Id love some thoughts on this!
My milk never came in. I was producing some good amounts of colostrum, but my actual milk never seemed to ever go beyond a few drops. That's still the case now, although even that seems to be dwindling. I think it's because of a hormonal imbalance (I have pcos), but it could have been because of the infection or anaemia following the birth too.
Anyway, I got in touch with a lactation consultant to see whether it would be possible to do any BF. We did try in the beginning, for 4 days.. But DS got so unwell form jaundice that he just would not wake up to feed. He was so lethargic. We ended up in hospital overnight, force feeding him formula. I didn't want to try to exclusively BF again because I couldn't stand seeing him like that.. But maybe a combination?
Well, the LC was pretty judgemental about my low supply, claiming it was lack of time at the breast that will have caused it (when DS was born, he spent up to 1 1/2 hours on the breast, every hour! There was no way that was the issue. The poor guy would scream all night, I'm pretty sure because he was starving.
She eventually suggested dry nursing for comfort rather than for food. There's a part of me that finds it a little bit weird, but I gave it a go this afternoon. DS had been fed, changed, winded, the lot & he would not settle. He kept grabbing at my breast (he's now 5 1/2 weeks & not been BF since day 4). I let him have it & he sucked maybe 5 times & then settled immediately into a deep sleep! I wonder if he missed that comfort and bonding? He's FF now & has a dummy for comfort. I've read that sucking on the breast can release certain hormones that encourage sleep, which would explain why he's now jonked out in his crib! Something I've not managed to get him to do in WEEKS!
Has anyone heard of this or even tried it? I'd love to know what other people think! My DH thinks it's a sweet idea! I thought he'd find it odd. Lol
My milk never came in. I was producing some good amounts of colostrum, but my actual milk never seemed to ever go beyond a few drops. That's still the case now, although even that seems to be dwindling. I think it's because of a hormonal imbalance (I have pcos), but it could have been because of the infection or anaemia following the birth too.
Anyway, I got in touch with a lactation consultant to see whether it would be possible to do any BF. We did try in the beginning, for 4 days.. But DS got so unwell form jaundice that he just would not wake up to feed. He was so lethargic. We ended up in hospital overnight, force feeding him formula. I didn't want to try to exclusively BF again because I couldn't stand seeing him like that.. But maybe a combination?
Well, the LC was pretty judgemental about my low supply, claiming it was lack of time at the breast that will have caused it (when DS was born, he spent up to 1 1/2 hours on the breast, every hour! There was no way that was the issue. The poor guy would scream all night, I'm pretty sure because he was starving.
She eventually suggested dry nursing for comfort rather than for food. There's a part of me that finds it a little bit weird, but I gave it a go this afternoon. DS had been fed, changed, winded, the lot & he would not settle. He kept grabbing at my breast (he's now 5 1/2 weeks & not been BF since day 4). I let him have it & he sucked maybe 5 times & then settled immediately into a deep sleep! I wonder if he missed that comfort and bonding? He's FF now & has a dummy for comfort. I've read that sucking on the breast can release certain hormones that encourage sleep, which would explain why he's now jonked out in his crib! Something I've not managed to get him to do in WEEKS!
Has anyone heard of this or even tried it? I'd love to know what other people think! My DH thinks it's a sweet idea! I thought he'd find it odd. Lol