
Mam of two & two angels
Jul 19, 2008
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Jack has to have his pre-school immunisations next week.

He hasnt had an injection since he was a baby, and i know its going to be a huge struggle, fight. Oh god, im dreading it. One of the mums at school this morning said they have one in each arm. :wacko:

How do i handle this? Do i pre-warn him, tell him about it. Or take him and just see what happens without telling him. > trouble with that is the two injections, not sure i can get away with the 2nd!

He really is going to fight, and hes a strong boy, help me!! What did u do?!
me too!! :( my son got the letter yesterday.
i cried at his injections as a baby when he didnt know what was going on but i dont know if i will cope with these ones! hes also very strong! and he wil hate me!
I was dreading it! Turned out nothing to worry about. I pre warned kieran just told him that the lady was going to give him something to make sure he doesn't get poorly and if he's a good boy then he'll get sweets:lol:

I had no tears at all, same when I took them for swine flu injection:)
Well, I don't know your son and his personality but for my own son, I would definitely opt for telling him in advance rather than going in unprepared. I couldn't imagine a situation where my son would physically fight it, though, so I don't have any suggestions on that end of things, sorry! I hope it goes a lot smoother than you're anticipating though, you never know! Since this is a special and somewhat big deal and something he's not used to, perhaps you could consider an offer of a special present afterwards if he's a ''big strong boy'' for the injections?
Try not to worry, I was really worried about taking Jack too but he was a very brave boy, apart from he tenced his arm up on the second one cos he knew what was coming and the injection came out in his arm poor boy so the doc had to give him it again so there was a few tears :( xx
Bribe him, tell him if hes a brave boy he can get some sweets or a new toy.

If he tryed to fight it, cradle him like a baby so he cant hit out.
I talked to Aimee beforehand. I explained what they were for and what the nurse would do and she was fine. Didn't struggle and only cried a tiny amount after the second one.
Jack has to have his pre-school immunisations next week.

He hasnt had an injection since he was a baby, and i know its going to be a huge struggle, fight. Oh god, im dreading it. One of the mums at school this morning said they have one in each arm. :wacko:

How do i handle this? Do i pre-warn him, tell him about it. Or take him and just see what happens without telling him. > trouble with that is the two injections, not sure i can get away with the 2nd!

He really is going to fight, and hes a strong boy, help me!! What did u do?!

When do you go hun? Josh has his pre school jabs on tuesday , during the same appointment as jax having his 12wk jabs (yes he'll be 16wks). It is one in each arm too, Im dreading it too but i've simply said " you have to have an injection for big school to make sure you dont get really poorly " . Ive not given him any option to say no by saying " you have to it " .. I plan on taking a bit of something with me to give to him though afterwards to kinda take his mind of it, Not sure what yet though. Josh will have his jabs then jax has his, My mum is coming with me as i wanted each boy to have someone to cuddle & i'll need to hold jax for his & i cant cuddle josh at the same time. Then we're just getting a taxi straight home, ive booked our appointment for 4pm so that he has his tea & then shortly after its bedtime then its not him being upset all day or anything.
Let us know how you get on hun & i'll do too x
Chloe is having her's on the 22nd and im dreading it aswell but I am gonna take a friend with me and tell her beforehand maybe take a magazine and a sweet with me for afterwards :hugs:
I didnt tell Ewan what was going to happen as he was only 3 at the time, he was fine, cried after the second injection but was more imressed with the plasters!
Hi My daughter had hers about 4 months ago and she was fine with hers which was a huge shock. She had been pre warned but we didnt call it a needle we called it a butterfly tube...... my step son had to have play therapy sessions to have a blood test as he was terrified and that was the term they used and it really worked.

I was a complete nervous wreck I bought her a little wonderpets toy as a reward after for being so brave and took it with me to the docs. Her Dad took her in coz I couldnt bare it and I was cowering outside listening for the kick off or scream and their was none!!!! Her dad sat her on his knee facing him and cuddled her and it really was so quick it was fab and she never even flinched, they gave her a lolly and a sticker and she had her reward from us, shes not scared of needles now which to me is ace as i was terrified of them as a child..... in fact I have not even had my TB or my meningitis jab!!! I was so proud of her! Sorry to go on but it was a really big deal for me but my girl really did me proud!!!
Hi I'v not read all the replies but wanted to share my experience.

My son and I had our swine flu jabs in jan.

He has not had a jab since he was small.

I told him about it, explained that the doctor was going to give him a jab, and it would be a wee bit sore, but it would stop him from getting a horrible sick bug.

I also offered that if he was a brave boy and very good for the doctor we would go for a cake in the cafe afterwards.

I went first, he watched.

When the doctor was about to put the needle in his arm, I said ''so, what kinda cake you going to choose'' his eyes watered with the jag but he said ''a pink one'' and then I gave him a big hug for being a brave boy.

I think it is better if you explain what is going to happen and why, as I have seen a few kids nervous of the doctor after having something unexpected and horrid happen there.
I took josh for his on tuesday at the same time as jaxon having his 12wk jabs, I felt mega cruel tbh . The 1st one in his left arm he shouted ow & cried , the 2nd one in his right arm he absolutely screamed, but i dont blame him either , his right arm has swollen , its seriously hot to touch & has gone all red & patchy. Its very sore :(
I kept him off nursery yesterday as he kept crying but sent him in today & apparently he's cried 4/5 times coz he kept getting it knocked & it hurt.

Josh had his 1st, but to try get his mind of it afterwards i said do you want to hold jaxons hand whilst he has his, he said " yes " so he did & my fault once again :dohh: he was then distraught coz jaxon was crying from his jabs!
He was seriously well & truly distraught, Kept telling the lady to leave him alone & to stop hurting his little brother :( He was trying his best to fight back tears whilst talk to his brother & yep i feel like an absolute cow bag :(

On the way home for being brave i said he could pick something from the shop ..his reply?...Apples, strawberries & bananas!!
So yep we got all 3 :) How could i say no!

(oh & he picked a wii game that i've yet to find & buy ) *sigh*

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