effects of having a caesarean section


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Mar 13, 2009
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Hi all, I just wanted to know how people felt about Caesarean sections and if you've had one, whether you think it affected you psychologically e.g. did it make you less confident?? do you think you were more depressed?? Im afraid Im not an expectant mother myself just yet (although in a few years who knows :blush:!), Im just a medical student who is interested in this area.

I would really appreciate any stories or experiences you are willing to share and hope everyone is well.

Thanks again!
Hiya i had a c-section 3 half years ago, it took me alot longer to heal, i felt useless because i could hardly walk but also that was down to the surgeon who not only gave me a c-section but whilst doing so, "accidently" put a tare in my womb which led to a 3 hour operation after and had to wait 2 years for it to fully heal!!!

As you can understand i will not be going to the same hospital this time round!!!

I don't beleive the C section has affected me or my bond with my baby at all. The only downfall was that because she and I were very ill I was not able to see her until 36 hours after the birth, but the birth itself was an amazing experience
i had a em c-section 5 years ago, due to placental abruption my lo was 6 weeks prem. Its taken me 5 years to recover Mentally and physically.
If you want details let me know
I had a csection and at the time it made me feel rubish. The recovery was slow. I felt like i had failed. But in hindsight, it wasn't really that bad.

I had a c-section 4 weeks ago as of tomorrow.

The reason was "failure to progress" - baby's head was not descending even though I was fully dilated, they decided my pelvis was too narrow to deliver vaginally, and I was totally worn out from pushing (2.5 hours).. my heart rate was too fast, I was catatonic and felt like I was going to pass out, I was experiencing back labour, extremely painful abdominal cramps (not contractions)..

And it didn't get much better for me after the c-section. Msg me if you'd like more details, but my experience has left me not wanting any more children in the future, I ended up being rehospitalized while I had a newborn baby at home, I have a nurse who comes in everyday to take care of my incision because it is still open and infected. Again if you want the full story you can message me lol because I don't think the world wants to hear about abcesses and catheters and stuff.
i have had 2 emergency c section, one of which was 6 weeks ago due to complete placenta previa and i had no choice but to have a c section. I feel the whole experience was ok, i was out of hospital within 48 hours, my scar healed well and i was up and about on day 2.
i also dont feel i have failed in any sort of way!!!
Have had 1 emergency section and 3 planned sections. Do not feel it has affected me emotionally or physically. Glad to have safely delivered my babies. Do not feel less of a woman. Bonded and breast fed babies from the start with no problems
I had an emergency section 8mnths ago. For me it was an awful experience and i still haven't mentally recovered from it, i think it is going to take some time.

I felt that it did affect the bond i had with my baby, although i did successfully b/f'd her 8mnths (we are still b/fing) i am glad that i managed to do that.

I felt sooo poorly and incapable of doing anything for weeks after the birth, its quite destressing being in hospital with your baby in the cot next to you crying and you have to press the buzzer to get someone to pass you, your baby because of pain you can't even move or sit up!

Feel free to PM if you want more details.
i had a really positive c section, although it was an emergency one as babys heart beat dropped and wasnt coming back to normal, i was walking around 12 hrs after and after one week i had no pain. i would definely have a c section the next time round

I had a emergency c-section as I'd been in labour 3days and was not progressing and fetal heart rate was too high. Mine was really positive - had it under epidural so was alert for it, got skin to skin almost immediately and I was up and about 12hours later. The pain after wasn't too bad at all and I was fully able to care for my baby myself afterwards. Next time I want a section straight away without the 3day labour beforehand!
I had my c-section just over 4 weeks ago, the only problem i have had is that i have an overhang from weight loss and this after 4 weeks is still slightly open wound. I have the District Nurse coming out ever other day to change the dressing, and check for infection, but overall my section was a very positive experience.
If i ever have any more i would opt for a section.

V xxxxx
I had an elective C Sec due to the baby being breech, i found the whole process surreal. The aftercare was a joke (read my birth story about that), it hasnt affected the way ive bonded with my son he is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, but it has left me wanting more children as I feel I have missed on a natural birth, i dont know what a contraction feels like, or suppose I just yearn to know what giving birth naturally feels like
I hav an emergency c section, I was induced and then had 'failure to progress'. My experience was actually quite positive. Of course, no major surgery is pleasant but had brilliant care both before, during and after, don't feel I had a les of a bond - i was awake throughout so had immediate skin to skin contact, my partner was there too.

I found it a little hard during the first few weeks, getting around and stuff but had a lot of help thank god!!! If I have anymore I will have an elective, the worst thing is that my tummy has lost any firmness it ever had!! But hey! a small price to pay!

PM me if you want anymore specific info x
I had a emergency c-section 4 years ago, due to placental abruption my daughter was 5 weeks prem.

It effected me really badly mentally, i didn't bond wiht my daughter very well for months and had bad postnatal depression. Physically i couldn't do anything for weeks, i couldn't bend down to bath my daughter and pushing the pram down the street was painful. My scar isn't very neat, it is all wobbly and i feel uncomfortable when getting undressed because of this. It took about 2 1/2 years for the pain to go completely, it still hurt if i caught it or stretched the skin.
Ive had 3 prem babies who was born by c-section with everyone its got easier and i recover quicker it was hard to bond with my babies but that wasnt cause of the c-section it was due to them being prem.
I had an emergency section 2 months ago, I was so down about it all. Took me ages to recover, just wanted to cuddle but it hurt too much :( although looking back I'm really thankful they did it, without it we'd both most likely have died.
had planned c-section... didnt make me feel any less of a parent for not giving birth vaginally, my scar has healed great, in fact its tiny, was up and having a shower 16hours after having my baby, and was up and mobile from then on.. did find i was breathless and tired easily for about a month afterwards but it didnt stop me from doing anything (apart from lifting heavy things and driving)

physically it hasnt made me any less confident, and its given me no problems
mentally the same, i look back at my daughters birth as a lovely time

it was the staff on the post natal ward i had probs with not the proceedure itself..

Hi all, I just wanted to know how people felt about Caesarean sections and if you've had one, whether you think it affected you psychologically e.g. did it make you less confident?? do you think you were more depressed?? Im afraid Im not an expectant mother myself just yet (although in a few years who knows :blush:!), Im just a medical student who is interested in this area.

I would really appreciate any stories or experiences you are willing to share and hope everyone is well.

Thanks again!

Hi my daughter is almost 9 months now and I had her by CS because she was breech. My dauhter is my first child.

The actual CS was fine, physically I coped well with the pain and discomfort, however psychologically I feel it made the baby blues worse. I got the 'baby blues' on the 2nd day and by my 3rd night in hospital I was very depressed to the point I was totally convinced I was going to die and I was petrified of going to sleep because I really believed I would not wake up.
I don't believe that I would have had those kind of thoughts or feelings if I'd have had a natural birth and was in the comfort of my own home. I also think that the level of after care from medical staff (which was very poor) had a part to play in my depression.
I felt quite depressed for a couple of months following the birth of my daughter.

Oh and also I felt that I missed out on my daughters first few hours because I was in and out of consciousness due to the morphine to control the pain, I'd wanted to breast feed but this was impossible to try straight away because of my condition.

Hope that helps.

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