Doesnt look good this am!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Ewan woke up at 6.30 this morning had his cup of milk and then promptly threw it up on the floor! was sick again 5 mins later. Hes fine in himself but then threw up again at 9.

Supposed to be taking him to see his 4 yr old friend James today and ewan is looking forward to going as he keeps saying car now see james!.
We were going to a soft play centre not sure what to do now... i havent given him anything to eat only water to sip.

I was looking forward to taking him out today.

Now not sure what to do! - waiting for my friend to get back to me.
Does he have a fever? I've heard its only contagious if they have a fever.. I don't know for sure. I'm a CNA(certified nurses assistant for the elderly).. That doesn't sound so well, bless his heart..
It should be okay if he has no fever but then again I guess it's up to the other mom.
I hope you guy's can get out and have a fun day today..
Oh no poor lil man being poorly

I hope he gets better soon Hypnorm x
Also, do you guys have like a pedilight electrolite drink there for toddlers?
Sometimes that helps there stomach expechally when they cant keep things down.. ITS VERY SWEET. But, it is recommended by doctors for babys and toddlers. When my kids are sick they told me not to give them milk or dairy because it congests them and makes them sicker..
keep him hyderated and give him saltine crackers if he likes em and pedialight if you have it..
Aww bless him
I'd see how he goes hun and if he is feeling ok on himself and not sick again for a few hours, I'd take him this aft
Hope he is better soon xx
check this out they have tons of flavers and it also tells you whats in it.. Though I would show you what I was talking about.. they carry it in like drug stores WALMART, CVS< WALGEENS
Its called Dioralyte over here...
Good idea though, itll keep him hydrated if he cant keep much else down.
poor little thing, hope he gets better and goes and see's his,friend specially when he is saying car james......... thats what i use on Abbie dioralyte,but don't many flavorsx
Was soo pissed off earlier!!
Ewan is fine now, just feeding him blankd stuff, and i have some rehydration sachets from when he had his gastrobug last yr.

I phoned my friend at 9 this morning to let her know ewan had been sick, she said fine should be ok, was expecting her to cancel. but she said probably was just due to him coughing. i said he'd been sick afew times but she didnt seem to mind.

so i went off and did afew things as she said she was going to nip in to town and to give her a ring at 1 to let her know how ewan was, i ring her at 1 shes not even in town yet, and i say that ewan was sick again about an hour ago and again she said ok, then i heard that she had met up with her mum. my friend said she would give me a ring when she was on her way out of town as she woulnt be long.

2pm comes and still no phonecall Ewan is falling asleep on the floor so i decide i better put him in the car and drive over to glos that way he can have a slept before we get to my friends who is 30 mins away and be fresh to play with her son (4yr old) half way there i get a phone call saying she had been thinking and could she cancel as she didnt want her son to catch it and be off school, I was very annoyed at thispoint as i had let her know first thing and she was fine with it. i said ewan hadnt been sick since before lunch time and had eaten and kept things down which he hadnt at breakfast. but she still wanted to cancel so that James didnt get it. pointed out that i was half way there, so i said fine i'm on my way back home now.

Then she said oh we can meet up tomorrow... umm ewan would still be infectious at that stage.

i think she got a better offer and has gone to the pub with her mates and left her son with her brother.

Just annoyed that i waited all day and kept ewan from his nap, and pointed out to her this am that he was unwell and did she want to cancel.

What do you think? I went to mums on the way back so i wasnt too bad. but she messed me around.
I'd have been well hacked off as well hun
Like you say you rang her straight away and she was fine with it, she was still fine with it at 1 as well, does sound like she did what you say.

Ah well at least Ewan is feeling better :)
oh no how annoying, I'd be pissed too! How is Ewan now ? hope he is better xxx
Well sunday and al day monday he was fine, not eating much but ok, then at 4am today he was screaming his head off i thought he had fallen out of bed, but i was greeted half asleep by him puking again!

so i had to get OH up to clean him off whilst i changed his bed sheets.

Then he went to bed, and he slept till 7.15 but then wide awake.. mean while me and hubby are bleary eyed!

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