dreading section but can't wait for babe to be here!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
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So from the absolute beginning of ever thinking about having a baby, I wanted it to happen naturally. Go figure that the lil guy is breech and an attempted version was unsuccessful (horrid story of drs insisting dates that aren't possible and ending up not checking position until it was too late and he's too big). Still since the drs won't accept the correct dates they won't schedule surgery until THEIR 39 week mark, which is this Thursday May 3rd. We tried fighting with them since they won't do it any earlier than that date unless I'm in deep labor. First I'm absolutely terrified of the whole surgery & recovery then knowing that I can go into labor at any minute then it turns into an emergency surgery situation really gets me.
I know many people who have went through cesareans but I still just can't handle it. I REALLY don't think I can mentally deal with the fact I will be awake and a sheet will be covering the view of them cutting into me and pulling baby out. :(
Sorry the version was unsuccessful. I know a c-section does sound terrifying but just think, you will have your bundle of joy soon. You'll be fine:hugs: Make sure and rest afterwards - recovery is not that bad. Good luck! Hope to hear a birth story soon and see pics of your bundle of joy :)
i just had my 3rd c/s that was planned for 24th but the baby decided he would make his app on the 16th lol . but my recover has been great this time and im a lot older than i was with my last c/s 16y ago . i was up walking abt 10 hours later . i know its scary i was terrified i put my bp thro the roof . but its worth it when you hold ur little baby :flower:
I had exactly the same feelings, throughout my pregnancy my biggest fear was a c-section birth. I had my natural earth mama (LOL) labour all planned out in my head.

at 37 weeks I had hypertensia (sp?) and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and had to go in for a c-section. Devistated would not be enough to describe how I felt, I cried and cried and was absolutely terrified of the whole thing but I had no choice.

To be completely honest with you it really was not bad at all. The actual procedure was so quick I couldn`t believe it and totally painless. Someone on here described it as feeling like someone had put their handbag on your belly and was rummaging through it and that is so true!

I will be honest the immediate moments of recovery when I got into my room was hard, it was painful and it was uncomfortable but it really didn`t last long. Once the nurses administered the pain relief it was much better, I was standing, walking and using the bathroom within hours of the section.

My daughter was my first child and after this experience I am actually thinking if I get pregnant again I might go for a c-section again rather than a VBAC never in a million years would I have thought I would be thinking like this LOL.

basically that was my long winded way of saying trust me it won`t be as horrendous of an experience that you think it will!

Wishing you all the best and I hope you have a great birthing experience!! xxx
I had an elective c-section three weeks ago. my baby is beautiful, healthy...and well, perfect (yes, yes...a mother's perspective). Anyway, the caesarean wasn't as bad as i thought. i had the catheter out and was going to the bathroom by myself eight hours later. my pain was completely managed by IV for the first day, then by pills the next few days. A week and a half later, i was on no pain medication at all...and did not feel the need to be on any. yes, the actual procedure is a bit daunting. I found that the spinal was far less stressful than i had imagined. it honestly felt like a bee sting. the catheter placement was undetectable since it happened after the spinal was administered. the procedure didn't hurt in the least. i was just anxious because i wanted to meet my baby and know that he was okay. it is three weeks post-surgery/delivery tomorrow. my stomach is nearly pre-pregnancy status. incision healing wonderfully. already had intercourse with my husband (first time recently). I feel pretty good! (except for being exhausted as a result of getting up multiple times a night.)
Try not to stress about it (easier said than done, I know)

I was scheduled for an "elective" section at 39.5 weeks as Everette was frank breech at her 35 week ultrasound
We tried unsuccessfully to turn her with chiro, moxa sticks, swimming, exercises, acupuncture, etc.
I went into labour on my own the morning of my appt for the section...which was actually good because otherwise I would have been sent home to wait until the next day as the OR was fully booked unless I was considered an "emergency"
I was housed in the mother/babe ward for the day (which wasn't fun, since they aren't set up to deal with labouring women so I was basically put in a bed in a shared room and left there). Finally DH grabbed a nurse and said "should we tell you her contractions are getting worse and closer together?". Nurse ran off to call my midwife and the OB. OB comes up to check how far along I am (which no one bothered to do all day) and found I was 3cm dilated and he could feel Everette's feet, so they rushed me off for my emergency section.
I'm not going to lie, it was a little overwhelming at first. I was not only starving from fasting since midnight the day before but I was having very intense contractions right on top of each other and the OR room was a bit overwhelming because everyone was talking to me and asking me questions and explaining things to me. The anesthesiologist gave me my spinal (which I was terrified of, but honestly didn't even feel) and all of a sudden the world was amazing :haha:
DH was brought in once they got me all prepped. I couldn't feel a thing, a slight bit of pressure/tugging was all. Baby was out within minutes and DH got to cut the cord. They brought her over to me and put her on my chest and we got to cuddle and love her while they stitched me up. I ended up getting sick (nausea and shaking) from coming off the spinal but DH got to spend a few hours bonding with Everette (in a chair beside me) while I was recovering so that was really nice
The OR staff was all amazing, they were so nice and explained everything as they went along. By the time baby was out I couldn't have given two craps what they were doing to me, I just wanted to stare at my daughter :cloud9:

Recovery hasn't been bad so far. I was walking by the next morning and was out of the hospital in less than 48 hours. I've had very little pain/discomfort from my incision and have been controlling the pain with only tylenol and ibuprofen. The only sucky thing I having to take it really easy (seriously don't push yourself...I was feeling really good on day 4 and spent the day wandering the house and standing up a lot and doing some light chores and was in a lot of pain by the end of the day)

I was initially terrified of the section and feeling quite angry/upset/ripped off that I couldn't have my natural birth, but honestly in the end I am very happy with my birth experience and my daughter got here safe and sound
I can hear the words but still fear! I was a *bit* more comfortable today with the anxiousness that is looming for Thursday morning because I had to go to the hospital L & D ward to be monitored and tested for pre-eclampsia. Had my dr's appt early in the afternoon and my blood pressure was sky high and not going down. Actually thought I might end up with my baby in a couple hours bc of the bp. Got in there all by myself (DH was at work) and got all set up. The nurses were SOOOOOO much more helpful and nice than my doctors. They were explaining what was going to happen on Thursday. Unfortunately I'm going to be stuck with the catheter for a whole day since they don't want me up and walking for 24hrs. I am to get the spinal but they said it would manage the pain for 18-20 hours, which quite astonishes me. I will be stuck there for at least 3 days too.
I definitely wish I didn't have to wait, I just need to see a happy, healthy baby and I'll be just fine :) He's already such a little stinker and showing that he's quite happy in there, lol

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