Due at Christmas, what plans do you have?


Mum to Smurf & TTC
Jan 5, 2010
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I am due 23rd December.
Regardless of what happens with Bump, Christmas / Santa still needs to happen for DS who's 5.

My plan is to host Christmas in my house then if I need to leave DS has family round him & his new toys. Likewise if I need to go on Christmas Eve Santa isn't getting diverted.

Does that make sense?

What plans have you got?
It does make sense but depending on how big your family is (but even for a small family) it's a lot of work to host and cook dinner for everyone then clean up while 40 weeks/with new baby. Would anyone else offer to host? So similar thing, if you need to go family is still there but without the stress for everyone's Christmas at your house!
We haven't made any plans. I will get DS' Xmas presents ready and put them in the car so if he needs to be dropped off to my mums near to Xmas day, I can drop Santas presents off with him. He is actually very excited about the possibility of staying at grandmas for Xmas! Luckily they have a very close relationship so I doubt he will be bothered at all if we have to dash off to hospital.

If baby comes before Xmas or after, we will just pop in and visit others, we won't be inviting anyone around this year.
I am.planning a home birth. Its going to be extremely awkward though because my family are 4 hrs away and will want to see the kids. If the baby comes xmas eve or xmas day I am not going to stress. We do not need and OTT xmas c
I'll be starting operation evacuation at 37 weeks, even if it doesn't work I'll feel like I'm doing something. Stopping before Christmas. Going to my mum's in a taxi so that won't be too taxing. I'm not too worried about going into labour Christmas Day as long as DD opens her presents, but I have a few traditions on Christmas Eve that I'm gonna complete with her come hell or high water. Very much hopeful that LO comes before then though
Ah :) I'm due on the 13th of December. My birthday is on the 18th and my mum's is on the 29th, haha. It's already a busy month despite Christmas :D.
I have no idea what we're going to do yet on Christmas. I do want to be with family :).
It does make sense but depending on how big your family is (but even for a small family) it's a lot of work to host and cook dinner for everyone then clean up while 40 weeks/with new baby. Would anyone else offer to host? So similar thing, if you need to go family is still there but without the stress for everyone's Christmas at your house!

Both my mum & sister would host. And they will help out. My family really equates to my parents, sister & 2 teenage kids. My biggest fear is having to explain Santa getting diverted on Christmas Eve. DS will be almost 6, and is likely to have a million questions. Tie you up in knots trying to explain.

If it was my first it would be easy, let someone else host. Turn up eat & chill. But I'm desperate to keep the myth going for DS.
Midnight how old are your other kids. You are brave to have a homebirth with other kids. But escaping post natal wards would be no bad thing.
I am due on the 12th but with the other 2 I went over so I expect to go over again, before knowing about baby we had actually planned to do Christmas on Boxing Day as I was working shifts and so wouldn't have been around Christmas Day my two are nearly 6 and 2 and we have just told them that mummy and daddy have made a special arrangement with Santa that if mummy is working then he will come back especially for them another night with thier presents as it was the only thing we could thing of so I didn't miss out on them opening things they have accepted this and if was to go into labour Christmas Eve then I would probably fall back on that idea and do Christmas a few days late they aren't really that aware of the actual date anyway. We will probably host the day at our house as it's easier for me than taking everything with me but I will have help my mum will help cook as will my husband and sisters and instead of me going and hitting all the food I may just out a supermarket order in for delivery
We still plan on doing Christmas. Most likely it will just be us (DH & DD) and possibly my parents or maybe just my mom, depending on how long they stick around after the new baby is born. Otherwise we are just going to do the presents for DD and exchange our gifts. Nothing big.
Midnight how old are your other kids. You are brave to have a homebirth with other kids. But escaping post natal wards would be no bad thing.

They are 12, 10 and 3. We are about 50mins from hospital and my longest labour was 2hr 10min. Didnt have contractions with #3. Because we are rural there is a proper HOmebirth team and is well above national average. Fingers crossed

Im not that fussed about xmas dinner. Il just make sure we have food in freezer.
Midnight how old are your other kids. You are brave to have a homebirth with other kids. But escaping post natal wards would be no bad thing.

They are 12, 10 and 3. We are about 50mins from hospital and my longest labour was 2hr 10min. Didnt have contractions with #3. Because we are rural there is a proper HOmebirth team and is well above national average. Fingers crossed

Im not that fussed about xmas dinner. Il just make sure we have food in freezer.

I'm having a home birth too I did with my last two and I'd choose home over hospital every time now.

Mine will be 9, 7, 5 and 3. My oldest two boys are staying throughout labour and birth with this one :)

I'm due just after new year so hoping I get through Xmas ok. I've never gone that early before so fingers crossed! Because if Santa had to get diverted I'm not sure my children would be very impressed! Lol although I'll be 38 weeks so I have said I refuse to cook Xmas dinner this year we are eating out I'm having one year off!
My biggest fear is having to explain Santa getting diverted on Christmas Eve. DS will be almost 6, and is likely to have a million questions. Tie you up in knots trying to explain.

I assume DS understands there will be a baby coming on or around Christmas?

Can you and DS send a special extra letter to Santa telling him that there may be a chance that he may be at a different house on Christmas Eve as mummy is having the baby so if there is no one home can he please visit me at whatever the address is and there will be mince pies waiting for him there :flower:
Thanks for that idea Lucasmum, yip he knows baby is coming at / around Christmas. I just hadn't though about giving Santa advanced warning.

Midnight that makes perfect sense esp being so far from the hospital. Anababe I'd think you should be OK to get beyond Christmas but it is quiet a thought to try and divert Santa when you have so many kids.

It doesn't really help that we want to buy DS something for the garden, trampoline or climbing frame type thing, not exactly something small that is easy to deliver elsewhere. Second thoughts might keep the outdoor toy idea for his birthday.
If you are doing a big present for outdoors Santa can also leave him a letter with the bits he will be able to open telling him there is an extra special prize waiting for him at home as it was to big for mummy and daddy to be able to move back to his house and he is being very grown up and sensible about not being at home, make him feel extra special?
I am due Jan too...but my other 3 were 39weekers...which I will be on Xmas day 😏😑
Last year we were on holiday for Xmas so we just told DS that we had told Santa we would be away and he would use magic to find us. He was only 2 almost 3 then though, so happily accepted that explanation. Hopefully as he knows Santa found us last year he won't have any issues accepting that this year!
My second was due 23rd of Dec and was born Christmas Day.

I woke up Christmas morning in early labour. We did stockings on the bed, went downstairs with my first and she opened all her presents whilst I bounced on a birthing ball. I cooked Christmas dinner (around 2/3) for MIL, BIL, OH and DD1. It was uncomfortable and I didn't eat but I was determined not to ruin Christmas and I am by nature extremely stubborn.

After clearing up the house and packing my first off to grandma's with some of her toys we then went to hospital.

Had my second at around 10pm, had to sign myself out of hospital around 1am because there was no doctor on the ward at that time and I wanted to get home to my first. The MW was happy enough for me to go home and all went really smoothly.

Good luck :)
I'm due Xmas day and have said for the first time ever I'm not cooking Xmas dinner someone else can do it!!

However I am planning a homebirth so hoping when ever baby decides to make an appearance it won't matter much I'm actually really looking forward to it as I think the Xmas lights and everything will help for a nice setting for giving birth DS is 5 and knows baby is due at Xmas and I'm just going to make sure all presents are wrapped and ready from early Dec and we'll still have presents on Xmas day no matter what happens! All DS asks for Xmas now is his baby brother x
It does make sense but depending on how big your family is (but even for a small family) it's a lot of work to host and cook dinner for everyone then clean up while 40 weeks/with new baby. Would anyone else offer to host? So similar thing, if you need to go family is still there but without the stress for everyone's Christmas at your house!

Both my mum & sister would host. And they will help out. My family really equates to my parents, sister & 2 teenage kids. My biggest fear is having to explain Santa getting diverted on Christmas Eve. DS will be almost 6, and is likely to have a million questions. Tie you up in knots trying to explain.

If it was my first it would be easy, let someone else host. Turn up eat & chill. But I'm desperate to keep the myth going for DS.

If your mum and sister are taking the load that shouldn't be too bad but agree with the other ladies about if you need to, explain to your LO that santa will be able to find them as santa never misses a child whether they're at home or not. The letter idea is good too!

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