i know johnson girl, i kep disappearing into the loo to check for bleeding! boobs little sore and lttle bit of nausea kicking in yayyy. but i keep having these stretchy kinda pains on and off. johnsongirl, i keep thinking tom i wd be 6 weeks, urs wd be today i guess, and i keep wondering if the babys heart is beating well! it shd by 6 weeks, in my first pregnancy, i was called at 6 weeks and there she was measuring to date and strong little heart flicker. second time for MMC. at 6 weeks there was a sac and a yolk sac. no fetal pole till one week later. i wish i cd get a scan tom to see. at he same time im scared and want to wait till the 8th wek, because if there is no heartbeat tom. they wd call me back in a weeks time and the wait wd kill me