Does anyone want to share their birth experience through 1st, 2nd and 3rds?

Hollie West

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2019
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Any of you ladies that have had 1st, 2nd, 3rd pregnancies etc want to share their experiences of labour and the differences?

I’m wondering how this one will go
Currently almost 30 weeks with #3.

My first was born 5 days overdue, waters had broken themselves but needed inducing, spent a week in hospital and baby in neonatal unit for a week due to infections. Born 7lb 8oz

Son was born 4 days overdue. Waters had broken the 3rd day overdue early hours, took me until the evening to go into active labour and he wasn’t born until almost 8am the next morning. Weighing 8lbs exactly

I sure do hope I don’t go overdue this time around, however it seems to be a trend of waters breaking and my body panics lol!!

This pregnancy has been way different, I’ve had strong BH daily since around 18 weeks, my symptoms are much stronger, Baby is much more active and currently weighing 2 1/2 mark.

Would love to hear how others people’s went for them x
Hey! I'll share. With #1 my membranes ruptured the morning of my due date. Contractions didn't begin until late that night, around 11 pm and picked up around 2-3 am the following morning. After noon, I pushed for 20 minutes and delivered a 7+ pound baby.

Baby #2 my water broke 4 days before my due date, however, it was more of a slow leak. After a day and a half and no "progress," I was induced. I delivered our 8.5 pound baby 10 hours after the start of Pitocin. Both births were un-medicated (sans for the "need" for pitocin).

It seems like labor does get shorter for me so, I'm hoping my third will only take half the time to make an appearance. Every pregnancy and delivery is certainly different though so we'll just have to wait and see :)
I'll share...

#1 was 5 days overdue. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, 13hrs later baby in my arms 7lb 10oz

#2 was 5 days early. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, 2hrs later baby in my arms 8lb 6.9oz

#3 was 5 days early. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, progress slowed so received pitocin, 13hrs later baby in my arms 8lb 15oz.
First was 9 days over and absolutely horrific he was back to back and it was constant agony then I tore badly and had horrific hemmorhoids.

Second was 9 days late but because I only had my first to go on I didn’t actually think I was in labour had a few pains and hubby wanted me to get checked as it was really icy out. I was 8cm and he was born 3 hours later with no pain relief.

3rd I went to bed on my due date I’d had a few pains but no one has their baby on the due date so laughed it off. Woke up in the middle of night to broken waters had him 1 hour and twenty minutes later with g&a.

4th felt a pop at 37+6 went to the loo and there was pink water running down my legs and what looked like a lump of liver. Went to hospital and they said I wasn’t in labour but they’d keep me because of bleeding. I was in pain by then and they checked again I was now in labour and she was born 45 minutes labour on g&a I then hemmorhaged really badly after her and nearly died. Doc had to manually remove placenta to get it stopped.

5th was induced because of 4th he was born in 28 minutes with g&a

6th was born 9 days late less than an hour labour on G&a

7th was induced and his hb kept dropping significantly on the drip. I really should of been sectioned his heart rate then dropped below 50 it was too late for theatre so they had to peel back the cervix over his head so not pleasant but it saved him. He had two true knots in his cord and nurses were shocked he made it.

8th was amazing!!! I was really scared going to hospital for induction I kept crying but I had my waters broke at 7.50 pm pains were manageable and midwife asked if I wanted to be checked I said no she said tell her if there was a need to push. At 8.15 I felt pressure but said I don’t think it’s anything as the pains are really not that bad she looked and babies head was on the way out. Not even half a push later she was in my arms.

No 9 ....... let’s see! Hopefully it will be like no 8!!
Hey! I'll share. With #1 my membranes ruptured the morning of my due date. Contractions didn't begin until late that night, around 11 pm and picked up around 2-3 am the following morning. After noon, I pushed for 20 minutes and delivered a 7+ pound baby.

Baby #2 my water broke 4 days before my due date, however, it was more of a slow leak. After a day and a half and no "progress," I was induced. I delivered our 8.5 pound baby 10 hours after the start of Pitocin. Both births were un-medicated (sans for the "need" for pitocin).

It seems like labor does get shorter for me so, I'm hoping my third will only take half the time to make an appearance. Every pregnancy and delivery is certainly different though so we'll just have to wait and see :)

You are certainly right they are all different! My two were quite similar however with my first I didn’t contract on my own whatsoever so needed the drip, but my second I didn’t need any help just took a while for my contractions to kick in after the waters went.

I’m hoping to go by due date this time (wishful thinking lol!) X
I'll share...

#1 was 5 days overdue. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, 13hrs later baby in my arms 7lb 10oz

#2 was 5 days early. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, 2hrs later baby in my arms 8lb 6.9oz

#3 was 5 days early. Started contractions, Dr had to break my water, progress slowed so received pitocin, 13hrs later baby in my arms 8lb 15oz.

Thank you hun! With your earlier labours did you notice any changes during the pregnancy? This pregnancy has been loads different, I never had BH with my first two or twinges or anything but I’ve had them all the way through this time no sure if it’s related Xx
First was 9 days over and absolutely horrific he was back to back and it was constant agony then I tore badly and had horrific hemmorhoids.

Second was 9 days late but because I only had my first to go on I didn’t actually think I was in labour had a few pains and hubby wanted me to get checked as it was really icy out. I was 8cm and he was born 3 hours later with no pain relief.

3rd I went to bed on my due date I’d had a few pains but no one has their baby on the due date so laughed it off. Woke up in the middle of night to broken waters had him 1 hour and twenty minutes later with g&a.

4th felt a pop at 37+6 went to the loo and there was pink water running down my legs and what looked like a lump of liver. Went to hospital and they said I wasn’t in labour but they’d keep me because of bleeding. I was in pain by then and they checked again I was now in labour and she was born 45 minutes labour on g&a I then hemmorhaged really badly after her and nearly died. Doc had to manually remove placenta to get it stopped.

5th was induced because of 4th he was born in 28 minutes with g&a

6th was born 9 days late less than an hour labour on G&a

7th was induced and his hb kept dropping significantly on the drip. I really should of been sectioned his heart rate then dropped below 50 it was too late for theatre so they had to peel back the cervix over his head so not pleasant but it saved him. He had two true knots in his cord and nurses were shocked he made it.

8th was amazing!!! I was really scared going to hospital for induction I kept crying but I had my waters broke at 7.50 pm pains were manageable and midwife asked if I wanted to be checked I said no she said tell her if there was a need to push. At 8.15 I felt pressure but said I don’t think it’s anything as the pains are really not that bad she looked and babies head was on the way out. Not even half a push later she was in my arms.

No 9 ....... let’s see! Hopefully it will be like no 8!!

Wow nearly 9 babies that’s amazing!!
How do you find it being a mum of 9?
Just goes to show that the ‘more you have easier it gets’ thing isn’t strictly true.
Thank you for sharing it’s interesting to know other people experiences.

Sounds horrific that you had a bad labour with number 4. Do they know why it went wrong ?
First was 9 days over and absolutely horrific he was back to back and it was constant agony then I tore badly and had horrific hemmorhoids.

Second was 9 days late but because I only had my first to go on I didn’t actually think I was in labour had a few pains and hubby wanted me to get checked as it was really icy out. I was 8cm and he was born 3 hours later with no pain relief.

3rd I went to bed on my due date I’d had a few pains but no one has their baby on the due date so laughed it off. Woke up in the middle of night to broken waters had him 1 hour and twenty minutes later with g&a.

4th felt a pop at 37+6 went to the loo and there was pink water running down my legs and what looked like a lump of liver. Went to hospital and they said I wasn’t in labour but they’d keep me because of bleeding. I was in pain by then and they checked again I was now in labour and she was born 45 minutes labour on g&a I then hemmorhaged really badly after her and nearly died. Doc had to manually remove placenta to get it stopped.

5th was induced because of 4th he was born in 28 minutes with g&a

6th was born 9 days late less than an hour labour on G&a

7th was induced and his hb kept dropping significantly on the drip. I really should of been sectioned his heart rate then dropped below 50 it was too late for theatre so they had to peel back the cervix over his head so not pleasant but it saved him. He had two true knots in his cord and nurses were shocked he made it.

8th was amazing!!! I was really scared going to hospital for induction I kept crying but I had my waters broke at 7.50 pm pains were manageable and midwife asked if I wanted to be checked I said no she said tell her if there was a need to push. At 8.15 I felt pressure but said I don’t think it’s anything as the pains are really not that bad she looked and babies head was on the way out. Not even half a push later she was in my arms.

No 9 ....... let’s see! Hopefully it will be like no 8!!

Wow nearly 9 babies that’s amazing!!
How do you find it being a mum of 9?
Just goes to show that the ‘more you have easier it gets’ thing isn’t strictly true.
Thank you for sharing it’s interesting to know other people experiences.

Sounds horrific that you had a bad labour with number 4. Do they know why it went wrong ?
First baby was born at 39+6, contractions started before waters broke, 10 hour labour from start to baby in arms, waters broke 10 minutes before baby’s arrival. (Hospital water birth)

Second baby was born at 39+1, contractions started before waters broke, 6 hour labour from start to baby in arms, waters broke with baby’s arrival (MLU water birth)

Third baby was born at 40+6, contractions started before waters broke, 18 hours from start to baby in arms, waters broke 2 minutes before baby was born (home water birth)
#1- 36wks. Woke up to blood. Labored 14hrs. Csection. He was 6.3lbs
#2- 37wks. Stalled at 5cm, they did nothing. Labored 14hrs. Csection. She was 5.8lbs. NICU 2 weeks.
#3-40wks. Labored 14hrs. Induced with pitocin. Pushed 30 minutes. Vba2c. 7.0lbs
#4- hoping experience like #3.

Some info recently changed as I got my birth records. I thought I had placenta abruption with #1 but I didnt. I also thought I was 36wk with #2 and I wasnt.
I’ll share.

#1 Had contractions on my due date for 3 hours then they stopped for 4 hours and started again for 3 hours then stopped for 3 days! I finally laboured from midnight Ian and my daughter was born by gas and air after 8.5 hours. Easy!

#2 Waters went at 10.45 pm 5 days overdue. Laboured as long as possible at home as was booked for homebirth but had to be rushed in at 5.30 as he was back to back and not progressing down the birth canal and his heart rate wasn’t regulating normally. He was kiwi ventouse sucked out with an emergency episiotomy. They wanted to csection but managed to get him out at 7.30am! 6 days overdue!

#3 Lost my mucus plug at 8am 8 days overdue. Laboured for 22.5 hours in total. Again booked for homebirth. Midwives all claimed she was in the correct position. At 2.45am we rung the midwives to bring gas and air to be told they’d be an hour at least so rang an ambulance. They made me go into hospital. I was only 5cm dilates after 19.5 hours! Upon examination baby was laid LOL (left ociput lateral, resting on my pelvic bone not in the right position at all hence no progression) got an awesome midwife. Waters broke at 5.35am finally and she was born at 5.55! 9 days overdue!

Long arse painful labour haha but did it on gas and air for about 3.5 of the 22.5 hours!

No major dramas with any of them luckily although was close with the second!
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my 1st at 37 weeks, i woke up and thought i peed myself, my waters had broke at 6am,all in all was 12 hours, she was 6ib 4

2nd i woke up at 6am having conratctions, got to hospital at 11am and i wss 10cm, they broke my waters just as he was born, all in was 6 hours, he was 6in 13

my 3rd i had a sweep a day after my due date, i was bleeding straight away, i woke up 6am again and my waters was trickling, all in was hours again she was 6ib 3

im on my 4th now and they want to induce me around 37 weeks due to GD x
I’ll add!

Baby #1- Went to work, came home around 2pm and started having contractions... I was 22 weeks 6 days! Googled it, and of course everything said they must be Braxton hicks, so I laid down and tried to rest. Around midnight the contractions weren’t letting up, but they weren’t consistent (which seems like BH, right!?) and they weren’t extremely painful. So I got into the bathtub which is where I lost my mucus plug, and it being my first baby, it scared me, so I woke up my husband and we went to the hospital. Around 2am the nurses were very kind and tried re-assuring me that is was just false labor. They had someone come in and check my cervix who was not allowed to tell us what she found. The next thing I knew, our nurse was bolting in with pills to be taken immediately, telling me that I was in labor and it needed to be stopped immediately. I had previously had Gastric bypass surgery the year before so I could not take pills, so she began crushing them, opening them and putting the powder down my throat- it tasted horrible!! Turns out I was 3cm dilated and fully effaced and 23 weeks 0 days- At first, I was told I would just have to stay in the hospital on bed rest, until they did an amniocentesis and found I had an infection and my body was trying to push the baby out. I had a vaginal delivery at 1108pm that same day and my baby weighed 1lb 8oz... he is now a completely healthy 4 year old starting preschool next week... absolute miracle.

Baby #2- Went on 17P injections from 16 weeks to 36 weeks gestation to help prevent preterm labor- at 39+2 I began having contractions, but nothing consistent. The same the following night and by the 3rd night of contractions they were so painful I couldn’t sleep. So we went into the hospital around 430am at 39 +5 and I was 4cm dilated. They broke my waters a few hours later and gave pitocon to speed up the labor. My 2nd son was born at 410pm weighing 8lbs 4oz.

Baby #3- Currently 38 weeks +1!! Ready to meet son #3 anytime now!
I’ll add!

Baby #1- Went to work, came home around 2pm and started having contractions... I was 22 weeks 6 days! Googled it, and of course everything said they must be Braxton hicks, so I laid down and tried to rest. Around midnight the contractions weren’t letting up, but they weren’t consistent (which seems like BH, right!?) and they weren’t extremely painful. So I got into the bathtub which is where I lost my mucus plug, and it being my first baby, it scared me, so I woke up my husband and we went to the hospital. Around 2am the nurses were very kind and tried re-assuring me that is was just false labor. They had someone come in and check my cervix who was not allowed to tell us what she found. The next thing I knew, our nurse was bolting in with pills to be taken immediately, telling me that I was in labor and it needed to be stopped immediately. I had previously had Gastric bypass surgery the year before so I could not take pills, so she began crushing them, opening them and putting the powder down my throat- it tasted horrible!! Turns out I was 3cm dilated and fully effaced and 23 weeks 0 days- At first, I was told I would just have to stay in the hospital on bed rest, until they did an amniocentesis and found I had an infection and my body was trying to push the baby out. I had a vaginal delivery at 1108pm that same day and my baby weighed 1lb 8oz... he is now a completely healthy 4 year old starting preschool next week... absolute miracle.

Baby #2- Went on 17P injections from 16 weeks to 36 weeks gestation to help prevent preterm labor- at 39+2 I began having contractions, but nothing consistent. The same the following night and by the 3rd night of contractions they were so painful I couldn’t sleep. So we went into the hospital around 430am at 39 +5 and I was 4cm dilated. They broke my waters a few hours later and gave pitocon to speed up the labor. My 2nd son was born at 410pm weighing 8lbs 4oz.

Baby #3- Currently 38 weeks +1!! Ready to meet son #3 anytime now!

Wow your first baby is a little miracle! That is so amazing that he's fine! <3

I'll share mine -

1st baby - I was 2 days over due and I was cramping all day, just thought it was from being over due and I was a bit achy. It wasn't until the evening that my mum pointed out that they are actually contractions and coming pretty regular! Phoned the hospital and was told to just sit tight until they got to 3 minutes apart, which they were anyway I was just handling them without a care in the world, asked me how much pain I was in, and me being me just said, I'm fine lol. Hung up and went to take another bath and as I tried walking up the stairs I collapsed in pain and couldn't walk, it hit me like a tonne of bricks! Phoned the hospital again and they told me to come in. Got there I was 4-5cms and contractions were coming often. Started on the gas and air and had pethadine, waters broken, and just went with it, standard textbook labour, dilating a cm an hour, pushing took an hour labour took 7 hours from start to finish, then my daughter was born at 6.43am weighing 7lb at 3 days over due. I just needed 4 stitches afterwards.

2nd baby - this is a tricky one, labour technically started at 30 weeks, I went to the hospital with regular contractions which I believe showed I was contracting every 2-3 minutes, luckily my cervix didn't dilate or if it did it was only a few cms, Its hard to remember because it's all such a blur that early on! I ended up getting steroid injections and a few other things and was in hospital for a while and my labour stopped. 10 weeks later at 39+6 I kept having reduced movements pretty often, and it wasn't even a case of getting to the hospital and baby started moving again, on this occasion there was nothing. Monitor showed his heart rate was dropping only ever so slightly so the decision was to be induced there and then. Popped in the pessary around 10.30pm and almost instantly I started contracting, midwifes didn't believe me and told me I was probably just a bit tender from the pessary. I went up to the ward and I was in a room full of ladies trying to sleep, and I was in agony and it's worse when you try to be quiet! I got through 2 hours up on the ward and demanded to be checked over, they told me no and to go and have a bath to help, by this point I lost my shit with them, so they checked my cervix and I was indeed dilating which they were surprised about as induction can take hours even days! Went back to the delivery ward and started on gas and air. A while later (lost track of time by this point) babys heart rate was dropping dangerously low so he needed to get out asap! Broke my waters and instantly started pushing, one push and he was out! Afterwards my placenta started coming away in pieces and I lost a lot of blood and caught an infection, so I was hooked up to god knows what! But baby boy was fine. Needed just 4 stitches again. He was 8lb 4oz born on his due date and labour took just 2 hours and 20 mins.

3rd baby - I'm 29+6 sp no labour story for this one lol wonder what labour will be like though, I've had 2 completely different labours with my first two!

They are now 7 and 5 :)
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1st- induced 12 days over due. Went into labour at midnight, born at 7.09am. Quick but painful labour. *7hrs.*

2nd- induced 3 days overdue due to reduced movements. Contractions for days but no progress. Ramped up on day 3...was 4cm at 2.30pm and he was in my arms at 4.39pm. *2hrs.*

3rd- induced 8 days overdue due to SPD. Contractions for hours but no progress. Checked at 1.30pm and was 2-3cm. Baby was in my arms at 2.35pm. *1hr.*
I’ll add!

Baby #1- Went to work, came home around 2pm and started having contractions... I was 22 weeks 6 days! Googled it, and of course everything said they must be Braxton hicks, so I laid down and tried to rest. Around midnight the contractions weren’t letting up, but they weren’t consistent (which seems like BH, right!?) and they weren’t extremely painful. So I got into the bathtub which is where I lost my mucus plug, and it being my first baby, it scared me, so I woke up my husband and we went to the hospital. Around 2am the nurses were very kind and tried re-assuring me that is was just false labor. They had someone come in and check my cervix who was not allowed to tell us what she found. The next thing I knew, our nurse was bolting in with pills to be taken immediately, telling me that I was in labor and it needed to be stopped immediately. I had previously had Gastric bypass surgery the year before so I could not take pills, so she began crushing them, opening them and putting the powder down my throat- it tasted horrible!! Turns out I was 3cm dilated and fully effaced and 23 weeks 0 days- At first, I was told I would just have to stay in the hospital on bed rest, until they did an amniocentesis and found I had an infection and my body was trying to push the baby out. I had a vaginal delivery at 1108pm that same day and my baby weighed 1lb 8oz... he is now a completely healthy 4 year old starting preschool next week... absolute miracle.

Baby #2- Went on 17P injections from 16 weeks to 36 weeks gestation to help prevent preterm labor- at 39+2 I began having contractions, but nothing consistent. The same the following night and by the 3rd night of contractions they were so painful I couldn’t sleep. So we went into the hospital around 430am at 39 +5 and I was 4cm dilated. They broke my waters a few hours later and gave pitocon to speed up the labor. My 2nd son was born at 410pm weighing 8lbs 4oz.

Baby #3- Currently 38 weeks +1!! Ready to meet son #3 anytime now!
Oh my god wow!!! 23 weeks that’s incredible. Thank you for sharing, I can’t imagine how terrifying that experience must have been for you. So so lovely to hear he’s thriving!! Xx
Wow your first baby is a little miracle! That is so amazing that he's fine! <3

I'll share mine -

1st baby - I was 2 days over due and I was cramping all day, just thought it was from being over due and I was a bit achy. It wasn't until the evening that my mum pointed out that they are actually contractions and coming pretty regular! Phoned the hospital and was told to just sit tight until they got to 3 minutes apart, which they were anyway I was just handling them without a care in the world, asked me how much pain I was in, and me being me just said, I'm fine lol. Hung up and went to take another bath and as I tried walking up the stairs I collapsed in pain and couldn't walk, it hit me like a tonne of bricks! Phoned the hospital again and they told me to come in. Got there I was 4-5cms and contractions were coming often. Started on the gas and air and had pethadine, waters broken, and just went with it, standard textbook labour, dilating a cm an hour, pushing took an hour labour took 7 hours from start to finish, then my daughter was born at 6.43am weighing 7lb at 3 days over due. I just needed 4 stitches afterwards.

2nd baby - this is a tricky one, labour technically started at 30 weeks, I went to the hospital with regular contractions which I believe showed I was contracting every 2-3 minutes, luckily my cervix didn't dilate or if it did it was only a few cms, Its hard to remember because it's all such a blur that early on! I ended up getting steroid injections and a few other things and was in hospital for a while and my labour stopped. 10 weeks later at 39+6 I kept having reduced movements pretty often, and it wasn't even a case of getting to the hospital and baby started moving again, on this occasion there was nothing. Monitor showed his heart rate was dropping only ever so slightly so the decision was to be induced there and then. Popped in the pessary around 10.30pm and almost instantly I started contracting, midwifes didn't believe me and told me I was probably just a bit tender from the pessary. I went up to the ward and I was in a room full of ladies trying to sleep, and I was in agony and it's worse when you try to be quiet! I got through 2 hours up on the ward and demanded to be checked over, they told me no and to go and have a bath to help, by this point I lost my shit with them, so they checked my cervix and I was indeed dilating which they were surprised about as induction can take hours even days! Went back to the delivery ward and started on gas and air. A while later (lost track of time by this point) babys heart rate was dropping dangerously low so he needed to get out asap! Broke my waters and instantly started pushing, one push and he was out! Afterwards my placenta started coming away in pieces and I lost a lot of blood and caught an infection, so I was hooked up to god knows what! But baby boy was fine. Needed just 4 stitches again. He was 8lb 4oz born on his due date and labour took just 2 hours and 20 mins.

3rd baby - I'm 29+6 sp no labour story for this one lol wonder what labour will be like though, I've had 2 completely different labours with my first two!

They are now 7 and 5 :)
Wahoo you are the same gestation as me! I’m 30 weeks today, and CANNOT wait for it to be finished. Have you found that third pregnancy is so different?
I can’t wait to meet him.
Do you have a birth plan in mind? Xx
1st- induced 12 days over due. Went into labour at midnight, born at 7.09am. Quick but painful labour. *7hrs.*

2nd- induced 3 days overdue due to reduced movements. Contractions for days but no progress. Ramped up on day 3...was 4cm at 2.30pm and he was in my arms at 4.39pm. *2hrs.*

3rd- induced 8 days overdue due to SPD. Contractions for hours but no progress. Checked at 1.30pm and was 2-3cm. Baby was in my arms at 2.35pm. *1hr.*
Bloody hell hun those labours get short! Imagine a 4th he’d just come out no warning haha! Thank you for sharing. Induction is so painful I found, my first was induced no waters but my second I had no waters and went into spontaneous labour and the difference was immense! Xx
Love reading all of your birthing stories ladies!!

Here is mine <3

Baby #1- 39w6d had my membranes stripped (no contractions or broken waters). Doctor scheduled induction for the following day, which just so happened to be our due date. Went in early the next morning, received epidural, and was started on pitocin. Dr came in around 9am to break my waters. Pitocin and my body did not like each other, contractions were awful and extremely close together. My epidural didn't work the way it was supposed to and I ended up feeling much of the pain for the remainder of L&D. Initially was in labor for about 9 to 10 hours, pushed for only 30 minutes and my son was born.

Baby #2- Had my membranes stripped on a Friday 8 days before my due date. That weekend started having contractions but they were pretty irregular. Woke up Monday morning feeling pretty awful, but contractions weren't quite happening as frequently as the should to call dr. Went to work and started timing them around 8:30/9:00 that morning and they were actually timing less than 5 minutes apart and were pretty painful. Called my hubby and he thought we should go into the Dr., so we went, doc checked me and I hadn't dilated any more, was still only at a 1, so he sent me home to put me on bed rest thinking he'd induce me that Thursday. My husband took me home around noon and headed back to work. I called him about 15 minutes after he had left and said if I have to lay in this bed for three more days with this bad of contractions, I'm going to go crazy. lol So he called the doctor and doc said to head to the hospital. When we got there I had gone from 1cm to 7cm in less than an hour. Received my epidural at 8cm dilated and had my waters broken. My son arrived less than 4 hours later with just two pushes. Definitely a much faster L&D while we were there.

Baby #3- Currently expecting and will be 28 weeks tomorrow. Hoping and praying this baby decides to make L&D better than the first two. Doctor seems to think it will be easier this time around. But I can't complain to much, because my last delivery really wasn't terrible at all. And I loved being able to be more in control of my body without pitocin and not having an epidural until right before. I'm trying to convince myself to go natural for this birth with no epidural considering I almost made it to a 10 without and chickened out. I do plan to have my membranes stripped again as it seemed to help my body go into labor on its own with baby #2.
Mine are long stories but I’ll kept them short and to the point

#1 induced 39+2 due to preeclampsia. Went in at 6am at 2cm and contractions on my own.. pitocin made me contract too long and they kept turning it off, broke my water at 1-2pm, got epidural around 4pm and only 3cm, pitocin was turned on and off all evening and finally completely off around midnight at 7cm, back labored for an hour at 4am, turned pitocin backnon 7am, she was born 11:56am, 30 hours total before she was born. Pitocin and epidural, 20 minutes pushing, no tears or issues. She was 6.13 pounds stayed in hospital 4 days for jaundice.

#2 got sick 9pm in the evening of 39+1 irregular contractions all night long due to vomiting, went to hospital next morning at 39+2 and discharged at only 2cm. Called my doctor he wanted to see me in office. Got there 3pm, I was 4cm, 70% effaced high blood pressure, and +2 protein in urine, admitted immediately, started pitocin at 8pm but his heart rate was dropping too much to continue, Labored on my own with contractions staying at 5mins apart the entire labor, got epidural at 6cm around 4am, finally water broke on its own 6am, tried one push around 9am his heart stopped and we flipped and pushed and breathed and all the above and got it back up, doctor came in he was born 9:37am with 2 pushes in 5 minutes thankfully alive and healthy! 13.5 hours from starting pitocin or 36.5 hours from first getting sick. He came on 39+3, 6.13 pounds! Went home next day.

Praying number 3 is just easy. No drama! If it’s long, fine just not drama lol!

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