Hey everyone, my name is Mikaela and I'm new here on this forumn!! I'm 18 and just found out I'm pregnant! I'm not scared really just stressed, like I'm so young and just finished highschool:/ the pregnancy was not planned but rather a huge shock! My boyfriend is very supportive and we've been together a year n a half but we are both nervous and don't really know where to begin or what to do. He has already told his parents n they are happy but I'm so scared to tell mine as I know they'll freak out!! They were both very young when they had me and I was also a " surprise ". So I'm hoping they'll somewhat understand but I'm so nervous!!! Any advice on telling them??? And aswell I've just paid for school next year for a year program that end in April but I'm due in march so what would you guys do? Go to school or take the year off? I feel so lost and unprepared for this!!