ebf possible after c section?


One beautiful baby boy!♡
Jul 15, 2012
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So if I don't go into labor by 39 wks I am having a c section. Everything is ok I just have gestational hypertension and the doctor thinks it's best for both of us! I will be put under general anesthesia due to my anxiety and the possibility of having a panic attack during the surgery. My hospital sends you straight from surgery to your own room, there is no recovery my doctor said I will recover in my own room. So I suspect I will be able to be with my dh and lo within 30 mins of him being out. Will I have colostrum for him to nurse? I am able to get it out of my breast now and will leak if I lay on my breast. I do not want him formula fed, what if the nurses just give him formula? How long will they give Me to come to until they suggest my husband give him a bottle?
I had an emergency section and haemorrhaged after it so wasn't out of theatre for ages. I had him at 19:48 and basically never got
To hold him till 22:30. But at 22:30 they put him straight on my breast. It was never questioned. I did end up formula feeding in the end due to supply issues but that was nothing to do with my section. My friend had an elective section recently and she got to hold baby immediately and bf within about half an hour. So don't worry. Midwives would never ever give formula without your consent and actually they are quite against formula at any rate and will encourage u to bf. xxx

Edit: and yes you'll have colostrum. Baby doesn't need a lot at first anyways.
yes you'll be able to breastfeed :) if you're in the UK I very much doubt they'll give your baby formula, not sure what it's like anywhere else in the world - maybe you could make it clear to them beforehand that you don't want formula given? my LO didn't feed for ages after birth and it was never suggested that I give formula. I would just make sure that they know you want to breastfeed! :)

my LO was really mucousy for a few days after birth and apparently this is common with babies born by c section, she didn't want to feed at all! just wanted you to know that this is a possibility in case it happens to you and you think there's a problem with your colostrum/milk - just stick in there and persevere! :)
My son was born by c-section, and he was suctioned at birth. I didn't hold him for a couple of hours after he was born, and he didn't latch on until he was 8 days old, and wasn't exclusively BF until 10 days. His first feeds were formula (given in a cup, not a bottle). Even after a bad start, I BFed for 3 years (think he's weaned as he hasn't asked for milk now for almost a week). It can be harder to BF after a c-section, and I found finding a comfortable sitting position wasn't super easy, but if you want to BF, there's no reason for a c-section alone to stop you.

How long will you be under after he's born? Are you able to express some colostrum before he's born so your OH has some in stock for his first feed if it takes a while for you to come around? You can freeze small amounts in syringes.

Hope all goes well with the birth :flower:
The only problems that I had in the beginning came from being pressured into supplementing by a REALLY bad pediatrician because my daughter was borderline for jaundice. I had my daughter by unplanned c-section, but wasn't under general anesthesia, so I'm not sure about that part. That would be the part I would think might make you question whether to expect trouble. Based on my experiences, I think that if you make it clear that you're planning to bf, it shouldn't be an issue. How much pressure you get may depend some on the hospital's policies here in the US. I can't remember what they call it, but some hospitals have a baby-friendly designation, and part of that is having policies in place that promote and aid breastfeeding. Either way, it's my understanding that they can't make the decision to give formula without parent permission unless there are extenuating circumstances.
I couldn't, I ended up with a c section and have to stop after day 5 as I didn't produce enough and baby was dehydrated. I have been told I was basically too poorly after c section and my body couldn't keep up
i had an emergency c section under general anethestic and the lo needed a little help breathing. It took me around 30 mins to come round and once I was semi with it, lo was put on my chest and i breast fed her for 20 mins, it seemed to come so easily :) we have been breast feeding for 7 months now. Good luck :)
Thanks ladies I am in the US and I don't have a midwife. Only an ob there is one in the practice but she doesn't ever go to the hospital for births. I just don't want my husband to grt overwhelmed and think just because the staff is encouraging a bottle feeding that he needs to do so. My mom will be there and she has no problem being loud and letting everyone know the plan lol. Hopefully it is a smooth process! Thanks for the replies :)
My hospital asked about breastfeeding or formula preference when I was admitted. I was induced and had a c-section due to failure to progress. We didn't have any health problems otherwise and no general anesthesia, so I'm no help there. I was given my baby immediately after he was checked out and carried him out of the operating room myself (in bed of course). I don't think the c-section affected bf'ing other than having to position LO away from the scar. The football hold worked for me. Good luck!
I'm in the US. I had a csection and got to nurse my child about 2 hours after he was born. He has been EBF since day 1 with no problems. I did have colostrum to give him. He's nearly 10 weeks and has never had formula yet. The csection played no role in my ability to EBF him. I did use the football hold at first because it was most comfortable. Hope it all goes well for you!
I had an unplanned c-section under general and we are still breastfeeding nine months later. If you can express some colostrum, I would- just in case you aren't feeling well right after. Since yours is planned, it will probably go much smoother than mine. I was induced, had two failed epidurals and a failed spinal block before they put me under general. Take any and all help you can get from lactation consultants in the hospital.
I had an emergency section after failure to progress and had baby to breast within the first hour after delivery. When I was admitted I told them I was planning to breastfeed and didn't want any supplementing unless it was deemed necessary and with my consent first. I'm not sure if I was given general anesthesia or not, I didn't bother to find out...though I also suffer from anxiety and the operating staff worked very hard to help keep me calm during my surgery. I was fully awake during it so I'm assuming I wasn't given anesthesia. I had no problem with nursing from the section, and position was never an issue for me, but of course I was on painkillers and they hit me pretty hard so nothing really hurt at that point lol

Just make it clear when you are admitted that in case you can't nurse right off you want them to wait until your able to. Encourage your husband to also advocate for your wishes in case you do take a while to come around. Good luck and don't let your anxiety get the best of you. I was terrified and after it was all said and done I wondered what the big deal was all about...but again, that could of just been the drugs haha
I had to have a C-section under general anesthesia. I woke up feeling so empty and my first words were "what'd she weigh?" and then "Oh my GOD!!" as this cruel nurse pushed down on my belly. Yeah, yeah, I know they "have" to do it but I wanted to bite her!! :haha:

I wasn't able to hold my daughter until about 3 hours had passed (had to get my pain under control :cry: C-sections suck ). I gave strict instructions that NO formula would be fed. I told my husband, my MIL, my midwife, my ob/gyn, and several nurses.
I figured by the time I finally got to see and hold my lil bundle (I felt like the last person on Earth :hissy: ), she'd be starving but she wasn't the least bit interested! Couldn't get her to latch or even wake up long enough to attempt it. Later on that night was a completely different story!

I was there at the hospital by myself, hubby had gone home with our son and DD seemed to be bound and determined to nurse me to death :wacko: Good news: I knew the more she nursed, the quicker my milk would come in. Bad news: LORD did she have an awful latch! :cry: I knew what to do but she didn't. She had to learn and I knew it was going to take time. I knew she was getting intake from all the outtake I was having to change (aka dirty diapers :haha: )

My son (8lbs 4 1/4oz) took to breastfeeding like a pro but he was a larger baby. My daughter was a smaller baby (she was just over 6lbs when we left the hospital, weighed 6lbs 15oz at birth). It just took time for her to learn how to do it. I used the Lansinoh ointment and alternated that with rubbing a bit of breastmilk on my nipples and letting them airdry. I never had any soreness with son but my nipples were a cracked, blistered, sore mess from my daughter :cry:

She'd nurse for 10 minutes, sleep for 5, nurse for 15, sleep for 30, nurse for 10, and that's how the whole first night went :wacko: :cry: I think she was trying to kill me :dohh: By the end of the second day, my milk had already came in though. :saywhat: It didn't come in that quickly with my son!

It took about 2-3 weeks before she was better at nursing. She'd get so frustrated at times, she'd start fighting my boob and screaming at it. I'd put her on my shoulder to pat/burp her which also accomplished calming us both down and then I'd offer the other side. Sometimes I'd have to "break it up" between the 2 (boob and baby) over and over again before she'd settle down to nurse and finally get her fill and pass out.

Hang in there. It will get easier and you look back, feeling so proud of what you did. Just take it a day at a time, don't set any goals. Just go for what you can do and what you set your mind to.

I personally HATE washing bottles so I knew without a doubt I'd be breastfeeding. When I had to switch son over to formula, I HATED it. Waking up in the middle of the night and whipping a boob out is SOOO much easier than all that bottle and formula crap. :haha:

Good luck hun :flower:
I had to have a C-section under general anesthesia. I woke up feeling so empty and my first words were "what'd she weigh?" and then "Oh my GOD!!" as this cruel nurse pushed down on my belly. Yeah, yeah, I know they "have" to do it but I wanted to bite her!! :haha:

I wasn't able to hold my daughter until about 3 hours had passed (had to get my pain under control :cry: C-sections suck ). I gave strict instructions that NO formula would be fed. I told my husband, my MIL, my midwife, my ob/gyn, and several nurses.
I figured by the time I finally got to see and hold my lil bundle (I felt like the last person on Earth :hissy: ), she'd be starving but she wasn't the least bit interested! Couldn't get her to latch or even wake up long enough to attempt it. Later on that night was a completely different story!

I was there at the hospital by myself, hubby had gone home with our son and DD seemed to be bound and determined to nurse me to death :wacko: Good news: I knew the more she nursed, the quicker my milk would come in. Bad news: LORD did she have an awful latch! :cry: I knew what to do but she didn't. She had to learn and I knew it was going to take time. I knew she was getting intake from all the outtake I was having to change (aka dirty diapers :haha: )

My son (8lbs 4 1/4oz) took to breastfeeding like a pro but he was a larger baby. My daughter was a smaller baby (she was just over 6lbs when we left the hospital, weighed 6lbs 15oz at birth). It just took time for her to learn how to do it. I used the Lansinoh ointment and alternated that with rubbing a bit of breastmilk on my nipples and letting them airdry. I never had any soreness with son but my nipples were a cracked, blistered, sore mess from my daughter :cry:

She'd nurse for 10 minutes, sleep for 5, nurse for 15, sleep for 30, nurse for 10, and that's how the whole first night went :wacko: :cry: I think she was trying to kill me :dohh: By the end of the second day, my milk had already came in though. :saywhat: It didn't come in that quickly with my son!

It took about 2-3 weeks before she was better at nursing. She'd get so frustrated at times, she'd start fighting my boob and screaming at it. I'd put her on my shoulder to pat/burp her which also accomplished calming us both down and then I'd offer the other side. Sometimes I'd have to "break it up" between the 2 (boob and baby) over and over again before she'd settle down to nurse and finally get her fill and pass out.

Hang in there. It will get easier and you look back, feeling so proud of what you did. Just take it a day at a time, don't set any goals. Just go for what you can do and what you set your mind to.

I personally HATE washing bottles so I knew without a doubt I'd be breastfeeding. When I had to switch son over to formula, I HATED it. Waking up in the middle of the night and whipping a boob out is SOOO much easier than all that bottle and formula crap. :haha:

Good luck hun :flower:

Well sound's like you had quite the experience but so good she finally got the hand of it! Why was the nurse pushing on your stomach if you dont mind me asking? Yes I need to pick up some nipple cream, I keep forgetting!
They do that supposedly to encourage and make sure your uterus is contracting back to normal and to minimize bleeding or something like that. Personally I think they're just being masochistic :grr:

The hospital gave me some ointment both times. I didn't use it all with my son. I ended up using it on his tush. I used it a few times with my daughter but mainly did the breastmilk and coconut oil route. I had coconut oil (unrefined organic) to use as moisturizer for my daughter because she had super sensitive skin. I read about it on this forum after 3 other washes and lotions failed :)

I knew in the long run it was going to be for the best, so I simply curled my toes and crossed my eyes in the beginning when she'd latch on. Perseverance pays off (that and a true hate of washing bottles :haha: ) and we were able to continue breastfeeding.

Don't let anybody try to push you into formula if you don't want to. I even had a doctor tell me at her 8 week checkup I needed to give a bottle of formula at night to allow my daughter to sleep better. Me and hubby just looked at each other. My daughter had been sleeping 5-8hour blocks by 6 weeks of age! My son (who started on formula at 4 months) didn't sleep that well til he was much older! After the doctor checked the nurse's notes, she blushed abit and said well, nevermind but it made me wonder how many mothers she had told this to. How many new mothers who put their complete trust in her was led to formula when there was no reason for it? Needless to say, I switched doctors!

I also found out from a friend who works as a breastfeeding counselor/ support group that ALOT of ladies quit breastfeeding because of this same doctor! So make sure you know all your facts, read and research everything. Doctors and hospitals may have posters saying "Breast is best" but their actions show opposing views :nope: Sad

Good luck and I hope you and your little one are successful at breastfeeding. It truly is a great thing and while hard at first, very rewarding and it DOES become easier after a while :flower:
Yeah I always forget to bring it up to my doctor but I am so for it. I will be heart broken if I can't bf. I want the bond just as much as I know its good for him. Yeah you have to stand you're ground with doctors, I mean obviously they are doctors for a reason but some done understand why mothers are so caught up on bfing!
I have a a panic disorder, and its safest for both of us. I choose to ask for it.
I may try vaginal but most likely we will schedule it for the 31st or the 3rd

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