on Vitamin B12 (from VGibs):

"Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 has been shown to contribute to increased risk of miscarriage and this increased risk of miscarriage can be reversed with vitamin B12 supplementation.

Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. Vitamin B12 helps to lower elevated homocysteine levels.


1,000 - 2,000 mcg (1 - 2 mg) per daY."

On this

Vitamin D deficiency and fertility (from Megg33k):

Link to Google Search.... Too many good pages to list them all!

Its really interesting stuff and not often checked by most doctors! Some sources say that up to 75% of women don't have nearly enough Vitamin D. It can affect the fertility of both men and women!

MTHFR (from heatherv2):

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a rare genetic defect that can lead to complications in pregnancy.

Adrenals (from shaerichelle):

Improve Your Fertility by Maximizing Your Adrenal Gland Function

Celiac Disease (from fluffyblue):

My friend has piped in with a comment about something to do with wheat intolerances can cause miscarriage do you know anything about this - im now concerned !

I googled this:

Women who experience recurrent miscarriages or those whose fetuses show intrauterine growth ******ation may have undiagnosed celiac disease.

Celiac disease is a genetic condition that causes those afflicted to experience difficulty absorbing gluten, as found in wheat, oats, barley, and several other grains. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal distention, and fatigue. And research suggests that more people may have a symptomless, milder form that may often go undetected. Recent studies have indicated that many people are found to have mild forms of the disease when their blood is tested for the condition, even though they were unaware that there was a problem.

Women who experience repeat miscarriages, also known as recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) or intrauterine growth ******ation (IUGR) -- a condition in which a baby is born significantly smaller than normal -- may have celiac disease that has gone undetected.

Researchers, led by Dr. Antonio Gasbarrini, explain that they decided to look at celiac disease since it is a common cause of malabsorption of food in western countries. And for some time, miscarriages have been correlated with celiac disease.

Gasbarrini and colleagues conducted blood tests for the condition in 44 patients with RSA, 39 with IUGR, and 50 healthy women. None of the healthy women were found to have celiac disease, but the condition was detected in 8% of the women with RSA and 15% of those with IUGR.

Biopsy samples from the intestine confirmed diagnosis in eight of nine patients whose blood tested positive for the disease.

Women having recurrent miscarriages or intrauterine growth ******ation could have subclinical celiac disease, which will usually go undetected.

Celiac disease has been correlated with infertility, and with other conditions, including birth defects in children whose mothers could not absorb folic acid while pregnant because they had undiagnosed celiac disease, she said. It makes sense that the condition could lead to other problems related to too little nutritional intake, she pointed out. Spontaneous abortions could feasibly result if the mother was failing to absorb vitamins and minerals required by the baby, researchers explained. If celiac disease is responsible for some of these problems, it is easily treatable by avoiding products containing gluten.

Good Info Source About Blood Tests and Normal Levels (from kimini26):
Blood results: Hormone # (my result) [range of "normal"]

T4, Free 1.04 [0.60-1.40] NG/DL

TSH 2. 09 [0.34-4.82] uIU/ML

Beta HCG: <1 [0-6] MIU/ML (when not pregnant) - So, its dropped off completely, basically!

Antimicrosomal Antibodies (thyroid): <10 [Reference range = <35 IU/ML]

Progesterone: 0.5 NG/ML [Follicular: 0.2-1.4 NG/ML, Luteal: 3.3-25.6 NG/ML, Midluteal: 4.4-28.0 NG/ML, Pregnant 1st Tri: 11.2-90.0 NG/ML]

T3, Free: 336 [230-420] PG/DL

T3, RIA/T3, Total: 148 [76-181] NG/ML

Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy/Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total: 18 (low) [20-100] NG/ML
*25-OHD3 indicates both endogenous production and supplementation. 25-OHD2 is an indicator of exogenous sources such as diet or supplementation. Therapy is based on measurement of total 25-OHD, with levels <20 ng/mL indicative of Vitamin D deficiency while levels between 20 ng/mL and 30 ng/mL suggest insufficiency. Optimal levels are >30 ng/mL.

Vitamin D, 25-OH D3 18 NG/ML
Vitamin D, 25-OH D2 <4 NG/ML

So, I'm Vitamin D deficient!

About the Vitamin D deficiency: said:
So, Vitamin D deficiency can cause PCOS, insulin resistance, weight gain or the inability to keep weight off, cancer, osteoporosis, muscle pain, fatigue, depression, mood swings, sleep irregularities, and renal or intestinal problems.

Here's the best part... Optimally, we should have 50-70 ng/mL... I got an 18... and she told me it was "ALL NORMAL"?!?! WTF?!

Edit: Just read a study that showed a Vit D deficiency in rats lowered their fertility by 75%, and when they conceived it lowered the viability of the pups, made litters significantly smaller, and hindered the growth of the embryos!
hello ladies! I hope you find this helpful! As Megg articulated, our experience has taught us how important is to be empowered with knowledge.

I hope Hb1 doesn't mind but I'm pasting a copy of a post she made in another thread. It's a good one!

Here's a table of most tests and what they read from the levels.

They would normally test :

cd3 - estrogen, estradol ( gives indication of egg reserves I think ), testosterone and something else, 7dpo or cd21 they gen do progesterone.

Good luck with the testing

First question:

On a recent visit to my gp I asked for a referral to a specialist ob/gyn - I was looking for someone who would be more focused on helping me prevent MC and helping me concieve. I am 40 and have found very little support. Anyhoo... she was really supportive of sending me to a Dr. within a popular fertility clinic. She quickly offered that perhaps I should get started with clomid.Sadly almost $300- for the first consult with him and tests would be additional $. Can anyone offer an explaination of why clomid would help me? Dr. and I already know that I ovulate regularly. Beyond pushing an ovulation response, does clomid offer any further benefit to women who are ovulating?
Clomid can help too strengthen ovulation with a more mature, better quality egg being released. It can also aid in the release of more than one egg which gives the swimmers more targets to hit and a better chance for one of them to stick!

P.S. That chart is amazing! Thank you! xx
This is a fab idea Megg!!!

I have popped the useful links for PCOS sufferers too - it's on the pcos thread but woulod be good in a central place hx

A link re GI diet and PCOS :

PCOS and rapid weight gain :

Clomid overview :

Soulcycters :

Great Metformin link:

General PCOS info:

I've written in the recurrent mc thread, but wondered if you all would be able to help here too.

It looks like I'm having my 3rd mc, it will be confirmed tomorrow. I started to have tests privately before I found out I was pregnant, (TEG, and thrombophilia), both of which came back as normal, but I want to return now and have the rest done, but the Dr seemed reluctant to do more (I think due to my age), but I wanted to go back to him with a definitive list if poss, and say 'why aren't you testing for this?' and basically be a bit of a moody mare, because last time I was in there I cried for the whole visit and because my OH was working and couldn't come I didn't really take anything in.... and I felt he was quite dismissive. For example, shouldn't my partner's sperm be tested for a start?

I'm determined to go back and be a know it all this time, especially as it's costing me about £10 a minute!

If anyone could help I would be so grateful, I'm getting so desperate now for some kind of answer.... if it is ultimately my age, then I can rest easy that I did what I could.... I just can't give up on this now...

Thanks. Rach x
Hi Minnie

Here is a link for tests that they can/should do when investigating recurrent miscarriage - hope it helps :)


Fxd you get unexpected good news tomorrow and if not I am very sorry for your loss :hugs:

Megg, :hugs: I posted on FB. But please get some Vitamin D3 and start taking it. I have been doing this for 2 years I think its helped me with my fibro pain.

Also, I hear ya on docs. I have gotten no help in the ttc thing. I am frustrated.
Hi h, thank you so much for the link, it's really useful. I will be armed and dangerous now with knowledge, when I go back for a follow up.

I'm praying for some kind of miracle tomorrow, but the scan on Monday showed no fetal pole and I should be about 7 weeks (although they are unsure as I had no AF between this pregnancy and my last mc in March), and I'm bleeding.... so I'm prepared really, although I know actually getting it confirmed will be the hardest part. Thanks for your kind words tho'!

Rach x
Great thread - I will post some of the info on testing from my dr when I am more awake. One test not in the link above is the AMH test (anti-mullerian hormone testing) which is newer and shows ovarian reserve (and is constant, so can be done any time in the cycle). Here is a link with a chart for reading results:

Rach - I hope they're wrong about you losing this one. But, big huge :hugs: if not! I'm glad you were able to get the info that you needed, honey!

Thanks to everyone who has added their knowledge so far! I'm hoping this thread can help a lot of women over a very long time to get the testing they need and minimize their losses!
I know this one is kind of a no brainer but another thing to ask to be tested for is B12 defiency. I am not 100% sure why but my doc told me a big reason I lost my bub is because I had a severe B12 deficiency.
A little blurb that sums it up...

"Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 has been shown to contribute to increased risk of miscarriage and this increased risk of miscarriage can be reversed with vitamin B12 supplementation.

Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. Vitamin B12 helps to lower elevated homocysteine levels.


1,000 - 2,000 mcg (1 - 2 mg) per daY."

On this
Hey Megg, is it possible to get this as a "sticky thread" so that it doesn't disappear on us? I don't know if you have anything to do with that, but thought I would ask.
Hi ladies, this thread couldn't have come at a better time for me, after visiting the my GP last Friday she has agreed for some blood tests( which i had done yesterday), only really basic stuff though.. 5 Vials, including FBC and sticky blood, i think thyroid too.

I asked to be referred for more testing, i even offered to pay privately but we don't fit the criteria? the last two m/c were not late enough to justify further testing?

Should i expect more? I don't know minute i feel that she's right, then i get angry because i just can't face the prospect of another loss- this last one hit me really hard, then i'm scared to think what further testing could mean, then i'm upset cause all i want to do is keep TTC till i get a sticky bean- bloody hell!!!!

Anyway..i'm having a month off, let my body have a break,no caffeine, lots of vits, i'm on a diet( yay to the others who are too), BTW is there any connection between m/c and being overweight??? and the list goes on...

Megg, glad you could have found something with the vit D xx

Best of luck for the scan Rach xx :hugs:

Good luck to all you ladies and :hugs: to you all

Rach xx
B12, eh? Hmm... I don't know if I've ever been checked for that! I'll add it to my list! :)

I finally talked to the doctor. She said that we're still waiting on a couple of my results, specifically one of the thyroid ones for sure. She said that they're "send out" tests and can take up to 2 weeks to come back. She did advise that I start Provera and offered me a script for it. I said I still had refills and would just use that. I was pretty happy since I'm already on my 2nd dose! LOL

Uhm... What else? She never mentioned the Vit D deficiency, but I'm treating it anyway... So, I guess it doesn't matter if she mentions it. I asked if they needed to know when my bleed started so they could do CD3 testing or not. She said that they would like to know when it starts, but she didn't know why they would do CD3 tests. I'm a little confused about that... because it seems like a logical next step.

So, my plan is to print out that list from the first page about the tests that should be done and the proper day to do them, and I'm going to go to my GP and beg until she does them! LOL I'm done playing games! I can't take this crap anymore! I need to know what's going on, and I need to know now! Then, I'll offer the results to this new doc and hope they do something useful with the info when its already in front of them.

The saliva test that she wanted to do... Its not covered by my insurance. So, she's going to confer with the other docs there and see if they think they can get the info another way, because its a $240 test... and I don't want to do it if there's any other way or if they aren't sure it'll give us the answers we need. If they really think its necessary, I'll totally pay up though!

Dazed - Not sure! I think it would be a good one to sticky. I guess we'd have to petition an admin for that to happen. I'm not sure who does the "sticky'ing" of threads! Hmm... Anyone know?

Rach - I think you deserve a bit more. I mean, there's no harm in them looking... but I don't know how easy it is to make that happen. Things here are very cut and dry sometimes.... "Yes, you can have it!" or "No, you can't!" But, I would like to think that they could do something to help you! I mean, 3 mc's is usually when doctors start to care about helping. I'd think you fit that criteria for anyone! I don't know! Plus, I know very little about your system over there and how to get what you want! Maybe someone from the UK (You are from the UK, right?) can help you out?
Hey Megg, yep i'm in the uk, i think what she was referring to is that my last loss was only at 4+4 and unfortunately it doesn't seem to count as a miscarriage, she said if i had another loss after the six week stage then yes they would do further investigations?

Does anyone have anymore knowledge of the system over here? i'd be really grateful for any info

Thanks Megg x
Oh! I understand what you're saying now! Still... I don't see why someone should have to lose 3 babies after the 6 week mark to get help! How about they do the testing and keep you from losing that 3rd baby! I hate doctors!
Yeah Megg, if feel if you go in armed with information they seem to raise an eyebrow and think your a nut!!, i find the best way is to gently point them in the direction you want( a bit like when making a suggestion to my DH i know he's not gonna like!!)

i'm hoping these first tests show up something thats easily sorted, not sure how i'm going to feel if they don't, its a real rollercoaster ride at the minute, my feelings change every hour, but i suppose i'm not ready to get off yet

I hope this makes sense, i've got brain fog, i really need my bed x

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