As the title says really. For those who's FOB sees their LO. Even though you have split up and moved on and you are the one that calls the shots so to speak, when it comes to your LO, being it's mother and primary carer? I was controlled by FOB not so much physically as mentally. It was a huge relief when we split up. I've moved on, live in nice house, have a new OH. Ex sees Grace on a saturday. But he still manages to control some aspect of my life. Basically he is so deviant and a pain in the arse that none of my family want to have to deal with him. Which is fair enough. Example, halloween weekend I went away from Friday night till sunday morning so my auntie looked after Grace so had to see him on saturday. He is meant to bring Grace back at 6.30 but he told my auntie that I had said it was ok to bring her back at 7.30 instead, before he had even rang me to ask so obviously she was put in an awkward position. My new OH lives in London at the minute and he is always the one to come up and see me so I thought I would go and see him instead before christmas. But I can't go at the weekend because nobody will have Jason at their door because if I'm not there he takes advantage and puts people on the spot. It is very very rare that I go out for even a night out. I just feel like I thought I had got away from his controlling but he knows full well that he can do what he wants if I'm not here so therefore I will always have to be here and so I can't ever go out.
Does anyone else have a problem like this? How did you work around it?
Does anyone else have a problem like this? How did you work around it?