Due March 15th and looking for a bump buddy!


Mumma of 2!
Dec 28, 2010
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Hello! I am looking for a bump buddy to share the rest of my journey with! I am a part of a group already but find it hard to join in all the conversations as I am usually asleep while most of the chatting is going on! I wish I had of looked for a bump buddy earlier but I am hoping there is still someone around who'd like to be my friend!:shrug:

I am from Australia and I am 21 years old, 22 in less then a month. :)

I just got married this year in March and after 8 months of trying (I have PCOS) We finally made our little baby!! I am due the 15th of March 2012 which is 4 days before our first wedding anniversary!

At our 18 week scan we found out our little one is a BOY!!! So excited! Made the whole thing feel 100% real!

I've been feeling baby since 16weeks and his now getting very strong! Lot's and lot's of weird movements happening!

Basically I am looking for a buddy close to my EDD that comes on BNB pretty regularly same as me!

I find it hard to join in conversations on BNB as I am from Australia so am awake when most people are asleep! So I'd love to have a buddy to chat with.. Possibly even more then one! But someone who will answer my questions and who I can help out just as much! Especially when we have our little freak out moments that ALL of us have!

Look forward to hearing from someone!:flower:
hi there! i am now due 15 march too! i was originally due 6 march, by my LMP, but then when we went in for our scan the baby [a little girl] was measuring small. so we went in later for a checkup scan and they moved my EDD to 15 march. so we have the same EDD!

i am 26, and so is dh. this is my second pregnancy, my duaghter will be 18 months when this little one comes along. this is my husbands 3 child, as i have a stepson who will be 5 in january. we just celebrated our 3 anniversary about 10 days ago.

i havent been on BnB that much lately cause my bump buddy sort of disappeared, but i would love to have someone to chat with regularly! i would definitely come on here more often if that was the case :)

hope youre well and loving all those fun movements!! :) chat soon, if you would like to be buddies! :D
Hi!!! Lovely to hear from someone!! I'd love to be bump buddies!!

Did you have irregular cycles? Did it come as a shock for them to move your date? I had mine moved forward from the 17th to the 15th, they then wanted to make it the 12th after my 12 week scan but I'm sticking with the 15th! At 18 weeks he measured a little bit small. I never had much of a bump till 22 weeks then it just came outta no where and at my last appointment my belly was measuring 1 week ahead!!!! They assured me it's fine to measure 2 weeks different either way. But at the same time I'm a little worried as my mum had big babies.. I was nearly 10 pound! Id like a smaller one at least for my first lol!!!

So how have you been feeling?
Is it any different this time round with your second?
Have you guys started to think of names?

By the way your daughter is gorgeous! :)
well i breastfed my daughter and so my cycles were just coming back when i fell pregnant this time. i had 2 cycles and the first was like 42 days and the second, by the time i tested was like 38, so i kinda knew there was a chance that my dates were off, but i told the doctor that at the very beginning and she didnt think that was enough of a reason to do a dating scan. my dh is in the military and we go to a military hospital - they are so busy that they really only do things like extra scans when absolutely necessary. i think i would have been devastated last time to get things pushed back 9 days because last time every day felt like an eternity, i was just so ready to meet our baby. but this time we are being moved at the end of january to texas, and so i kind of welcomed the extra days...gives us a bit more time to get settled in before we have a newborn in the house.

i was soooo nervous about a big baby my first time around. my nephew was 10lb6oz and my niece was 9lb12oz...so big babies are common for my family. my daughter was born through induction at 10 days past her due date and the last few weeks of pregnancy the doctor kept saying "yea...this is probably going to be a big baby" and i was so scared about it. but she came out at a pretty petite 7lb12oz...not tiny, but totally manageable.

i envy your no-bumpnessfor so long. this time i got a bump like pretty much immediately. the doctor says its normal to show faster with a second pregnancy, especially when they are close together. but i have been back in maternity clothes pretty much since i got my BFP! lol. luckily the growth of the belly has slowed since the beginning though, and its not too huge. im sure it will be that way by the end though!

i have been really lucky with my pregnancies actually...no morning sickness with my daughter, and only got sick 2 times this time. my daughter was really high the whole time and she kicked me in the ribs for like 5 months straight, but this baby is sitting a whole lot lower and its all so much more comfortable. plus, i think chasing my daughter around all day distracts me from any type of uncomfort i may have. its crazy this time around because the days fly by and i think its because i stay so busy with my daughter. i was working last pregnancy, but sitting at a desk all day doing designs [i was an architect] it is easy to start thinking about the baby and focusing on how much longer, etc. this time, i am a stay-at-home-mom for the time, it seems like i am not so focused on it at all times, and it is letting time go by more quickly. i seriously cant believe its less than 100 days now! how has your pregnancy gone! i hope youve had a pretty easy time of it. i hear these stories about some women having it really rough with pain and sickness and i so feel for them.

we do have a name - Emerson Grace. With my daughter [who is Audrey Elise] we could not agree on anything! It was so hard and we discussed and discussed, even before we knew the gender. This time we didnt even talk about names until we knew the gender. Then the picking was still hard because I like really unique names, but DH doesn't. It was hard to find something we both liked, but finally we did it! lol. Only problem is that now we have an A [Audrey], a D [my stepson Dylan], and an E [Emerson]...so DH is convinced we need to have 2 more kids - a B and a C name - to round out the pattern. :) I told him that with 2 this close together, we are going to be waiting awhile for another, if at all! Two little girls so close in age might turn us both into early white-haired parents! ;) Have you guys discussed names for your little guy at all?

Thanks for the compliment on my daughter! I really need to update the photo though...she has grown and changed so much in the past few months!
You are lucky to have had no morning sickness! I was NOT so lucky. I was sick for the first 16 weeks! It was horrible. Enough for me to say I am only having one child lol. I ended up giving up work at 16 weeks. I was a hairdressing and my boss was just being so bad about the whole thing! I told her when I was 6 weeks pregnant because I was so ill and I even said I am telling you now because I just can't cope with work. She was relying on me to open and close the salon and do clients all day. I tried and after a while told her I just couldn't do it because it was putting to much stress on me the thought of letting her down. So we decided she would drop me back to working just Monday and Tuesday and find someone else to take over the rest of the week which would have been great. Anyways.. She never did that I waited another month an a half and in the end I just quit. She never asked how I was feeling.. She never thanked me for coming in when I was ill.. She never offered for me to go home early.. She just made me feel terrible for letting her down all the time. So now I am officially a stay at home wife and soon to be mum! Of course I still do a few people at home for a bit of extra cash and it's better now that the morning sickness has gone away but I still have off day's every now and then!

Sitting in a office would have been hard. I get so uncomfortable now when I have been sitting for too long. I think he hates being squished up lol.. To be honest time is flying for me as well! Everybody told me it would totally drag but it hasn't. I just focus on what week I am and soon enough I am onto the next. I can't believe I am nearly in 3rd tri already!!! We tried for 8 months before we got our BFP and in that time I only had 4 cycles and the 4th was when I got preg! So that has helped make me patient! I was so excited to be under 100 day's left! I have a feeling the rest of the pregnancy is going to fly. I have my birthday coming up in just over a week, then Christmas, New Year, my sister coming home from overseas (she's been gone for 6 months), my other sisters engagement party, my friends little girls christening and then I'll have a baby shower in there somewhere! Before I know it, it will be March and he will be here!

Emerson Grace is such a lovely name! I should have looked at your ticker before lol! We have been talking about names for our little man and we love 2.. Thinking we will decide properly which one when we meet him. His middle name is going to be William just like his daddy. So he will either be

Spencer William
Braxton William

Who knows though.. Still a while left so may change our minds! I love them both and I love that you can shorten them both to Brax or Spence. I am leaning more towards Braxton this week. But will probably swing the other way next week ha ha. Hubby prefers Spencer just a tad more. But I just can't rule Braxton out. I am sure when we meet him he will look like one or the other! I have a back up girls name aswell.. Just in case he becomes a she ha ha which is

Mila Arliss
I LOVE it :)

How is your nursery coming along? Everyone keeps picking on me because mine is nearly finished! I had to wait ages to conceive this baby and then 9 months to cook it.. I just can't help myself ha ha!
oh my gosh! your old boss sounds horrible! when i was pregnant with audrey my hairdresser was pregnant as well, about 3 weeks behind me, and i never understood how she was able to do it. her employers were great though and they cut back her hours as she went along, scheduled breaks for her between clients, etc. i cant believe your boss wanted you to open AND close AND work all day on your feet when you were so sick. it bugs me when people are not understanding of how hard it can be to be pregnant. im glad you got out of there though and now you have more time to get ready for your little boy! :) so the sickness has passed for you though? thats really good...i feel like sometimes my prenatal pills make me a bit nauseous though and i have some days that i feel like im gonna gets sick. with audrey i never felt ill at all. earlier this week i think i caught a 24 hour flu sort of thing and i spent the morning throwing up...it terrified my daughter. she followed me into the bathroom and was just crying watching me. i was trying to tell her it was okay, but she didnt understand. i was just happy that it wasnt like that for the whole pregnancy...it would have been tough on both of us!

i am thinking the same thing...they time is going to fly! we have a trip to the big island of hawaii scheduled for christmas, then new years, and my stepsons bday is in mid january, then we move to texas the end of january. by the time i get everything settled and into a doctor in san antonio, we will be so close to having the baby! then the moving in and getting everything put away will take up the rest of the time. it sounds like we both have some crazy busy months coming up for us to make the time fly! your family sure is busy with big events...a wedding and a new baby and a child returning home...so exciting! :)

i love both of your names! they are very cute. we thought about having choices and deciding after audrey was born, but it turns out that i really needed to have something to call her during my pregnancy. i guess everyone bonds differently and that was part of my thing, being able to call her by her name, and the same with emerson this time. someone asked me right before labour last time if i thought we would change our mind after she was born, like if she came out looking like a different name, and i said nope, for 5 months ive had conversations with my little audrey elise and i dont think i could ever think of her as anything else now. one of my really good friends just had a baby though and her and her husband had no idea what to name him...they took like 4 days deciding. so i guess everyone is a bit different. lol. i love Mila! I really wanted it pronounced me-lah] or Myla [pronounced My-lah] but dh wasnt a big fan...he thought that people would mis pronounce Mila and he is very concerned about that cause people often mispronounce our last name too. but i absolutely love your little girl back-up name! :)

since we are moving, we arent doing anything with the nursery right now. its pretty certain that audrey and emerson will share a room too [after emerson moves out of our room...audrey slept in a cot in our room until she was 7.5 months because i was nursing and it was just so much easier having her right there] so the colour scheme and all is already there through what we did for audrey, we will just further it a bit. i think, by the time emerson moves in audrey will be ready for a toddler bed, so we will just keep the crib and crib set we have and use that for emerson, and then try to find something that is in coordinating colours for audrey's new "big girl" bed :)

i was the same way as you...i just wanted to get the nursery and everything done so quick! but i was in my final year of my doctorate program when i was pregnant with audrey and was working 35 hr/wk, so it actually all got pushed to the end and i think we didnt finish it until i was about 38 weeks along! lol. and this time there isnt really much to be done. not that i would have time - i spend my days dancing, playing, singing, and running after a very active 15 month old! :)
Yuk I hate being sick! Bad enough when your alone.. But how terrible to feel like your scaring your daughter!!! Not good! Yeah the sickness has gone away for me now.. I just have off day's every now and then! I couldn't take prenatal vitamins. They made me really really sick.. And while we were TTC I was taking them and I kept coming out in all these itchy spot's and couldn't figure out what they were.. I was put on steroids and everything to try get them to go away and I finally figured out it was them.. Before TTC I had a bit of a reaction to a multivitamin as well.. I took them 2 times and both times I ended up nearly passing out.. It was like they made my blood sugar crash or something.. In the end I have just decided my body doesn't like vitamins and if it does that to my body I don't see how they would be helping the baby... So I just gave up on them... Sound's bad but I figure plenty of healthy babies have been born before people knew about vitamins!

Ohhh.. Your holiday sounds lovely!!! Hubby and I are hoping to take at least a short break before baby gets here! We had a little stash of cash saved for a little get away but I accidentally made him spend it on baby furniture ha ha! Yes My family is going to have a big year! I have 3 older sisters one of which has been TTC for a long time (3+ years) and we are really hoping she will get pregnant soon as me falling pregnant was REALLY hard on her.. And the engaged sister is planning on getting married next year so we will have a baby, wedding and possibly another baby next year in the family! It's all very exciting. My parents have wanted grandchildren for a LONG time so they can't wait!

Thanks on liking the names.. There a little bit different so not everyone's cup of tea! I completely understand about having the name picked early! I'd love to be able to decide but I can't.. So I am hoping that once we see him.. We will just know which one he is lol.. We refer the the baby as Pip.. So we both have Christmas presents under the tree from Pip :) He had that name right from 5 weeks. How you feel about having a name for the baby is how i felt about finding out the gender. It helped me bond with the baby so much more! I think if this little one was a girl at the scan she would have her name already but the problem really is just choosing between 2 names I love so much ha ha! Oh and I pronounce it Me-Lah as well! I just love it.. Have since I was 16.. Then I came across the name Arliss (Are-Liss) and there is just something I love about it.. It's almost like a modern version of Alice I think..

Sounds like a good plan for the girls room! Our babies bedroom is right across the hall from us like literally 5 steps so I am going to TRY my hardest to have him sleeping in his own room from the start.. Don't know how successful I will be though ha ha!

I still have plenty more I want to do in his room.. Like wall stickers and stuff but I am trying to hold off for a while so I don't run out of thing's to do! I just love his room though.. Hubby and I often go and sit in there! He has a rocking chair in his room so I just go and sit on that!
i have heard of people not being able to tolerate the vitamins, and i thought how much that must suck. for me, most of the time, im okay as long as i take it with food. but sometimes it is not good. i think, mostly though, the problem is that they sort of stink! lol. so i plug my nose when i am taking it, and it honestly helps quite a bit. i guess they must have something youre allergic to though, since they actually gave you a rash. i think that i would avoid them too and just try to get all my essential nutrients and vitamins through food instead.

oh i think it will be a great trip...its kind of short [only 4.5 days] but were going to do a lot of fun stuff. the big island has a volcano on it that has been active for like 20+ years and we are staying in cabins at the volcanoes national park. so we will hopefully get to see some lava flows and such. i think we might try to go on a humpback whale watching tour as well. plus, they have a mountain there that is high enough to get snow, so i think we will be going there too to get the real "christmas feeling" for the kids. we are trying to make is special since we will be moving away in january and we wont be able to see my stepson as much.

oooh is this the first grandchild then? i bet they are just over the moon. i remember my mom when she was awaiting the first grandchild...i think she was more impatient than my brother and his [now ex] wife! this will be their 5th though, but they are still extremely excited. i think my dad is more over the moon for my kids, bad as that sounds, just because i am his baby girl. lol. that would be so cool if your sister got her bfp soon ...then your little ones would be pretty close in age as they grow up! i bet that would be a very happy thing for her too...3 yrs is a long time to be TTC.

ooh i am the same way...i needed to know the gender so bad. with my stepson, dh and his gf didnt find out. when we fell prego with audrey i immediately told him that i NEEDED to know! lol. i am very much an organizer and a planner..i need to know these things. plus, i just dont like the gender neutral colours so much. i wanted to either buy pink or blue! :) i love your girl name too..and if you change your mind and have another and its a girl...youve got a beautiful name for her! ;) in the meantime, you have 2 great boy names. i bet you will just know which is right when you see him, and theyre both great so you cant go wrong with either one! i love that you have named him for the time being. i called the babies both BITO [for "bun in the oven"] until we found out the gender and decided on a name. now i have taken to calling her "Emmie-tini" i dont know why but all of our kids have food and drink related nicknames, dylan is "dyl-pickle," audrey is "audrey pie," and ive started calling emerson "emmie-tini" [like martini lol]

the whole room thing was hard for me. i just didnt want her to be too far away at first, and it was so much easier with nursing just to lean over, bring her into bed, and nurse her there. there were seriously nights that walking 20 feet seemed too far. lol. when she was born she had her days and nights mixed up, so she was awake ALL night. and then she never napped long naps, like 20 minutes here and 15 minutes there sort of thing. so i was pretty sleep deprived. but luckily moving her to her own room wasnt a bad transition at all...i think it was harder on me than her. she slept so much better alone without the extra sounds of two people sleeping in the same room.

aww i bet your nursery is just great! we have a wooden rocking chair in ours too. it was this old, kinda broken down one that a coworker gave me when i prego with audrey. so we stripped all the stain, sanded it down, and refinished it. i love going in there even still and just rocking in that chair while audrey plays with her toys. theres something great about a nursery - its peaceful and calm. i love spending time in ours. :) im sure your little guy is gonna love his too! :D
Your holiday sounds great!! I am jealous! I really hope we can squeeze in our get away before babies arrives!! Fingers crossed!!

Yes this will be the first grandchild on both mine and hubbies side! So both grandparents are VERY excited!! :) I really hope my sister gets her BFP soon as well, I know how heart breaking it is for her to watch me experience something she wants so badly!! She's happy for me I know but it's still a real struggle for her, it got so bad a one stage she couldn't even look at me! She's better now though. I just try to only talk about the baby when she talks about it first because I know for her some days it's easier and other days she just can't deal with it!

Gender neutral stuff is SO boring!! I couldnt wait to find out!! I kinda knew it was a boy though lol! Felt a bit silly when the tech told us that 90% of first time parents think its a boy lol. Yes now the morning sickness has gone I think I could do it again. I just couldn't work if I was so sick again! Funny you say about names.. I give nicknames to. We have 2 dogs their names are mannix and taj. Mannix gets cheezle and tajs gets narn.. No idea why lol!! I assume baby will get an affectionate name too.. Hubby and I also have a few pet names for each other ha ha!!

Yes I will try and be strong and have him on his own but I will probably fail lol! I'm not putting pressure on myself, I'll do whatever feels comfortable.

I'm just about to head out but I will post some pics of babies room when I am back!!
where are you guys planning on going for your holiday? i would say try to fit it in if at all possible...it is much harder to travel once you have your little one! we have gone on several trips since audrey was born, but its nothing like it was before we had a baby in tow at all times!

i can imagine that your sister is very torn...she wants to be happy for you, but its hard for her too. its so nice that you are understanding, because i see posts on here from women going on about what a b*@!$ their relative is because they arent as happy for them as they should be and all that. but, as a woman who is desperately wishing for their own bfp, i know how hard it is to see the people around you get theirs. and i was only trying for a few months...so when youre years invested in it, i bet its even harder.

thats strange..i never heard that about most women thinking they are having a boy. i was certain that audrey was a girl from the beginning. DH thought she was a boy, but i knew he was wrong. with this pregnancy i was hoping for another girl, but i was just not sure. there was a time i thought it could be a boy. but i never had the strong feeling like i did with audrey. i guess i should have known tough since i had the same exact type of pregnancy as with audrey.

i LOVE nicknames! we are a very nickname-y family. it was actually one of the things that DH was adamant about this time picking out names, that it had to have cutesy nicknames. with audrey we unwittingly picked a name that doesnt really have any easy nicknames. it doesnt bother me so much, but it kind of bothered DH. lol. so that was prerequisite #1 for picking names this time. :)

you have two dogs? what kinds? we had 2 dogs...a golden retriever and a whippet. unfortunately we are having to find good homes for them before our move. the housing in san antonio, where we are moving, is outrageous. there is no housing available for months on the military base there and all the off-base rentals dont allow pets. we found a couple that would allow one pet, but how does one make a choice like that. so we found a great home of a very active family for the golden...they go hiking and swimming and they used to take their golden, who died a couple months ago of old age, everywhere. so we know she will be well cared for. and the whippet is going to a great family that already owns one of the same breed. they understand the particular needs of the breed and are great with their own, so we feel assured they will give her a great home. its really hard though, getting rid of pets like this. we have decided that we wont get another until DH is out of the military and we wont be moving around anymore. we never foresaw it being a problem like this, but dont want to have to go through it again :-/

ooh i cant wait to see pictures of your nursery! i bet it is just gorgeous! hope you are having a wonderful weekend in the meantime! :D
We were just planning on taking a drive along the great ocean road and stopping when and where we felt like it. But it got put on hold and it's seeming like its going to be harder and harder to get away now. I wanna try to even just have a nice weekend away.. We will see!!!

It took hubby and I 8 months to conceive and in that time I had a really good friend fall pregnant. It was so hard on me because it felt like she only wanted a baby because I started talking about wanting one. And it seems as though everything in her life comes easy for her. I mean they got there BFP after 2 months of trying... It was shattering for me because all I wanted was just to have this 1 thing before her.. And now it seems so silly and pathetic but I really wanted to be the one that was pregnant first.. I just wanted to feel like I'd got it first because I was the one who truly wanted it.. It took me ages to except her pregnancy and be happy for her.. I mean I was from the start but it was SO hard.. Especially because we worked together so I had to see her everyday and hear her talking about the baby and it killed me.. Especially because I was having silly cycles and eventually got diagnosed with PCOS. So I know it must be even harder for my sister.

Yep! Thats what he told us! He said he always asks couples if they think it's one or the other and he said 90% of first time parents think it will be a boy. For our baby to be a boy was a bit of a long shot too according to my family. On my dad's side he had 2 sister and 2 brothers and out of all of them my mum and day had the only 2 boys. Their first son (second baby) died of SIDS at 3 months of ages (which terrifies me as it's apparently higher in boys) and then they had another 3 daughters before they got my little brother. All dad's siblings have girls. Now out of all my cousins having babies there is only one cousin that has a boy compared to 5 girls and 2 more unborn baby girls both due in like 5 weeks. So it's pretty strange for our first baby to have been a boy! All my cousins have asked my secret ha ha! For some reason I have always been pretty set that I will have 2 boys and 1 girl! I was right with the first one anyways!

Yep I have 2 dogs. Taj is a border collie, well she was supposed to be a pure breed and then she just stayed really small ha ha! She must have something else in her but I don't know what! Then we have Mannix, She is a ridgeback x bull mastiff x staffy. She is such a funny dog.. Shes the biggest sook ever and so friendly. I think she will love the baby! When ever we have little kids here she just loves them.. She gets down really low to their height and just licks them and wants to play.. It's very cute! Its very sad that you have had to re-home yours dog's! I don't know what I would do if I had to give mine away! Taj the border collie was my 18th birthday present from hubby (who was just my boyfriend at the time) and we got Mannix when we first moved in to our house that we built. I guess I am lucky though. If it came down to having to get rid of our dogs I know my parents would take them for me.

Ok sorry I didn't get round to putting the pics up of the nursery the other day! We got home later then expected! But I'll do it now! You will see we have a blue feature wall that I am actually going to be putting some wall stickers on. I am going to get some clouds and they will go along the top of the wall! Plus I will put babies name up as well! And I want to put some art work up as well! But it is getting there!

ooh your holiday sounds lovely too! i hope you are able to take it before baby comes...its definitely not as easy to get away after. i love taking trips like the one youre planning...just go along and stop at the nice places you come across. i used to do that all the time in high school with my friends :)

i know what you mean..i wasnt trying for too long, but it seemed like everyone i knew at the time was announcing their pregnancies and i was getting nothing but BFNs. it really made it difficult to be happy for them when you want it so badly. and then one girl i knew thought she might be prego and was hoping she wasnt...and to be fair she wasnt ready and i can see that now, but at the time i was so upset at her for hoping she wasnt prego when i was desperately trying to be. it is a fact that ttc is frustrating and difficult beyond belief!

your family sound like it is with girls how my husbands is with boys. there are like NO girls in his family. i think that is why he was so "sure" that audrey was going to be a boy. out of all his cousins there is only 1 girl, he has no aunts on either side except by marriage, and there hasnt been a little girl on his dads side in generations. he kept saying "we dont make girls in my family" lol. and now we are having our second girl! he keeps saying it is my doing, but i keep telling him i only have one sort of chromosome to give, the rest is up to him!

aww your dogs sound adorable! and like they will get along with your little boy when he arrives! we were very lucky too in that our dogs were great with kids and would tolerate a lot of hair pulling and ear tugging :) we were kind of unlucky in that our families couldnt take them. MIL [who hates me for no real reason...she just thinks i "turned her son against her" even though its her own craziness that pushed him away...but thats another story!] volunteered to take one for awhile until we could get her again...but she would only take what is considered "DHs dog" and not the one that is perceived as mine. And we thought that was kind of crap of her and unfair. My parents work 3 weeks in alaska and then are at their home in las vegas for 3 weeks, so they cant really have pets. So we had to find homes for them, but we are lucky to have found great ones :)

your nursery is lovely! the stickers will really round it out, i think. we did the same with audreys nursery and have her name and polka dots all around...it really filled out the walls. i love your furniture though...very classic and chic. its coming along so great...practically already ready for your little guy! :)
Hi :hi: i am part of the march mums thread, but like you my time difference is different (am in NZ) so every morning there are sooo many pages to catch up on, so I never post :blush: I only know 2 other girls who are due near me :) I'm due march 11th with my 2nd little lady. My 1st wee girl Ella will be 2 5 days after her due date :lol:

TTC is terrible!!! There is nothing nice about it really.. It's honestly one of the most stressful things ever because you have NO control over it! And the more you stress the worse it is! I still have a few friend's on BnB TTC and I just feel so bad for them! I just wish it was so much easier then it is!

So does your hubby want a boy?? Will you guys try again for a 3rd or stopping at 2???

Yes my dog's are beautiful! I've always loved animals and I just love having some family pets even if the younger one makes it near impossible to have a yard because she digs and chews things up! Lol.. Trying to landscape is impossible with her around! Hopefully she will grow out of it soon!

Thanks for the comments on the nursery! I am in love with it.. Just can't wait until it's all finished!



How are you? So this is your second little one! How exciting!!! And 2 girls! I have to admit I get so jealous when I go shopping for the little man because the little girl things are SSSSOOO cute!!! There is totally not as many things for boys!

So have you picked a name for your little one yet? We are still decided on one for our little man but have narrowed it down to 2 names! I am leaning more towards one of them. And I am pretty set I think!! Well this week anyway!
Oh and I managed to talk hubby into letting me get a 3D scan!! I will hopefully have it in January! I am so excited!!! Going to ring about it tomorrow!
I think DH would like another boy at some point, but I don't think that we will have another right away. 18 months apart is pretty close, so I think we might start talking about another in like 3 or 4 years... It sounds like a bad reason, but I think he would like another boy that would carry on his family name. My stepson was supposed to have his name, but at the last minute his mom changed her mind and gave him a compound version of hers and DHs.. It kind of sucks because on EVERYTHING except for official papers the last part [our name] gets dropped off.

Haha! I know what you mean..our golden was really bad about digging [if you gave her the time to do it] so our dogs were very much indoor dogs and only let out in the yard alone for short potty breaks. Most of their outdoor time was on walks, where I could supervise! ;)


Welcome to the chat! Your daughter is just about 6 months older than mine, so we are in much the same spot with 2 under 2 and a gaggle of little girls :D
Oh!! Pregnancy brain attack! Completely forgot about your step son! Lol! Silly me!! That really sucks about his last name! Yeah 18 months is very close! Have no idea what sort of gap we will have between kids.. On one hand I'd like to keep them close in age but on the other hand we have been talking about going on some nice holidays and things which seems more manageable with 1. So I don't know!

I booked my 3D/4D scan today! I will be having it on boxing day! I am so excited to see our little man again! I had my anatomy scan done at 18weeks because that's when my OB likes them done and it feels like ages since I have seen my beautiful little man so I am totally pumped! I managed to talk him into it as part of my birthday present and my mum and sister are going to put some money towards it as well! I just can't wait now!!

I woke up this morning and had a bit of a list of things I wanted to do and I thought I'd get through it pretty quick but it's taking much longer then I thought! I think I must be slower now in my big fat pregnant state!! Ha ha!

I've been having trouble sleeping this past week! I can't get comfortable.. I've tried pillows and all sorts of positions but nothings helping! While I couldn't sleep I started thinking about a newborn photo shoot. I brought one as a gift for my friend for her birthday/baby shower present and now she has decided to do the same for me! I have come up with some cute ideas and I just want him to be here now so we can do them ha ha!! Stupid things that go through your head hey!! Will either of you be getting maternity shots done? My sisters into photography sorta so might do some with her if we get a chance.. I just want some done probably not for frames but more for memories!

I'm good thankyou! :) well i lie, actually This heat sux, i have hayfever really bad, my face feels awful, was house hunting this afternoon and trying not to sniff and sneeze was a mission :dohh: but other that, i'm great :thumbup: How are you? listen to me complaining about the heat when you have it much worse lol!

We are so excited to be having 2 girls. Hopefully they will be the best of friends. i havnt got ANYTHING organised yet, we basically have everything its just a case of sorting. Although we need to get Ella a wee toddler bed, and hopefully we would have moved house before march so she can have her own room eeeeek!!

Oh and bub's name is Ruby Mae :cloud9:

I got real sick too :( i was bad with Ella, but this time i had severe hyperemesis and ended up in hospital for 4 nights na dthen again on a drip the next weekend. Swore I would never have another! Sometimes I still get sick, most mornings i feel awful! I hope you are feeling much better now? :hugs:

Your nursery pictures are so cute! :)

Sera (do you mind if i call you that? :lol:)

I was going to write the same thing but preggie brain wouldnt let me do the maths :rofl:
Your girls' have such lovely names :cloud9: and I love your ticker :haha:

Have you organised a baby sitter for your wee girl when you give birth yet?


i'm just reading properly through the last page ( having a nosey :lol: )
TTC can make you really down huh :( It took us awhile, but at the same time i didnt have a problem with getting pregnant. That doesnt make sense- let me explain lol. We started trying when Ella was about 5 months old. Not properly, just wasnt on contraceptive, and had no AF to go by as I was still breastfeeding and didnt get it until she was 9 months old, so there wasnt much i could do. I ended up cutting down breastfeeding a little and AF arrived in december (when she was 9 months) but it then stopped and came back a couple months later, it wasnt regular at all. I would sometimes have 50 + day cycles. i used OPKs, and when i actually did pick up ovulation AF would come only like 6/7 days later so not long enough really. In april i had a chemical pregnancy, then my cycle was 50 days long. I was getting quite down so i made a fertility friend account, and decided to temp to try and see where things were at. As the soon as i signed up I got AF the next day :dance: I took licorice root at CD3-7 to try and help me to ovulate. i dont know if thats what worked or not but i ov-ed on CD11 confirmed with +opk and temping. My 1st proper cycle! we we succeeded! So yea it took a while but once my body sorted itself out it was all good. june must be the lucky month for us :lol: My EDD from the start of AF was the 15th march, but because i knew when we concieved I calculated the 11th march, and that was spot on with the 1st 2 scans. At 12 weeks and 19 weeks she was pretty much measuring a weeee bit bigger, so that would put me at the 7th March, but I stuck to the 11th.

I doubt i will go over my due date, i have a scan at 36 weeks to check bub's size as i had complications giving birth to Ella so am high risk for birthing so not sure what is happening there yet.

Oh i realised it didnt say in my 1st post, i am 26 and OH is 30 :)

I hope you ladies have a good night! I'm off to bed :hi: xx

I have heard that the 12-24 month age gap is pretty good, but I do imagine it is going to be a bit hectic as well! My stepson was nearly 4 when my daughter was born and that was a pretty good age for him...he understood how to help out with her a little, he took a serious interest in teaching her, and she looks up to him like crazy.She tries to emulate everything he does. :) This time, with him almost 5, he understands even more about me being pregnant and is always asking how big the baby is now and such. Audrey could care less...she is too little to understand, even though I have been trying to introduce her to the idea for months.

Soooo exciting about your 4D scan! I think I am going to try to talk DH into one too...either right before we leave here or right after we get to Texas. I am like scan addicted this pregnancy. With Audrey I had a textbook pregnancy and so I only got 1 scan the whole time - at 20 weeks. This time I begged and convinced DH to agree to a gender scan at 16 weeks, then she was measuring small and they couldnt confirm gender so we got to go back at 18 weeks for conformation. 20 weeks we got our development scan at the hospital and she was still measuring small so we got to go back at 25 weeks to have a growth check. That was when they put my dates back 9 days. But I've gotten 4 scans this time and already cant wait to see her again! lol. But Im not sure I'll be able to convince DH since I already have had so many... :-/ Ive never had a 4d scan, but Ive heard they are awesome looking! :D So excited for you!!

I have hit the wall with sleeping too! Must be that stage of pregnancy. I have a maternity pillow, but even it doesnt give enough support. I feel like I need to lie on my back to be comfy too, which is bad, I know. Let me know if you discover any tips or tricks...I never had any issues when I was prego with Audrey, so this is all new to me!

I didnt do maternity photos with Audrey, but my parents got us a package to do 3 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo, and 12 mo photos once she was born. She is going to do the same for Emerson. I would love to do maternity photos, but I dont have a cute, neat bump and would just be super self-conscious I think! I do take a photo every week, from the side, while holding my daughter. You can see the bump, and Audrey, grow through the pregnancy. It is for the pregnancy journal. I did the same for Audreys journal, obviously just of me though ;) That would be awesome if you can get some nice shots taken though, and its very cool that you have a photography aficionado to help you out with it! :D



Sera works! I pretty much respond to anything these days, on here and in real life! My daughter *usually* calls me mama, but sometime I'm "oooh" [as in you] lol. Seems like she just calls me whatever comes to her mind and will get my attention when she wants it :)

Thank you about the names! Your little princesses have gorgeous names too! They have a beautiful melody to them :)

We are actually very much at a loss for how the birth is going to work out. We are being moved [by the military] the end of January to San Antonio, Texas, and we don't know anyone there. My parents work 3 weeks in Alaska and then 3 weeks off, and so they are planning on being there for their three weeks off around the EDD. But, if Miss Emerson decides to come too early or too late, my parents wont be there. And then we are kinda in a bind. DH does know one lady there that he went to training with, and so we are hoping maybe we can have dinner with her and her husband, maybe me and Audrey get to know her a bit, and they can perhaps be our backup sitter in case it happens when my parents arent there. Soooo...yea, its kinda nerve wracking! :-/ Have you gotten it all figured out? Do you have family nearby? I really wish we lived by more family, but it was the same for the past 9 years I've lived in Hawaii too, so I'm sort of used to having to work around things that you would normally rely on family members for.

Because of the move and all, we are much the same as you...we dont have anything ready for this baby. Luckily we own everything we need, except a double stroller, and so its not such a big deal not buying or getting ready until the last minute! :) We will have to get a toddler bed too, but probably wont until Emerson is about 6 months and ready to move into the bedroom with Audrey.
Suck's about your hay fever! A friend of mine gets it really bad and I feel so bad for her when she has it! It just looks horrible.. I think I possibly get it every now and then but nothing to complain about! The heat hasn't been to bad here lately.. We have had some very hot days but it hasn't been constant yet.. Broken up with alot of storms which suits me fine as I don't have to water the garden lol!:blush:

I wouldn't worry about having nothing sorted yet as you have a LO already so I am sure you have everything you need and if not then you know what you will need! Being my first I am a bit up in the air! People tell you all sort's of things! I just did a google search of essential things for a newborn and then made my own list! I'll figure it out in the end! Plus I have an addiction to baby shopping! :haha:

Ruby is a BEAUTIFUL name! And so is Ella :)

Yes my morning sickness is gone now thank god! I was nearly going to go to hospital at one point but couldn't be bothered as I was so exhausted I just wanted to sleep! Had to promise my mum (hubby was working away) that if I got any worse I'd call straight away so she could take me up to hospital! I'm so glad it's gone now!

And thanks on the nursery! I am in love!

Your right with the TTC it SUCKS big time! Lucky we all don't have to worry about it now.. At least not for a while anyways!

So is it likely they will induce you early this time then..?? Or you may have to have a c section??


I am totally pumped for my 3D/4D scan! I hope to get some really good pictures of baby! I had a look at a few different websites of places that do them and they all vary but they say you can't wait too long as baby gets to big to move around and you wont get a good picture! So the one I ended up booking in at has a cut off of 33 weeks! Another one I looked at said 36 weeks but.. They all say going around 27-30 in the best time to get the best look at the baby as it is nice a plump and looks like a proper baby but isn't too big that you won't get great pictures!

Oh my god! That's the same as me with sleeping.. I feel like I need to lay on my back to be comfortable and as bad as it is sometimes at like 2 in the morning when I have had enough I will just lay on my back and I fall asleep instantly.. It can;t be that bad can it..?? People in the old days wouldn't have known about it and they had healthy babies.. I try so hard to sleep on my side but surly a little back sleep is better then no sleep at all????

What a fantastic ides for a gift from your parents! I love that! I had a bit of a melt down last night in regards to my maternity shoot.. I thought I discovered my first stretch mark as I wanted them when my belly was still kinda smallish and stretch mark free.. I was totally shattered seeing 2 pink lines on my belly!! Went to bed so sad only to wake up to them gone! I think I must have scratched my belly quite hard on something.. That's all I can come up with! I was so excited that they are gone!!!

Totally excited as I got some super exciting news today that I am not supposed to tell anyone but I can tell you ladies!! I found out that the sister who has been TTC for 3 years and took my pregnancy really hard is PREGNANT!!!! :happydance::happydance: She is only about 6 weeks but I am so happy for her! I hope it's a sticky bean!

Also I brought some cute clothes today for the little man! A trendy little tee shirt and a set with a t-shirt and shorts in it! Super cute!!

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