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Elective c-section anyone?

Monkey monkey

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2010
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Just wondering (at this early stage of T-1) who is opting for an elective c-section?

I am, had an emergency c-section under general anaesthetic with my first owing to super reduced heart beat during early labour which was so bad that we got to the hospital at 5:15pm (2cm dilated) and he was born at 7:05pm. Subsequantly found out at 5.5months that he had a serious heart condition and he had open heart surgery at 10 months. Anyway, so now i'm opting for elective but i am super scared as last time its so debilitating and painful and stuff and now i'll have a newborn and a 21 month old to deal with!

Anyone else had a second section having already had a LO around the age of 2??
I'm weighing up my options, but considering a section, my last one was with twins and I had a nearly two year old at the day (natural delivery) to be honest I just had to get one with it but I think elective is easier than emergency recovery wise. This time I'll have three kids.

Good luck x
With my daughter I had an elective c-section with spinal instead of epidural. Will do the same this time since I like to feel in control of my situation if something is wrong with baby and I recovered well last time.
I had an emergency c-sec with my daughter so opted for vbac... I have since decided I'd like an elective section if these boys don't come at 37 weeks but if they try come early ill try push
I had an elective last time and it was great, my recovery was better than my natural birth (bad tear) and I had hardly any pain. I'll be opting for another elective! Best decision I made x
I had an emcs 3 weeks ago and have a nearly 2 year old. It's not too bad, I'm doing more than I should butggenerally I'm managing. Sometimes I feel a sharp pain while picking her up but I don't have a choice. I thought I had done some serious damage as I developed a really tender lump after an awkward movement whilst getting her out of the car seat but the ob says it will go away...hope so!
I was offered a c section because of LO's weight, but I wanted to go natural. I made it 7 hours into my 17.5 hour labor and broke down and got the epidural. I'll take the epidural route this time even if baby is measuring big again... Although pushing a 9lb13oz baby SUCKED
I refuse to vote I'm afraid. (There's always one isn't there?!)
I was forced to have an elective caesarean, kicking, screaming, crying my heart out it was done. I wanted so badly to have a natural birth and the annoying thing is, it would of been possible had I had competent medical ''professionals''.
This is my first so I have no previous experience but I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for a natural birth, if all is well I'll be looking into a home birth.
I had a vaginal delivery with my son, but a c-section with my daughter (she flipped breech last minute). My son was just turning 3 at the time of my c-section, so it was a bit tricky but for the most part it was totally fine. If you have help-that will be beneficial. I will be having another c-section with this next baby, and my kids will be 5 and 2 when this baby is born. I'm a little nervous of how to juggle it all...but I think its more having 3 children than recovery from a csection that I'm worried about. Not that it will be easy. I think you just have to roll with it. If dinner doesn't get cooked, then get the DH to pick up food, if laundry doesn't get folded and put away. Oh well. That's life-it won't always be like that. Its just a stage that all moms go through.hang in there mama:)
My first was a c-section, my second was a forceps VBAC. Out of the two.... I'd opt for vaginal every time.

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