Due March 15th and looking for a bump buddy!

Oh I never knew that about the 3D/4D scans - that there is a window for better pictures. I guess I should really look into it now if we are going to do it at all...I sort of thought about waiting until we were in San Antonio, but I think that would be way too late then. I can't wait to see yours, and I hope that I might have some to share too! :)

I sort of figure that laying on our backs is not great, but not bad. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get some sleep! I have read these things about women laying on their backs and their legs going tingly and such - nothing like that happens at all. Emerson is still as wiggly as ever, on my back or on my side, so I don't think that anything is really wrong with it... Hopefully not, at least! Because sometimes I just need to lay on my back!! Lol.

Hehe...I totally understand the stretch mark thing - I sort of freaked out when they showed up for me when I was pregnant with Audrey. This time around I am hoping I dont get anymore though since I already have them. But I have a ton already, so it probably doesnt matter if I get more.

That is sooooo exciting about your sister! Ohmygosh, everyone must be so excited! Has she told the whole family, or just you? I bet your parents will be so excited...they are going to have 2 beautiful grandkids around in no time at all! :D
Hi ladies :hi: Havn't been on these last couple days, my hayfever turned into a whopping cold, just getting through the tail end of it now. just popping on quickly, might have to resettle the little one it doesnt sound like she is going to go to sleep anytime soon...


i'm abit stuck for a babysitter. i had 2 lined up but they have fallen through :dohh: hopefully it'll all work out closer to the time!!

wouldluvabub- i'm not sure how the birthing thing will go yet, i have to have a scan at 36 weeks, if it is likely she will be quite big i might need to have a c-section or be induced, i hope it's not the case though I would love to go naturally and have it go smoothly this time!

That is so exciting about your sister!!! :dance:

AFM- best i go sort out the we one lol

talk later xx
Yeah my cousin recently had one and told me 27 weeks was a good time to go. I didnt take much notice and it wasnt untill i looked on a few websites that I seen there was a window so Im glad I looked!

Totally get you about sometimes just needing to lay on your back.. I turn from side to side and then back again and again and again and then I finally just lay on my back and I'm asleep in like 2 seconds lol! I don't get tingly legs or anything...:shrug:

Oh thats no good that you have been ill! I hope you are starting to feel better now!


Well ladies my sis had some bleeding this morning and has had a bit of a melt down! I am trying to reassure her that its very common in early pregnancy! I think she is feeling better about it now! Keeping everything crossed for her!

AFM- I did some shopping today! brought some cute things for bub! Some of it is in bigger sizes as I am trying to vary sizes so I don't end up with everything in small size!

Hmm.. You ladies would know.. I was talking to my mum today about blankets for the baby.. I have got a few cot blankets and things like that.. A few for the pram but I was wondering how many blankets do you need as in like muslin wraps and flannelette blankets for things like spews and that..?? I plan on buying some swaddles for baby so I don't plan on using these blankets to swaddle with.. Basically for all those other things u need blankets for.. Like to chuck over change table, spew rags ect..
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!! It's my birthday today and hubby brought me a new necklace as well as a cd and doona cover. The necklace is my favorite! It is 3 rings all entwined together. He says they represent the baby, him and I all entwined together, plus the circle is the symbol of eternity so we will be together forever! :) I'm so lucky!!!
hi there ladies! we have been away for the the past week on a different island for christmas, and the few days before that were just crazy! we didnt have internet over there either, but it was fun. we stayed in a cabin on the active volcano there...very neat indeed. hope you ladies had a fantastic holiday as well! :D

wouldluvabub - your birthday ring sounds gorgeous! and your DH is so thoughtful to get you something so meaningful. i probably would have cried! lol. the little outfits you got are gorgeous too! i love clothes shopping for the little ones - but i go overboard way too easily. :)

as for the blankets and such, i am probably not the best to ask. audrey never spit up. i got a ton of burp cloths and and receiving blankets, and hardly ever needed them for burping at all. i did use a lot of receiving blankets though for covering the changing table, throwing over the carseat to block the sun when we were out an about, etc. i probably have about 10 or so, and that was enough of them. i have maybe 10 thicker blankets too for use at night, to throw on the ground when she was still rolling around, etc.
Your holiday sound's fab! It's great to be able to get away! We had a lovely Christmas. Nothing fancy just spent with family which is always nice and on boxing day we had our 3D/4D scan!!!!

It was AMAZING! I loved it so much.. Totally worth the money! I was worried I would think it was a waste of time but NO way! I will post some pic's of my little man (who is 100% a boy :) ) But they don't do the scan justice.. It was SO clear!

My little man:

Big smiles:

Totally in love:
BRACEY_51 - Copy.JPG

Cheeky boy poking out his tongue:

As for clothes shopping I totally go overboard as well! I have told my mumma that if anyone asks her to tell them not to get me clothes as so many things for little boys I don't like! I hate all the real cutesy stuff. I don't mind SOME things but I prefer the things that are mini versions on men's clothes. It's hard to shop for a boy and I'd prefer to pick his clothes lol! Sounds terrible but some of thing's I've been given are foul and I won't be putting them on my little man ha ha!

Well I think I have enough blankets to start anyway. I'll just see how I go I guess. I can always get more after or if I can't I can at least get someone to get them for me!

Will you guy's be having baby showers? I am doing my invitations at the moment. One of my sister's and my mum are going to be hosting the shower but I want to get the invites out soon as people need notice. Especially my friends as a lot of them live away and work casual because they are university students. I am currently looking up some fun game ideas and things.. I won't be organizing any of it but I'll throw in some suggestions ha ha!
oh my gosh the photos are amazing! what an adorable little guy youve got there! oooh i want one so bad!! i tried to convince DH but he is hesitant...he says it will ruin the surprise as to what she looks like. and i told him i dont care! i dont need to be surprised!! lol. and seeing how amazing your photos came out, it makes me want one all the more :)

i know what you mean about the clothes...i am pretty picky too. we got a lot for Audrey, and the majority of them were adorable. there were some though...ohmygosh! i just nodded and said thank you, how cute they were, etc...and then they got put in the back part of the closet! hehe :-/

i got most of our blankets through gifts too. it seems people really love to give them. i think we only bought 1 or 2 ourselves and the rest were gifts.

we arent having a baby shower this go around, we did for audrey though. this time we really just dont need anything and we aren't close to any friends or family anyway. last time just worked out as all my family had come out to hawaii for my graduation from university, so we had it then. i think we might have more of a welcome to the world party when miss emerson is a couple months old and we can go travel to where most of my family lives :) when will you be having yours? i had mine early because it was when my family was here, at about 24 weeks. it was kind of nice to have it early - gave me time to wash everything, get it all organized, etc. :)

today has been a trying day for sure! audrey is in such a foul mood and really super clingy. normally i wouldnt mind, but i am trying to do some spring cleaning before our move coming up. she is getting 2 more canine teeth in just this week, so i cant really blame her mood. im in need of a nap from carrying her all over today!! lol
I am so silly, completely forgot to write back after checking BnB on my phone!!!

Thanks! I agree that my bubba is a cutie but then again I am biased! Lol.. I honestly loved my 4D scan and would tell anyone to go do it! It was amazing and reassuring! We were really lucky as baby behaved and allowed us to get some great pics!

Oh a welcome to the world party sounds lovely! That's a cute idea! I am having my baby shower on the 29th of this month! I'll be 33 weeks then! I was thinking that's not to early but I read that your supposed to have them at like 36 weeks! I think thats a bit silly! What happens if baby comes early.. And then what about if you still need a heap of things afterwards but am too pregnant to go anywhere? :shrug: I think 33 weeks will be good.. I did go down to our local baby store and put on a layby so if people ask what we would like then I will ask them to put money towards that seen as they don't do a registry here. Otherwise we will just pick it up and then I have pretty much everything.

Sorry to hear Audrey has been a bit grumpy! Poor bugger.. Getting teeth must really hurt! I hate having a tooth ache! I hope she is feeling better now! Hope you preparation for the move is going well too!

So I don't know if maybe this is to do with the whole nesting thing (my sister seems to think so) But I have started freaking out about my hospital bag!!! I didn't have a bag to pack so I have been out and brought one! I got a medium sized suitcase as I needed one anyways and a largish overnight bag! Then I went crazy today making a list of things I need! I don't know how you ladies do it over there but I am going to be in a private hospital rather then public meaning I will stay at least 3 nights, maybe more. So I do need a big bag. Anyways I will attach my list of things (it very big) I basically read list's from a few books and googled a few online and this is what I have come up with...

Hospital Bag List
For Labour
• Hospital paperwork - registration card/health record or similar
• Medicare card and/or private health insurance company card
• Lip Balm/paw paw ointment
• Hair bands
• Water bottle
• Water spray
• Phone
• Phone charger
• Camera
• Camera charger
• Video camera
• Facewashers x2
• Snacks, drinks for you and partner
• Spare clothes/swimmers/towel for your birthing partner - in case they want to get in the shower with you.
• Thongs
• CD or ipod etc if you want (or think you will want) music!
• Heat pack
• Socks
• Baggy shirts/singlets
• Mints
• Birth plan
• Stress balls
• Massage oil/baby powder (cornflour)
• Magazine/book
• Spare change
• Headphones for iPhone

For Mum
• Shampoo/conditioner/shower gel
• Exfoliating mitt
• Towels x 2
• Clothes (comfortable, easy to feed baby)
• A book to read (maybe a breastfeeding book)
• A pen/notebook
• Nice clothes to wear home/wear in photos
• Moisturiser
• soft toilet paper/flushable wipes (hospital toilet paper can be rough, post-birth)
• Maternity pads
• Cheap cotton undies
• Pyjamas/nighties - ones with easy access for breastfeeding
• Paw paw ointment
• Ural - will help take the sting out of your pee
• Ear plugs
• Hairbrush
• Maternity bra
• Snacks/lollies/chocolate/fruit drink (poppers), muesli bars
• Dressing gown
• Slippers
• Nursing pads
• Spare change
• Toothbrush
• Toothpaste
• Makeup
• Deodorant
• Tissues
• Plastic bags for dirty clothes (for you and bub)
• Support underwear (skinny undies)

For baby
• Nappies x 36
• Singlets x 3
• Singlet suits x 3
• Sleep suits 0000 x 3
• Sleep suits 000 x 3
• Beanies x 2
• Mittens
• Blankets/bunny rugs x 2
• Thick blanket x 1
• Muslin wrap x 3
• Nice going-home outfit for bub
• Socks x 3
• A dummy (just in case, washed and sterilised)
• Big tub of wipes
• Alcohol wipes for umbilical cord
• Cotton wool
• Jackets x 2
• Baby soap

Please feel free to tell me what you think.. Have I missed anything??? Are some things just stupid and I shouldn't bother???

I have most of babies things already so I have washed them all today and then I will start putting them into the bag.. I am going to pack it slowly so it stops me freaking out!

I have been suffering from insomnia lately! It's really annoying me.. I am so tired and yet I CAN NOT sleep! I just lay there and get really frustrated! I asked my OB last time I was in there and he said he can give me something to help me sleep if it gets worse so if it keeps up I think I'll take him up on his offer! I need sleep! I would only take the tablets on nights that were really bad! I've also been having a bit of trouble with a nerve in my leg/butt/back.. Every now and then it just grabs and I nearly fall over.. It's starting to get worse so I don't know what I am supposed to do for that..! Hopefully it sorts itself out!

I can't believe I have under 10 weeks left now! It's so strange I keep thinking time will fly and at the same time I think it's taking to long and I don't know how much more I can take! I'm getting to the uncomfortable stage.. That mixed with the insomnia, back/butt/legg pain and the hormonal episodes I have been having recently been having I am really getting over being pregnant fast!!! Oh well nothing to do but keep plodding along!

So I am having another little issue! Hubby and I have 2 names for bub's


We can't choose! Up untill now I have been pretty set that it would be Braxton but now I am changing my mind! I think I like Spencer better! I told hubby today and he said we will know whats right once we see him! I really hope so!

Anyways I hope you ladies are both keeping well!
Hope you ladies are ok! I haven't heard from either of you in a while!
sorry, things have been absolutely crazy for us the past couple of weeks. we had to get our entire house organized for the movers to come pack and ship everything, we shipped one of our vehicles already, cleaned the house and turned in our keys, and are now living in a hotel for 2 weeks until we fly to los angeles and drive across the country to texas! ahhh!

your baby shower is coming up so soon! that is exciting! i dont know why everyone says to have them so late, it sure doesnt make sense to me. mine for audrey was really early because we live in hawaii and my family just happened to be here for my uni graduation. but i think 33 weeks is completely acceptable! :D be sure to share pictures from the big day! i hope you get everything you need/want for the little guy!!

i have recently been freaking out about a hospital bag too, since we will be in a hotel in hawaii for 2 weeks, on the road for 4 days, and then in a hotel in texas between 2-4 weeks. i feel like i need it ready just in case, but we have so much luggage already that i couldnt justify a complete separate bag. so i guess if emerson does come early, we will be winging it! lol. luckily here they provide nearly everything you need for the baby [onesies, diapers, etc.] and even a lot for the mom [pads, toiletries, etc]. so hopefully we will be covered! i think your list is very comprehensive and you will definitely not lack for anything you might end up needing. i will tell you that, with audrey, i had a HUGE hospital bag and i seriously used maybe 1/3 of it. things like an ipod and book - i took them, and i couldnt be bothered with them. i was also labouring overnight, so i was focused on getting any rest that i could before baby came. i definitely think that your list is good though, and you will have anything you might need! also, for all the toiletries, get the travel sizes if you can. in the mother/baby room we moved to after labour, the vanity, bathroom, shower were all pretty small. i was wishing i had smaller of everything, as i really didnt have room to set everything up comfortably for our stay there.

i hope you are feeling better with your sleeping and nerve issues! sounds very uncomfortable! i have been having soreness in my hips, but i am sure it is just more growing pains, and nothing as sharp or painful as you described. i can sympathize with the insomnia though...i havent really been able to go to sleep at a decent hour in weeks. i think it is mostly to do with having so much nervous energy over the move and such. i am also pretty uncomfortable too, which makes the sleeping even more difficult and i wake up a lot in the night because turning over and such is a chore lately!

the last few weeks really will go quickly! i know it still seems far away, but its going to sneak up on us i think! thats how i was with audrey - i thought "2 more months...no way! how can it be so far away still?!" and then it was like i blinked and i was being induced. especially with your baby shower coming up...youll have lots to wash and organize and find places for after you get your gifts.

awww...i love both of your names! but i think i might prefer spencer too! i think they are both lovely, and different enough that either one or the other with "fit" with the little guy when you see him!

so glad to hear from you, and i will be on here more as i will have a lot of time sitting in a hotel room with audrey over the next weeks while DH is still working! chat soon!
I figured you were probably busy with your move!!! I was just a bit worried about you guys as in the March group I am apart of they already have 3 babies born!

Yes baby shower is soon but first I have my sisters engagement party this weekend! I am secretly a bit worried about her party though as she and her partner have invited around 240 people which in my opinion is stupid but whatever.. I honestly don't think 2 people can have that many 'close' friend which is who I believe should be invited to an engagement party.. Not just people you sorta know! Anyways it's at my parents house and I am hoping it goes off without a hitch but with that many people anything can happen so I am planning on parking my car somewhere that I can just leave when I have had enough lol! Needless to say my baby shower will be much more low key ha ha!

Yep I got all travel size toiletries for my hospital bag! I am getting pretty organized now! I've nearly got everything for myself and baby and then I will tell hubby to chuck in a few things just in case. My hospital says to pack some snacks which I'll do a bit closer to the date. I am not to worried about that as food is easy to get lol! After the baby shower I'll figure out the last of the things we need to get and then start all my washing.. I'll only be washing babies smaller things to start with! And then I am organized! After that it will be keeping the house clean/organizing any unfinished stuff around the house and waiting for bubs to arrive! I can't wait!!!

I can't believe the amount of traveling your about to do! Emerson will be here before you know it with all that jam packed in before her arrival! And maybe all the stress will make her come early! Your very lucky your hospital provides most things for you! That certainly takes the pressure off! My hospital provides nothing it seems!

Sleeping has become a little better but still getting up at least 3 times a night.. I had a good think about it and I think a lot of the time I can not get comfortable because I am itchy! I then read a thing in 3rd tri about some condition pregnant ladies can get to do with your liver and the main symptom is being itchy! So I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow and I am going to ask about it. If you have the condition it says most doctors will deliver the baby at 37 weeks.. Gee I sound like such a sook hey!! I really am starting to get over being pregnant and fast! Everything is becoming so hard! Bending down, getting out of bed, going for a walk.. Only just over 8 weeks left though.. Here's hoping I don't go over.. Probably will though!

Yes I am pretty sure we will be going with Spencer now. Were still not 100% but oh well! I'm sure we will know when he gets here!

Don't stress if you can't get online! I know your very busy with the move.. Just started to worry about you!
Heeey! I'm still here :hi:

just been super busy with packing and moving house and then waiting for internet to come back on bla bla bla. We are all moved and settled now thank goodness, just slowly unpacking the last of our bits and pieces :)

It's almost 12.30am here so I'm jumping into bed I'll pop on and have a proper catch up when i get abit more time.

You are so lovely btw for worrying about us :hugs:

glad you both are well :) xxxx
i'm not too bad thanks hun. getting pretty sore and over it, actually have nothing organised as yet oops! how r u? x
I am going ok! Having some issues with swelling so hoping it doesn't get to bad.. As yet I'm not too worried considering how hot it's been here I assume it's normal but am keeping an eye on it! Nothing too much to report really.. Just getting excited for my baby shower! Giving the house a big clean and packing hospital bag!
hi im also from australia an due 25th march :) where abouts in ozz are u? i am in perth an looking to try an meet up with people my age and in my area (22) from thornlie :) x
hi im also from australia an due 25th march :) where abouts in ozz are u? i am in perth an looking to try an meet up with people my age and in my area (22) from thornlie :) x

Hi :wave:
Unfortunately I am in Victoria! But I am also 22! Good luck finding people though! Your welcome to join in our thread if you like?

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