Don't know what to do about this :( Update pg2


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I had a terrible day yesterday. (sorry I didnt mean this to be so long but i am really gutted) :cry: :cry:

It was Alex's 1 year corrected age neonatal check. We were nervous but didn't expect to come out so hurt.

The physio had a look at Alex and I expressed my concerns about her right side. The physio said she could see a slight difference but again, didn't believe it was worth worrying about (I trust her:thumbup:)

The doctor then sat down and asked how we were doing. Everything was fine until it came to weaning.

I began to explain:

"Alex does ok :/ She had porridge in the morning.... followed by jars for lunch and dinner...."

The doctor had obviously stopped listening at the "She has porridge" part and assumed for ages that we only fed Alex on porridge.
She wouldn't let me get a word in edgeways to tell her otherwise so I sat being patronised by her.
She then went on to say she has a 1 year old term baby, and what she does with her child.:dohh:

Eventually she shut up and I explained, Alex has a jar at lunch , and a jar at dinner. We have huge difficulties with lumps, and the HV advised we used baby pasta stars and spaghetti and pop it in some jars . Even a neonatal nurse told me that the difficulties we have are often expected with preemies like Alex.

The doctor continued, saying try this, try that. I told her til I was blue in the face - IT DOES NOT WORK! She chokes, she throws up anything in her tummy from previous hours. We tried EVERY DAY but same scenario - she gags and throws up.

I told the doctor I understand they gag, thats normal, but we cannot continue to feed her one spoon, for her to gag and throw up all contents in her stomach!

I was basically made out to be someone who wasnt trying hard enough. She just would not listen. I was almost crying in the room.

She has decided to refer us to the dietician, which, fair enough, that's a good move.

I went home, and gave alex a spoonful of food - just like the doctor expects - it wasnt even THAT lumpy tbh, and the carpet was quickly covered in milk and anything she'd had hours before :cry: i burst into tears. I felt like dragging the woman to the house and showing her my carpet!!

But I did not expect to go to a neonatal check out for a doctor to continue on about what SHE does with her TERM child and basically compare. I felt like a complete f***ing failure and I am still broken over it.

We were told everything we already know. Yes we know Alex needs a more varied diet but its not going to happen in the situation we are in just now, and we need help and support. Instead, we got shot down and made to feel like this was our fault - no support or anything, we know nothing new.

The odd thing is, someone who we thought didnt have a clue, seemed ok about the whole situation - the HV. She didnt seem too worried at all :shrug:

I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow for a consultant appointment for this pregnancy, but not sure if I should perhaps speak to someone. i feel like we are no further forward.

OH is trying to remind me that we know best right now and I know he's right, its not like the doctor is living with a preemie so she doesnt understand. But we need more immediate support and yesterday was awful. He is angry and spent all night saying I was an amazing mum and begging me not to let it get to me.

See im crying again :cry:
oh that sounds so hard. I feel for you so much. Don't think we have spoken before but I have read a lot of your posts and you and such a fantastic mummy and Alex is such a lucky girl to have a mummy like you fighting her corner.

You are the one who knows your baby inside out and knows what is best for her. How dare that Doctor treat you like that! :growlmad: Hopefully the dietician will treat you with a bit more respect and help and support you in a more professional way!

Try to keep your chin up, just remember how far your fabulous little girl has come!
Thank you sugarmuppet - you're not far from me either! :hugs:

I know that the dietician can do so much more, but apparantly theres a waiting list and the doc didnt know how long that could be - which could be months :/ so I think we need a bit better support in the meantime!
Thank you sugarmuppet - you're not far from me either! :hugs:

I know that the dietician can do so much more, but apparantly theres a waiting list and the doc didnt know how long that could be - which could be months :/ so I think we need a bit better support in the meantime!

Where are you? Bonnie Scotland is bloody cold this morning!

It makes me so mad to hear that, :growlmad: There shouldn't be waiting lists for babies! Is your GP a good support? Sounds like your HV is on your side at least, even if she doesn't have a clue!

Just want to give you a big hug :hugs:
That's what I thought - why the HELL is there a waiting list for preemies?
I'm in Edinburgh hunny :)
I'm in Edinburgh hunny :)

We are hoping to move to Edinburgh soon, as my Mum lives there, but no one wants to buy our house :cry:

Hope you get things sorted soon for Alex, thinking about you :hugs:
Adi is the same so it's not only Alex :hugs:
When we seen dietitian with him they said as long as he is eating and has a healthy diet take it a step at a time with him,introduce it slowly and she will take to it eventually xx
I spoke to the nusery nurse who does the weighing at our clinic today and she said her son had problems with lumps and would vomit (he was fullterm and she has a preemie daughter). She said when he got a bit bigger and was able to understand there was lumps he was prepared for them and fine.

Try not to stress as she is doing brilliantly and will get there in her own time.

Hope you get an app soon with the dietician

Oh Sb (((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))) :hugs:

Can't remember where I posted this, so I'll repeat it in case! One thing our Dietitian said was that we should try Andrew with "iffy" solids (ones likely to cause a gag/vomit) about an hour after a milk feed. This would give a fair period for his body to absorb some of the milk & nutrients, and we shouldn't worry about the quantity that comes back.

I don't think anybody who hasn't had to clear up one milk vomit every day, can ever appreciate just how depressing and demoralising this weaning business can be.
Thats what she kept saying "I know its demoralising" but i dont think she understood the severity of the situation and just blamed it on lazyness!

You are the best mummy ever. I have seen you with Alex and I know how much you love her and how brilliant you are with her. Don't ever let a scabby doctor who knows nothing about your life make you feel bad.

I definitely think you should complain hunny. You know your own baby :baby: and you know what's best for her.

The doctor has no right to fell bad. Molly was the same with lumps for ages, then one day it just suddenly clicked, and I'm sure it will with Alex. I hate doctors that make you fell bad:growl: ( I had issues over weaning Molly off oxygen at home).
Hi SB. I don't know you or your story hun, but my heart goes out to you reading this :( I've had a preemie - born 16wks prem, and I know how distressing, scary and downright lonely you feel making the long lonely journey back to normality.

Quite frankly I learnt not to listen to these so called "experts" quite soon after my daughter was born. We questioned everything, and disregarded this kind of patronising "clap trap" from people who knew nothing about what it was like to go thru the preemie experience.

I can't really comment on your weaning experiences, because it was of the few issues we didn't face with Evie, but another preemie baby in the unit with us had this problem - even with pureed food. It was explained to him mum that he had developed a slight food aversion due to being ventilated, so that food made him gag unnecessarily. Given time, maturity and patience he eventually worked thru it and is now a strapping 6yr old who chomps down on anything and everything ;)

It's just a thought hun - tho you've probably had it with strangers thinking they know you and know your baby, so I'll leave it there :) Just wanted you to know you're not alone, and I care.

You're preggo too at the moment, so recognise that you're under loads of strain, and there is nothing worse for a mum than a baby that can't eat properly - it's so frustrating and worrying. You're probably doing brilliantly, you just don't know it xxx
It was explained to him mum that he had developed a slight food aversion due to being ventilated, so that food made him gag unnecessarily.

This is EXACTLY what I was told by the neonatal nurse i bumped into at Tescos a few weeks ago! Thank you, i didnt know how to explain it - but thats it!:thumbup:

I am feeling alil better, knowing that all my preemie friends here and IRL have all said the same.

Thanks girls, that doc can bugger off! xxxx

Dunno what I'd do without yous, and thank you Katy. xxxxxxx
that sounds horrible :( She should not be comparing her or her baby term or not to you or Alex! I Hate being patronised! Try to take it on the chin because your Alex's mummy and you know her better than anyone :hugs: xx
Hey Honey - hope you are good!

Alfie is exactly the same with lumps - now he clamps his mouth shut so it won't even get in and i have reverted to stage 1 jars when he is a year now (9 corrected) My HV has issues with jars full stop! Although she said as long as he is tryng finger foods its ok for him to have smoth food still!

You are a fabby mummy and know Alex best, i think its insulting for that doctor to be going on about her term baby - prem babies are a completely different situation! plus no one ( even a doctor) has a clue what its like to have a prem baby if they have never had one.

Stand your ground hun! you are fabulous! and Alex is a lucky little girl!!

I should've known better.

We've gave alex a finger food meal each night since and shes took to it amazingly. Now this is only because she wants to proove the doctor wrong :rofl: She couldnt do this last week!!!

And this morning shes snatched my toast and scranned it.....bottomless pit this morning!! not even gagging!
And we've successfully been managing cows milk with no reflux complications!

Shes ate more than I have in the last two days :rofl:

Sorry girls, perhaps I was a lil pregnancy hormonal the other day?
Thanks for the update Sb, it kinda offers hope for those of us still struggling :)
Its like somethings suddenly clicked? I've barely seen her gag. She had half a greggs sausage roll today :shock: I expected puke but nope!!! I only gave her a taste and she wanted to run off with it

My friend (whos preemie goes to the dietician) spoke to the dietician who said that the doctor was talking rubbish and its possible for preemies not to master lumps until 2/3 year old :shock: Now theres hope for us all!

She was sick tonight on her last bottle but I cannot figure what caused that - formula, bonjela, teething, i dunno, but doesnt seem to be the food, so i dont think its related.
Glad your feeling a bit happier today and Alex is making progress, she is so beautiful! :)

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