does your oh have a routine for you?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Mine does!! I think it is a bit weird but nice!!

Every morning he will bring me breakfast in bed and then take LO while I get a shower!! Then he will make me sit down and put my old breastfeeding pillow behind my shoulders while he makes lunch and I watch the soaps!! He then helps me up and down if I need out or in the chair!! Gets me all my refreshments and then walks extra slow without complaining!! Calls into the shop and buys my cravings for the day!! Makes dinner, hoovers and cleans the house!! Walks the dog and changes my DD all day, all I have to do is play with her and sleep!! Then before bed every night he makes me cheese on toast, a piece of chocolate and a huge mug of ice cold milk and then helps me upstairs, changes me into my pjs as I cant reach my feet and tucks me into bed...then if he hears me during the night will bring me water!!

Is this just being nice or weird?? :shrug:
I forgot to add that he says he will help me with my shaving situation or bath/shower me if I cant do it!! :haha:
i think its really sweet!!! its a hell of a lot more than most hubby's would do (not saying others aren't helpful lol)

mine's really thoughtful...(although sometimes he can speak before he least he catches himself after he's said it lol)....he makes sure i rest when i really need to and will go get me what i need/want if i'm too tired or sore to get up (or if i just ask hehe)
and right now we live with his parents and we're living in a finished room above their garage so we have to go into the main house to use the kitchen and washrooms....he gets up with me in the middle of the night to go pee to make sure i make it up and down the stairs and make my way around in the dark without any problems or without falling!!

i think its really nice that he's taking care of you that way!!
oh and the shaving and showering help....i can definitely see that as a necessity!!! hahaha
Ummmm, NEVER LET GO OF THAT MAN. That is so sweet and I'm pretty sure very rare. LOL. You're a lucky one! My hubby's idea of being nice is doing the dishes...after I ask him to. But I can't complain, he's a good one too :)
My OH is awesome and will do as much or as little as I want but. Hd t sto him doing everything for me as i lost every ounce of motivation and literally couldn't be bothered to d anything! He took LO all weekend and sent me off for lunch and a pedicure with a friend but if I don't "keep my hand in" I'm worried I'll never get my mojo back once baby arrives!
What a man! That's amazing!!! Mine leaves me in bed when he gets up, about 6ish. Then it's about 7:30 when he gets home from work so he will do things like go shopping but doesn't really have the opportunity to help with the house or dogs :/. He sits with me while I'm in the shower and when he works out I curl up in the spare bed and talk to him. Might sound funny but I like still having to do thinks on my own it makes me feel more useful and independent :), I'd prob feel a bit Molly cuddled if my OH was like that but it sounds like he is amazing tbh. Xx
My OH is working from home until I go into labour, so he gets up at 6.30am, leaving me to stretch out in bed and snooze. Then around 10am he brings me toast, cereal, juice and tea, along with the iPad so I can watch some shows on Netflix. Then around midday I usually have a mate come to visit and we whip up some lunch for us all. Early evening my mates go home, I have a nap and husband cooks dinner. After dinner we watch a movie and I get a back rub- or if I'm really sore I have a bath, and he rubs my feet and shaves my legs while I relax!!

Good husband is definitely a keeper :)
Mine is the same but I have severe pelvic arthropathy and am 40 weeks so I physically can't do a lot for myself. He doesn't do just as much as that but will do whatever I need him to and gets up at night if I need help out of bed etc. I don't think it's weird, they clearly love and respect us. I will always try to do as much as I can though as I tend to feel really lazy when he tells me to sit and rest. Plus he can't cook lol and sometimes daddy just will not do for my toddler xxx
Bloody hell love, your a lucky so and so, its not weird at all, be bloody grateful and thankful for it because i get nothing like that off mine, i need to train him lol! and plus it probably wont last forever.
You lucky woman!!! I wish my OH was anywhere near that helpful :haha: though he does work alot, when he has time off its STILL usually me that gets up with the kids and sorts them out. Saying that, I've not been too well recently and also suffering with SPD, and he was around last week and he would tell me to go and have a bath while HE fed the kids breakfast, that was AMAZING lol.
Where do I sign up??? =)

Let's see, on days when DH works, he gets up, usually before me, and then when he comes back to the room to get dressed and ready for work will ask me what is for his breakfast & lunch. So I get up and figure that stuff out. Then he goes off to work, comes home, and asks what's for dinner! Clears the table after we eat but leaves the dishwashing to me :haha:. Occasionally will tell me that he needs clean socks, or work pants, etc. so I know to make that a priority when I go to do laundry.

I've had a super easy pregnancy though, and there is absolutely no reason why I can't do those things, except the occasional day when I didn't nap while he was gone and I'm just too exhausted, or a few other days when I've not felt well for various reasons. If I tell him that he needs to take care of his own breakfast, lunch, or dinner he doesn't mind at all. He'll even get something for me if I ask, but usually his idea of what's edible and mine don't match up very well, so I either have to be very specific or fend for myself.
Mine works 9-14 hours 6 days a week, but does help me when he's home. I can't complain, as he is very caring and his long hours mean I don't have to work!
my hubby works 12 hour days, so he gets up when I kick him, and takes DD into her bed for a bit and cuddles her (she's started waking at dawn but will sleep if he gets into bed with her) then he will take her in for a shower letting me get breakfast set up, then he dresses her. We have breakfast he plays with DD and heads to work. Once he's home he'll do any house work that I haven't such as clearing the floor, or the washing up.

Then he sleeps on the sofa so i can get at least some sleep
Sounds like you have a keeper there! :thumbup:

My DH and I have a routine for the mornings and evenings (we both work during the day), and he has taken on a bit more of the workload now that I am pregnant with DD#2. He takes DD1 in the mornings while I shower and then will fix dinner for us at night if I am too tired. He also sends me to bed and will watch DD if I start to nod off too early in the evenings.

He doesnt' go quite to the extent that your OH does, but I feel lucky all the same! I think it is wonderful how loving and caring your OH is towards you!
Mine doesn't take care of ME as much, but he's picked up serious slack around the house with projects and cooking and cleaning and taking care of our son. Working long hours and being pregnant, I'm not really home (and awake) enough to be taken care of, but it's nice that I'm coming home to a meal and a clean house and a well-cared-for kiddo.

I should clarify that he does take care of me when I'm home, but being at work from 5am until 8pm most days doesn't leave a lot of time for him to take care of me, since usually I get home, eat some dinner, and collapse in to bed.
My OH is great too. We don't have a set routine but I usually work 7pm or 9pm to 3am most days, while he works day shift. So he usually gets up in the morning and get's himself ready as quiet as possible so I don't wake up. Then heads off to work. When I get up I do what housework needs to get done (we don't have any other kiddo's running around yet so the house stays relatively clean) and make dinner. He gets home and has dinner then we curl up together and watch a movie and he rubs my back and asks if there is anything else that needs to be done. I feel horribly lazy if I don't do the housework that I did before I got pregnant, so I don't usually allow him to do it unless I'm having a bad day. He's already told me I can quit my job now if I want to but I'm waiting until I can't work anymore. He also wakes up every morning when I get home and usually rubs my back for a little while. He'll do anything I ask him to, I love it! We've got some great guys!
My oh wont shave me in fear he will cut me so I do it blind lol

I have always been the one to do all the cleaning, cooking, and washing but I have been put on bed rest and he has learned to cook, clean and even do the shopping in a good budget. I get what I want for breakfast brought to me with a cup of tea and bacon and eggs in the weekend.. he will get me what I want and lets me moan all I like witch I dont get away with when im not pregnant. He works 6 days and is a bulider so I feel bad he comes home to do all this.. the doctoes have said a can now plod around so I am abke to help with a couple of things and that is the way I prefer it but I get in trouble if I do to much.
My husband helps by cooking now that my appetite is gone again. He will tidy/do dishes/bath kids if I ask him to but if I didn't he would probably not think to do it. To be honest I am one of those people who doesn't like being fussed around so the idea of hubby serving me breakast in bed etc wouldn't sit well.

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