Eczema - what can I do?

poor baby...i hope he gets better soon

i use e45 on my LO as well as emulsifying ointment what the doc gave me. its working everywhere except her legs though. I also use a hypoallergenic wash in her bath.
My LO has eczema on his back and behind his knees, so thanks all for the really helpful siggestions. Anyone know if this is something that he will suffer with the rest of his life or is it just something babies get? I used to work with someone with severe eczema and he was always bright red and flakey, it was awful!
Aveeno sells an oatmeal bath, its wonderful!

my friend gave me some aveeno cream lo looked really sore and dry on face, its worked wonders :thumbup: not sure where she got it tho? cant rem what she said but its def worth while getting some it really has worked :happydance:
My LO has eczema on his back and behind his knees, so thanks all for the really helpful siggestions. Anyone know if this is something that he will suffer with the rest of his life or is it just something babies get? I used to work with someone with severe eczema and he was always bright red and flakey, it was awful!

Lena, did you post something about a heat rash the other day? I think i can remember the cute avatar! Was it eczema then?

Doc told me Jess MAY suffer with it all her life now, but on the other hand may not. Depends on the child. :flower: Jess only has it behind her knees now, it seems to have cleared up on her chest.
My LO has eczema on his back and behind his knees, so thanks all for the really helpful siggestions. Anyone know if this is something that he will suffer with the rest of his life or is it just something babies get? I used to work with someone with severe eczema and he was always bright red and flakey, it was awful!

Lena, did you post something about a heat rash the other day? I think i can remember the cute avatar! Was it eczema then?

Doc told me Jess MAY suffer with it all her life now, but on the other hand may not. Depends on the child. :flower: Jess only has it behind her knees now, it seems to have cleared up on her chest.

Yep, i did. It didnt clear up and is now really dry so we think eczema. I'll take him to see the HV today to confirm. It looks identical to the pics the OP posted of her LO. Perhaps it was triggered by him being too warm in his carseat with his bear suit on....
My LO has eczema on his back and behind his knees, so thanks all for the really helpful siggestions. Anyone know if this is something that he will suffer with the rest of his life or is it just something babies get? I used to work with someone with severe eczema and he was always bright red and flakey, it was awful!

Lena, did you post something about a heat rash the other day? I think i can remember the cute avatar! Was it eczema then?

Doc told me Jess MAY suffer with it all her life now, but on the other hand may not. Depends on the child. :flower: Jess only has it behind her knees now, it seems to have cleared up on her chest.

Yep, i did. It didnt clear up and is now really dry so we think eczema. I'll take him to see the HV today to confirm. It looks identical to the pics the OP posted of her LO. Perhaps it was triggered by him being too warm in his carseat with his bear suit on....

I was thinking my LO`s is triggered by her being too warm too. I think a lot of different things can trigger it and its difficult to know what exactly. Hope hes better soon :flower:
I'm going to go out and get some Aveeno today.

We also thought it was heat rash at first.

I think baby/childhood eczema doesn't necessarily mean they will suffer eczema into adulthood. A lot of cases resolve themselves before then.
Hi all,
our daughter is 6 and we have been dealing with her very severe eczema since she was born
:( We have used so many creams I have lost count.....she has had wet wrapping treatment as well as UV treatment.....I can help advise as I would now consider myself a somewhat eczema! :)
at the moment we are taking our daughter to the hospital twice a week for bandaging....she has betnovate ointment (steroid) the hydrous emollient then viscopaste bandages....this is the first time in six years her skin has been quite good :)
when she was a baby I used to put bandages or scratch mits on her hands at bed time so she didn't scratch and secure them with a bobble....obviously not too tight! ;0)
have you asked for a referral to dermotology as they are the experts and know the most current treatments that are available also a dose of antihistamine may prevent scratching
sorry all wrote an essay here about eczema but it has taken over my life for the last 6 years...heehee :)
We went to the doctor on tuesday and he perscribed some hydrocortisone cream and some just general lotion. It's nearly all cleared up! His back is clear and behind his knees, where it was the worse, is still coarse but not red and nearly cleared up. Im so pleased.

Feel a bit daft because on monday, before I went to the Dr. I bought some cream for babies eczema from tesco for £6.50 for a small tube... then I get perscribed enough of this other cream to last til he's about 5 years old and it was free on the NHS.
Ive found Jessicas Eczema is slowly getting worse. Im gonna have to take her back, the cream the doc has given me is not working behind her knees at all and now its on her arms too, poor baba :( Where can I get this Aveeno cream? Is it prescription only?
Well we went back to the GP today as his eczema only seems to be getting worse. He is so sore on his arms that he screams when I put clothes on. At home I leave him with just his nappy on most of the time and a blanket if he gets cold. Wish there were baby clothes that don't involve putting arms through holes/sleeves as I hate to see him in pain.

We've tried oilatum (makes it more red). Aqueous cream (no effect), aveeno (bath wash helps but the cream seems to aggravate it), sudocrem (works the best out of the lot) and have now come away from GP with E45 cream.

I wanted a referral to a dermatologist and a bit more info on allergy related eczema, instead I got what I'm pretty sure is a load of crap from this GP.

He said that he didn't even think it was eczema and that all babies have dermatitis issues and theres no way of diagnosing eczema until they are 2 or 3 years old. G
He also said that eczema is not allergy related and that they also can't tell if a child has an allergy until they are 2 or 3. He completely discounted my concerns about a hereditary link between eczema and milk allergy (cousins and OHs siblings had both). Sick of GPs not listening and dismissing my concerns like I'm overreacting.
Ive found Jessicas Eczema is slowly getting worse. Im gonna have to take her back, the cream the doc has given me is not working behind her knees at all and now its on her arms too, poor baba :( Where can I get this Aveeno cream? Is it prescription only?

I bought aveeno from boots but it's not the cheapest stuff! I think it can be prescribed so then it's free
So sorry hun. Can you go back tomorrow and speak to a different dr or nurse? Perhaps ask for some hydrocortisone cream? The Dr gave us a perscription for that and I could see a difference in just 1 or 2 applications. Its a steroid cream so stronger than most OTC stuff. The oiltum made Nate worse as well. Hope it clears up soon.
Really frustrating isn't it.

All the topical stuff that you have described as making your LO's eczema flare up did the same to my boy too :thumbup:

He was admitted to hospital at one point as it was so bad around his eye that it got infected and his little eye closed over :cry:

We were seen by a dermatologist and now use:

* Dermol 500 lotion (in a pump - use as soap)
*Dermol 600 bath emollient - same principle as oilatum but works
*Infaderm shampoo - have to buy this though but fab :thumbup: obliterates cradle cap
* Epaderm ointment - humongous tub of gloop that looks like thick vaseline but soaks straight into the skin, truly fabulous stuff, if he ever does have a little flare up we put a dab of hydrocortisone followed by epaderm and it's gone within hours :thumbup:
We use the epaderm morning and night - swear by it.
Good luck :hugs:
Good idea about the laundry, i'll try that. Which emollients have u tried? We have used (and written off):
Aqueous, Double Base, Cetraben, Vaseline, Olive oil, Diprobase (ointment & cream, although the ointment was betterthan the cream.

Think thats it!

My nephew uses Dermol, comes as a cream and also a was prescribed by the doctor. Have you tried this?
Thank you, will ask for these on my next visit to the doctor if things still aren't improving.

Really frustrating isn't it.

All the topical stuff that you have described as making your LO's eczema flare up did the same to my boy too :thumbup:

He was admitted to hospital at one point as it was so bad around his eye that it got infected and his little eye closed over :cry:

We were seen by a dermatologist and now use:

* Dermol 500 lotion (in a pump - use as soap)
*Dermol 600 bath emollient - same principle as oilatum but works
*Infaderm shampoo - have to buy this though but fab :thumbup: obliterates cradle cap
* Epaderm ointment - humongous tub of gloop that looks like thick vaseline but soaks straight into the skin, truly fabulous stuff, if he ever does have a little flare up we put a dab of hydrocortisone followed by epaderm and it's gone within hours :thumbup:
We use the epaderm morning and night - swear by it.
Good luck :hugs:
So sorry hun. Can you go back tomorrow and speak to a different dr or nurse? Perhaps ask for some hydrocortisone cream? The Dr gave us a perscription for that and I could see a difference in just 1 or 2 applications. Its a steroid cream so stronger than most OTC stuff. The oiltum made Nate worse as well. Hope it clears up soon.

I've seen 4 different doctors so far and they've all been of the 'baby will grow out of it in time' attitude. We are new to the area so still trying to find a decent GP with not much luck so far! I mentioned hydrocortisone but they weren't willing to prescribe it without trying the other topical treatments first which is fair enough I guess.
Hi, We went back to the docs other day, not about his eczmea but a cough. When the doc saw his belly she asked if he had eczema (saw a different doc originally) I said yes but none of the creams semmed to be working. She increased the steroid cream to 1% altho i haven't used it as i didn;t think it was o bad at the moment, and she gave me some EPADERM cream. I have to say out of everything i have tried, this seems to be doing the trick. She said it was very greasy and i may not like it but it absorbs so easily its wonderful. I had told her we had been using e45 and diprobase, she said e45 is very mild so not always the best thing to use. She also said creams (not the steroid one)should be applied bout 4 times a day where as i wasl ony doing it twice. She also said even when the skin is better, still keep using the cream religously. Hope you get lo sorted, its a nightmare when we are not sure what we are doing!! Hugs to you xx

Just wantede to add, be careful of what your health visitor says, she had a go at me when i told her we were using hydorocortisone. She told me to stop using it immediately and use Aqueos. I followed this advice and it made my lo's eczema worse and spread :( i will never listen to her again!!
A question for you ladies, does going swimming aggravate your LOs eczema? I'd love to take LO for his first swim in the next few months but worried the pool water will make his skin worse. Baths make his eczema red and angry and he screams afterwards when we are drying him so I'm guessing swimming would be the same?
Khloee, I was told by doc that swimming may aggravate the skin, but to use the same principle as if LO was having a bath, apply the emollient b4 swimming, and when out of pool, immediately wash off chlorine and re-apply emollient. You won't really know if your LO's skin will flare until trying I suppose?

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