EDD question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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This isn't to 'ruffle anyone's feathers' or anything, I'm genuinely curious.

Why do ladies get to bent outta shape when they go over their estimated due date? After all it's called an ESTIMATED due date for a reason since most pregnancies last somewhere around 38-42 weeks anyways, with first babies typically coming at the later end of that range. Why do they get so set on a date that it's most likely NOT going to happen on anyways? I just don't understand - someone please explain!
I totally get the fact we all are uncomfortable as hell and wanna meet our babies - but I'm more confused about the complaining about not having baby on due date..
I think we just get our hearts set on that date, for 10 months were counting down to that one date! When it arrives and leaves its kind of a downer! I know personally I'm just so impatient ill be a whinger if I go over my due date lol :)
That's what i don't understand. Why/How get your heart set on a specific date knowing it's ESTIMATED and chances are it's NOT going to be the day baby is born.
I obviously haven't reached that point yet, but I'm assuming I'll go early, as the rest of the women in my family are consistently 3 weeks early.

Plus, I've heard how uncomfortable it is at the end, and you probably just want it to be over with. It can't be much fun to be overdue.
Well, as I'm currently past my EDD, I'll say that I didn't necessarily have my heart set on one date, and am not surprised to go over. I had a feeling I would go over as I'm a FTM, and I know how slim the chances are of delivering on the EDD. However, it's a marker just like anything else. I celebrated when I entered each new trimester, I was excited to get to 20 weeks and find out the sex, I was relieved when I got to 37 weeks as I knew that the baby's chances to thrive in the outside world were greatly improved. All of those milestones were based on my estimate of when I got pregnant and when it is estimated that I'll have my baby. So, naturally, the 40-week mark is a big one! We're all ready to meet our babies and to move on to this next phase of our lives. As I said, I didn't honestly expect to have my baby by 11:59pm on my EDD, but I knew I was that much closer. Now that I am almost a week "past due" I have to say that this has been the longest week ever! Every day has moved by so slowly. My mobility is limited, my energy is limited, my to-do lists have been all checked off for over a week, and so I feel like I'm just waiting. I'm a bit bored, restless, nervous, excited, emotional, etc. And just stewing in those juices right now, as the rest of the world carries on!
For me with DD1 it was mostly the anticipation and it's a tangible number to count down to...but I suppose I don't really know since my daughter was born on her due date. However, having never had a baby then and having quite a family history of big babies...all i could think of was as each day goes by, this baby is just getting bigger and bigger! I was afraid of having to push out a big baby, but now on DD2 I'm not so preoccupied with size/dates...I might be saying something else though in 9 weeks:)
I agree, I don't get it.They seem to take it so personally- like they have been conned. In France they automatically add 7 days on to your EDD. I went 10 days over with my first and it didn't bother me a bit- i let nature do its thing. The ONLY thing i worry about is having to be induced, but chances of going more than 2 weeks over is slim. :)
That's cool about France. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very annoyed if I go over my "due date". For one, I bet more and more people are going to ask "Is anything happening yet?" and so forth. I don't like people being annoying like that. Second, the increasing pressure from OB about getting induced if you end up going past for too long. I really don't want to be induced! The increased discomfort and simply waiting around for even longer. In fact, I'd like to have my baby before my due date, but I also want her to come when she is ready. It's already been toooo loooooong.
Eeeeee I agree :haha: I only say that because the irony of going overdue after a baby at 27 weeks was pretty good :D I can imagine how people could feel a little deflated though but I wasn't one of them.
I don't really get it since I thought most people knew that the EDD is more of a guide and it is more likely to fall between 2 weeks before or after that date. I had to have a planned c-section with my first son at 39 weeks so didn't go over but I was very uncomfortable by that point so I can see the eagerness in sense but not the presumption it will happen then. I would personally count 2 weeks after the EDD the countdown point, or in my case this time 1 week over since that is as much over as I can go with a VBAC.
For me personally I have been very uncomfortable for months now and I am just fed up with being pregnant. Also almost all my friends had their babies 1-4 weeks early, so it's frustrating to have to wait for so long!
I always say the 4th is my due date but that i've got 2-4 weeks left lol As most babies do come after the edd, I don't think i'll be deflated as i'm just happy that my pregnancy is still going relatively fast & its not starting to drag :haha: However it is still a point in the pregnancy just like the passing of the trimesters and scans etc that i look forward to :)
I agree Powell! I am counting down to my "due date" but just as it's realistic that baby could come before then, it's realistic that the baby could come afterward!

I guess I did go into pregnancy thinking "I'll be happy to be pregnant as long as that's what's healthiest for the baby, even if I'm uncomfortable, etc." Now there are some other circumstances, such as my parents coming and only being able to stay a limited time because my sister is due with her first a month after me (my dad actually has to leave around the time I will/would have hit 41 weeks, my mom can stay a bit longer), and my doctor saying that he only likes to let his patients go a week overdue before inducing, etc. I'd much rather go into labor naturally than be induced, and with my parents it would be much nicer for my dad to meet the baby this time around rather than try to figure out something later in the summer. My parents actually live in another country and travel isn't cheap! I'm still trying not to let these things affect my view of the end of the pregnancy, but it does get harder when you can see what would be a more optimal timing at least based on events outside the womb.

Anyway, overall, I still don't care if I go overdue, as the EDD is just an estimate. If I go over, my countdown board will start saying -1, -2 days, etc. from May 19th instead of 1 or 2 days until then. I hope this baby will avoid an induction though!
I went to 42 weeks with my 2nd and I'd happily do it again.

But I also think a lot of girls are scared. A lot of girls want to avoid things like induction and depending on where they live, their providers can scare the beejebus out of them. There are plenty of places where doctors "don't let you" go past a certain date (now, of course legally they must, but most women do not challenge this for many reasons).

It's the practitioners who have also forgotte what EDD is.
I agree with Aliss. It's because once you hit that date you're on a sort of count down and most expectant mums I know would rather go into labour naturally than have so be induced so that's one of the reasons I think ladies focus on that date :)
Aliss, you're so right about the practitioners! My doctor told DH and I a horror story about a woman who came in to be monitored when she was overdue, everything was fine, but then came back two days later & the baby had passed. Honestly this didn't phase me that much and I was actually really irritated that day, about his answer to a lot of things. But it did scare DH, and now DH has asked me to go along with my doctor's recommendation as far as when it's time for an induction. It's DH's baby too, and so I do feel like his opinion matters... so I told my practitioner that I agree to be induced, but based on MY dates (based on my BBT chart & our first ultrasound), rather than based on my LMP date which is a couple of days earlier.

Anyway, yes, I know that legally my doctor can't force me into an induction, but like I said, I'm trying to consider how DH feels about it all as well!
It's not all about women expecting the baby to pop out by 40 weeks. It's also because they're tired, their whole body hurts, they can't sleep, they're uncomfortable no matter what they do and a million other reasons too.
By 40 weeks, you've just had ENOUGH.
you are so right! i went to 41 weeks with my second, and welcomed that induction with open arms! i was afraid to keep her in anymore as there are risks to going overdue as well:)
I went 3 days over with my first. And on my EDD i went to see the OB, who tried to induce as "you have a big baby in there!". But i fought it - had to fight HARD to. I ended up deciding to walk 5 miles and have a hot bath and :sex: as my own little induction at 40+3 (as i was sick of dealing with hospital/OB trying to do it with meds) and it worked. BUT i would have happily waited as long as she wanted! AND she was born at 8lbs 6oz so not a huge baby by any means!

My EDD with this one is Aug 1st. At my 20week scan they bumped it up to July 27th, but im keeping the 1st as chances are i'll go past even that date :)
I won't be peeved, miffed or annoyed if i go past my EDD, I am hoping that i don't need to be induced.... however,

I HOPE that i go soon, that's all.. HOPE and that it is naturally so that i know my little miss is ready.

My reason? Because i am shattered, sore, tired, can't walk without pain and generally over being pregnant lol

But if she decides to keep me waiting, so be it, just as long as she arrives safely.... but honestly little miss GET OUT SOON :haha:
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