Donor Milk Instead Of Formula?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
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Would you use donor breastmilk or a wet nurse instead of formula? Do you think there is any benefit to choosing donor milk?

Are/were you aware that milk sharing goes on in the third, developing and developed world today?

Would you maybe consider donor milk for a baby in NICU, but not for a term baby?

What are your reasons?
If the mother had been fully screened then I wouldn't have an issue using donor breast milk too feed my baby if it was available in my area, I feel the benefits of breast milk are more than formula, I am not by any way or means saying formula is bad (we use formula now :)) I am just saying if I had the choice of the 2 infront of me I would go for the breast milk first as I feel it has more benefits

yup I was aware that milk sharing already goes on, I just think it is a shame it isn't more readily available

nicu or full term, wouldn't make a difference, if I had the choice available in my area I would most certainly consider it

I looked into donating milk when I was breast feeding little man but sadly there were no local organisations close too me, and donor milk is something I couldn't consider for little man as he is dairy & soya intolerant so I had too cut out dairy & soya from my diet when feeding him to avoid it being passed over too him, I think I would be hard pushed too find a dairy & soya free donor :(
I was aware that it is available. However I dont think it would be if everyone who FF used this as the demeand would out weigh supply. If I were to believe what I read about lower supply through pumping.

As far as im concerned I am happy to use formula and wouldnt look into other forms of milk for my child.

I am aware that milk sharing goes on in various parts of the world also that women in other parts of the world breast feed animals. So i feel this applies to my life, not at all whether it should is a different matter entirely.

I would not want my child latched to someone else breast but I also only let my OH/mum feed my Lo from a bottle as well. Its about trust and i dont have a lot especially for people I dont know.
Yes i was aware of milk sharing going on - i find it utterly amazing tbh, watching how communities pull together like that, sometimes it seems we don't.

i of course would be happy for my babies to receive donations if it was needed, say in nicu, if that was the professionals opinion it was better for her, just as i would do anything for them if they were sick, including a wet nurse.

however, day to day life, like when bf-ing didn't work for us, i'm more than happy to use formula if i'm honest, i have a similar view on it as nic :)
I dunno tbh. I've never really thought about it. We FF through choice but I dunno if I'd had the option of donor milk even for the first month if I'd have used it. Probably not because I'd kinda feel awkward like if I wasn't gonna BF my own child then how could I use somebody's elses milk when a child who's mother had not succeeded at BF coulda used it iykwim? Not sure if I'm making sense as I type, but I am making sense in my head haha!

In no way whatsoever have I ever questioned my decision not to BF because it was just that, my decision. I think I'd maybe just feel like a mother who had wanted to BF should be using that milk instead.
If I had not been able to breastfeed for whatever reason I would have ff,the thought of giving my baby somebody elses milk seems strange to me.
I know that we drink cows milk but it seems different in a strange way.

Im also wierd in that I would happily offer my breastmilk to another baby if needed,where I would be funny about accepting another womans for my child.Im a bit of a hypocrite I suppose:blush:
I would use donor milk if my child had sensitivites to formula or if they were premie.

We have a milk bank in my area but it is SO restrictive. Even after passing all the tests for diseases etc, you can't take so much as an aspirin or stool softener or else they can't take your milk (which I understand since premies may be sensitive etc).

I actually AM milk-sharing right now. I have a huge oversupply and there is a woman in my area who helps out new mothers with lactation issues and will take any excess milk you have. I had over 1,000 ounces in the freezer. There was no way I was ever going to use it all. She is aware of any medications I was taking while storing that milk and passed the information on to the other mother. Its done anonymously through her though which is great. I'm so glad my milk didn't just go to waste (and what if we had a major power outage, it would have all be tossed!)
Oh, and I had a friend who had major supply issues and finally gave up BFing.. she had her daughter first otherwise she would have happily used my milk.

But I do admit that I'm happy to share, but feel a little weird about using it unless my child had a need that made formula harder on them, lol.
I would have used it, I didn't find out about it though til recently :flower:
I wasn't able to continue expressing past 2 months so I would have loved to be able to give lo breast milk, however I would have felt guilty as I think people with preemies/newborns deserve it more then me :flower:
I would donate my milk, if it were only easier to express! I considered it but as a PP has said it is very restrictive and I couldn't find anywhere local to me. I would have loved to donate. I would also feel grateful to accept donor milk if LO had needed it, choosing it over FM any day.
I would also nurse other babies, I see no problem with it but appreciate it's not for everyone as our society is so far from our roots now that it could be considered strange. To me it's natural :shrug:
I don't see the issue with wet nurses, or donor milk. I'd probably prefer a wet nurse if I had the choice and I couldn't BF myself, as the physical act of BFing helps develop the facial muscles, and the contact of baby's saliva on the nipple ensures the relevant antibodies are transferred.

It would also be a good money spinner if some wealthy family wanted me and LO to move in and sit there feeding their baby as well as mine!
It would also be a good money spinner if some wealthy family wanted me and LO to move in and sit there feeding their baby as well as mine!

:rofl: Hell yes! Let me know if they have twins :rofl:
I'd be curious to nurse another baby just to see how much of the problems we have are me and how many are my little guy's, lol!

If there are triplets, count me in!!!
Honestly, I will admit I feel some "weirdness" at accepting another woman's BM, but I will DO IT as a first choice, then FF second, if I couldn't BF.

I would also be happy to donate, and even to wet nurse. I don't feel any discomfort at the thought of nursing someone else's baby, not at all. x
I would give LO donor milk no problem, I'd give it over formula any day of the week and to be perfectly honest I have thought about trying to obtain some milk for this LOs first month in case we have the same issues as Ruby had (no latch and not very successful at pumping.) I'm obviously aware of milk sharing as I've thought about it.

I would only want another woman to feed my child in an emergency. I think to see it done regularly or as their sole source of food would just break me. I'm not particularly proud of myself for feeling that way and in the situation I might not even feel like that...but I suspect I would.
Thanks for the replies.

I have to admit, I'd prefer another woman not to actually nurse my child on a regular basis, but I think that's to do with the relationship with my daughter I feel BF gives me. Someone else nursing my baby on an occasional basis wouldn't bother me at all. My Mum BF my cousin once as she was babysitting her, BF my brother and my Aunt was late back to collect my cousin. My Mum couldn't get hold of my Aunt, no mobile phones there, so just fed my cousin as she was inconsolable. My Aunt was absolutely fine about it.

I'd happily BF/wety nurse another woman's baby. In fact, I often feel the urge to if I hear a baby crying, sort of like instinct. I was also suprised recently when my 7 year old (he has Downs Syndrome, so not as developed/can't articulate him as well as most 7 year olds) was tired and crying when we were out, it triggered my let down and I did think 'wouldn't it be great to just nurse him and calm him down...

I would use donor milk if I couldn't BF myself and it was available. Formula would be an absolute last resort for me, not because I think there's anything wrong with the product itself, I mainly FF my older children, but now I know what underhand tactics formula companies employ and that babies actually die because of them, I don't want to give them my money.
^ yeah lol at my baby group I find myself squeezing my breasts, or trying to re-focus my mind so that my let down doesn't occur..usually I fail miserably, but I know..the instinct is there to put baby (any baby lol) to breast.

I wonder if there are any existing laws surrounding wet-nursing, or maybe it is such an out-dated practice nobody ever thought to come up with any?
Thanks for the replies.

I have to admit, I'd prefer another woman not to actually nurse my child on a regular basis, but I think that's to do with the relationship with my daughter I feel BF gives me. Someone else nursing my baby on an occasional basis wouldn't bother me at all. My Mum BF my cousin once as she was babysitting her, BF my brother and my Aunt was late back to collect my cousin. My Mum couldn't get hold of my Aunt, no mobile phones there, so just fed my cousin as she was inconsolable. My Aunt was absolutely fine about it.

I'd happily BF/wety nurse another woman's baby. In fact, I often feel the urge to if I hear a baby crying, sort of like instinct. I was also suprised recently when my 7 year old (he has Downs Syndrome, so not as developed/can't articulate him as well as most 7 year olds) was tired and crying when we were out, it triggered my let down and I did think 'wouldn't it be great to just nurse him and calm him down...

I would use donor milk if I couldn't BF myself and it was available. Formula would be an absolute last resort for me, not because I think there's anything wrong with the product itself, I mainly FF my older children, but now I know what underhand tactics formula companies employ and that babies actually die because of them, I don't want to give them my money.

Speaking of which
If I had not been able to breastfeed for whatever reason I would have ff,the thought of giving my baby somebody elses milk seems strange to me.
I know that we drink cows milk but it seems different in a strange way.

Im also wierd in that I would happily offer my breastmilk to another baby if needed,where I would be funny about accepting another womans for my child.Im a bit of a hypocrite I suppose:blush:

^wss lol

i would love to donate my milk but my local hospital wont take it. i make alot of milk and find expressing easy
I would use donor milk if my child had sensitivites to formula or if they were premie.

We have a milk bank in my area but it is SO restrictive. Even after passing all the tests for diseases etc, you can't take so much as an aspirin or stool softener or else they can't take your milk (which I understand since premies may be sensitive etc).

I actually AM milk-sharing right now. I have a huge oversupply and there is a woman in my area who helps out new mothers with lactation issues and will take any excess milk you have. I had over 1,000 ounces in the freezer. There was no way I was ever going to use it all. She is aware of any medications I was taking while storing that milk and passed the information on to the other mother. Its done anonymously through her though which is great. I'm so glad my milk didn't just go to waste (and what if we had a major power outage, it would have all be tossed!)

aspirin is dangerous for babies; although the chances are very small there is a possibility of them developing Reye's Syndrome even from aspirin via breastmilk-this is why it isn't advised for any BF mum in the UK to take aspirin at all (and it is not advised for under 16s to take it direct either) xx

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