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Don't think my breast milk is enough what do I do??


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Hey ladies , my son is two weeks old today and I am breastfeeding him, he also has one bottle of formula before bed that dad gives him.

I don't no what I'm doing wrong but as the day goes on he feeds more and more frequently and never seems satisfied for long, especially in the evenings , I end up having to top him up with formula.

Im worried he isn't getting what he needs and keep considering stopping breast and switching totally to formula but I feel so guilty at the thought of not giving him my milk.

Anyone have advice on were to go from here ? I don't know what to do . ..
It sounds like your baby is cluster feeding in the evenings it's completely normal they are upping your supply this way.

Giving formula will make you have less milk as it becomes supply and demand so I would advise against 'topping up'

Good luck and stay strong, maybe put a film on abd have plenty of snacks at hand.
As long as he's having normal diaper output and gaining weight then he's getting enough.

The first 6 weeks at least are all about growth spurts and building your supply. You'll likely go through days where all he wants to do is nurse and that's totally normal.

What you're describing sounds like classic clusterfeeding and it's 100% normal and necessary for a breastfed baby.
Sounds like cluster feeding. My four week old tends to cluster feed at night. Last night she fed 4-5 times over two hours. It was crazy! But eventually she stopped and slept. I wouldn't give up bf-ing yet. Maybe don't give a bottle tonight and see what happens. Cluster feeding helps build up your milk supply.
As the others have said, that is very normal and i remember a growth spurt around two weeks. My dd was feeding what felt like 24 hours a day at that point. I really wouldn't give formula, especially at night so soon because your milk supply needs time to eatablish.
Totally normal, just feed feed feed. Babies this age are fussy and want to nurse all the time, it's excellent for your supply :) formula is very heavy amd will really fill up baby and make.them sleepy but your milk is definitely enough as long as baby is gaining weight, pooping and peeing. make.sure you are pumping when hubby gives formula or.your body will think it needs to produce less.
Yes it's perfectly normal. Baby is cluster feeding which will regulate your supply. It's hard but it won't last long. Make sure you drink lots of water and just go with it. Baby knows what he's doing :thumbup:
As long as he's having normal diaper output and gaining weight then he's getting enough.

The first 6 weeks at least are all about growth spurts and building your supply. You'll likely go through days where all he wants to do is nurse and that's totally normal.

What you're describing sounds like classic clusterfeeding and it's 100% normal and necessary for a breastfed baby.

Exactly this.

Diaper ok = milk perfect!
I would also advise against topping off. Breastfeeding is all supply and demand, if he doesn't demand enough, your breasts will produce the necessary amount your baby needs, so keep him on as much as he wants to be. There were days very early on with both my kids that I was basically on the couch all day because my LO's were cluster feeding, but it was completely worth it because they went on to nurse for well over a year.

Cluster feeding is completely normal, it's rough, but shouldn't last more than a few days. Hang in there, and if you are really worried about it, invest in some Fenugreek, it will pump up your supply in as little as 48 hrs
aaw yup sounds like cluster feeding don't worry you are doing fab! trust your baby and your body. cluster feeding can be really tough but just try and embrace it get a big drink, get comfy somewhere and ask other people to do any jobs that need doing! Baby will seem really fussy and unsatisfied through growth spurts but its completely normal just keep them on your boob and your supply will catch up and be perfect very soon! Giving the bottle will satisfy him for those few hours but because it will slow the growth of your supply it could prolong the cluster feedings,

The first few months feel like you just have them glued to your boob 24/7 but it really is worth sticking it out my dd is 10 months now and breastfeeding is so easy and like a magic wand to calm her down and help her sleep

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