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Does it get any easier :'(


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2012
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:cry: 3 weeks ago i was rushed into the hospital with the worst pain of my life thinking they were something wrong with the coil as i was also bleeding, they did bloods and a urine sample and i found out i was pregnant,.total shock as i had had my periods as normal just shorter and also.had the copper.coil in:wacko: well the doc said the pain.could be a threatened miscarriage and id need a scan early the next morning but they needed to keep me in,.well the pain got unbearable and the bleeding were getting worse but the doc said sometimes u can bleed and have a normal pregnancy, well next morning i had a scan which confirmed i was 6 weeks pregnant and it was an etopic:cry: it also had ruptured and i was now bleeding internally withing hours i was taken for surgery were i also lost not just my lil bean but also my left tube since its all happened im still struggling, anything sets me off and i just feel so low and angry all the time:cry: i keep.thinking what if, will.it ever get easier?
Although it was a complete shock i started getting used to the idea.of having another little one so when i was told this my world fell apart,. One day i can be ok and the next im irritable and so low and upset:( i dont know who to talk to either:(
I was JUST looking to see if anyone had good days and bad days. Yesterday I was feeling fairly ok. I had energy and a practical outlook on things. Today I am a mess.

I am so sorry for your loss and the experience sounds terrifying. My gut tells me these ups and downs are normal and our hormones are all over the place. Hang in there. Things will settle down, it just may take time. Hugs.
It does get easier. I have the odd day but its so infrequent now. It's still early days sweetie just take it day by day. Here if you need to chat x
:hugs: glad it gets easier and sorry for ur losses amd how ur feeling:( its hard but like u have said its still early even though i didnt know i was pregnant im still yearning to be pregnant again :cry: i had a few days wefd i felt ok and then out of the blue something will trigger me and il be a mess again,.it actually helps when.i talk about it, theres always the niggle in the back of my mind aswell if i try again in the future i could end up in the same situation, heads a mess atm want to lay in bed and just cry but got to stay strong for my little boys:cry:
It does get easier, I promise. But it will be up and down for you for a while. At about a month I was feeling 90% better although some things still made me cry.

I'm sorry for your loss. Even a surprise pregnancy is a thing to be celebrated and remembered.
Thanks hun, today im feeling a lil rubbish, been speaking to the nurse to see if lil bean has been cremated because if not they offer a service, shes ringing me tuesday to let me know, i dont know if its something il be able to go to because i think il have a major breakdown:(
I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you start to feel better soon. I'm currently going through a loss, and just wish I could stop crying. Big hugs.
Also I just wanted to add that losing a tube is not necessarily game over.

I hope you don't take offense to me mentioning a current pregnancy here, but I caught pregnant with natural twins just 3 months after losing one ovary and one tube, the first month I tried.
How're you doing? I always regret not going to the service they had the month I lost my baby but I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to go x
Soo sorry for ur losses ladies:hugs: today im feeling a little better although iv had a few sharp twinges in the left side were i had the surgery which took my breath :S which was odd, thats one thing im scared of is regretting not going i dont even know if its taken place yet as iv been passed around and now wont find out until tuesday :( im not too worried about having only one tube as i know i can still get pregnant with the one i am however scared il have another etopic:cry: x
Mum of 3 just to reassure u hun. I had an ectopic in my right tube at New Year 2015. I was very very lucky as the hospital agreed to do the expectant management and I had a very stressful week of scans and bloods that resulted in the ectopic eventually reabsorbing and I kept my tube. They said there might be scarring and 10% chance of another ectopic. I have just lost my baby this week at 10.5 weeks (heart stopped at 8+2 weeks) and I ovulated from my right tube again and baby was in the womb with no problems (reason for this mc was prob chromosomes). I know it's a different situation hun but I just wanted u to know that I was terrified of another ectopic and I was fine and even ovulated from same tube. Also if u have had an ectopic and u get pg again u can ring at 4 weeks pg & book a scan for 6 weeks to check pregnancy is in the right place. Hope this helps a tiny bit xx
Aww hun soo.sorry for ur losses:hugs:
Thankyou for that, i dont want anymore little ones for a while as this was a massive shock (had 10yr coil in) and i dont even want to risk anything again and my little ones are still young 6,4 and 2 but when the time is right again il take the possitive words on board :) xxx
Thanks mumof3. It's such a confusing and miserable time after an ectopic or mc -- glad I was able to help you a little bit xxx. Good luck with whatever you do hun xx

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