Elissa birth story (Severe Pre Eclampsia & HELLP Syndrome)


Has a little princess!!
Jul 24, 2008
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This is the quick and much shorter version. I've skipped loads out and to be quite honest i don't remember an awful lot because i was that out of it on so many different drugs all of the time but here we go....

I went into hospital on Sunday night due to bad pains in my back between my shoulder blades and stomach above my bump. When i got there they took my blood pressure which was through the roof (160/200) and after further testing they found out i had a case of 'sudden' pre clampsia. When they assessed me they found out things where that bad that they were going to give me a section there and then if they couldn't get my blood pressure down. There were about 3 consultants in with me all doing different tests and telling me a 100 different things, i was getting injections left right and centre, it was awful. I got told i was probably going to start fitting and i needed to stay calm. The cause of the fits would be through my high blood pressure/high temperature which had caused my brain to swell. Luckily they managed to get my BP down and instead of a section the induced me at 4am on the Monday morning.

Later on the Monday morning (about 8am-ish) I had another consultant come in to see me and she said to me that I was really sick. I told her I understood that and she said that I didn’t understand because I was on my feet and still mobile. She stressed to me that I was critically ill and I was about to be wired up to a lot of monitors and have a lot of IV’s into me. She told me that I was going to be bed bound for the next few days and any plans I had for child birth were now not important. They told me to have an epidural from the get go to help with my BP and to prevent any further pain. They brought me a fancy bed in and attached everything to me. I had about 10 different IV’s going into me, I was attached to a heart machine, blood pressure machine, oxygen machine and some other thing but I dunno what that was.

At about 10am they burst my waters which was horrific. One midwife came in an attempted to do it but i was only 1cm dialated. I'd had 1 tablet inserted into me at 4am and 1 bag of the stuff they give you to try and induce you but it hadn't worked. She told me there was no way it could be done but another more senior midwife came in and said it has to be done because of the state of me. Well i've never felt pain like it i'm not entirely sure what they did and to be honest i dont want to know but after a good 15 minutes she managed to burst them.

Anyway about 15 hours later they were saying it looked like i was going to have a failed induction. By this point I was in a total mess. I hadn’t eaten for over 24 hours and the amount of fluid they were allowed to give me wasn’t enough so dehydration had started to kick in and I had started to hallucinate. My bloods took a turn for the worse and they had stopped clotting and my iron had dropped right down. I was totally out of it with all the drugs I was on but I do remember how bad I was bleeding, everywhere were I’d had injections i had started to bleed my IV’s were bleeding and leaving blood on the bed, I had to have 2 epidurals because the midwife accidentally knocked one out and both of those were bleeding. They were bleeding that bad that I soaked a pillow and I also had to have a catheter with me not been able to leave the bed and that was just blood. By this point they had called a surgeon because they said I couldn’t go on like this for much longer but the surgeon said I have to wait another 4 hours to see what was happening with my blood. I had to have blood tests every 15 minutes and they were taking the blood from my feet because that was the only place that didn’t have an IV going into it pumping something into my body. After the 4 hours had passed the surgeon told us that he wanted to leave me in labour because there was a high chance that if I go for the section I would bleed to death because of the clotting problems but then on the other had if they left me my blood pressure was so high it was going to cause me to start fitting which would cause death so both options were really shitty.

My last set of blood test results must have been borderline ok because they took me for the section. They gave me a proper epidural through the mobile one I had but it didn’t work properly there was about an inch at the top of my bump that wouldn't numb no matter what they tried. I had twice as much as the normal person because they didn’t want to knock me out because it was harder to recover from but it’s safe to say they had to. My partner was told to leave the room while they prept me for general anastetic.

An hour and half later I was woken up and told everything went well and my daughter was born at 6:12am and weighed 6lbs 13oz. I was asked if i wanted to go and see her but i said no because i was that out of it i knew i wouldnt remember it so instead i went to sleep. I was put back into critical care for a couple of days and given a morphine drip which I controlled. I was assessed every 30 minutes, bloods were taken, wee samples, bp, oxygen levels, heart rate levels were all taken. I had a midwife with me at all times incase something turned bad. As you can imagine most of it is a blur but I found out I also suffered with something called HELLP Syndrome. I have no idea what that is at the moment but I’m about to research it and find out.

Also when she was born she had to be resuscitated. Through the birth i went down hill which caused her to go down hill. She was given oxygen and had to have 15 finger presses to the heart. She was ok when she came round and i didnt actually find out until 2 days after the birth.

I have to go and see a consultant in 6 weeks so he can look through my notes and tell me everything that happened. I have been told that this can happen again in my future pregnancies so they want to disscuss my options.

I was also told yesterday that if i'd have waited another 30 minutes to go to the hospital my brain would have worked out that the placenta was the cause of the problem and it would have cut off the the blood supply and i would have had a still born and if i'd have waited an hour i would have probably died as well. It's still not sunk in 100% how luck i am and how close to death we both came!
oh god! poor you! I'm soo sorry to read this.

Glad you're both ok now ((hugs)) xx
That's so scary! I'm glad you're both okay, and congratulations :hugs:
wow what a shocking story. i'm so glad you are both ok now and so glad you got heir in time. i hope you recover soon. x
Oh my goodness, other than the stories with no happy ending, I dont think Ive heard a scarier story. Im glad you are both OK now though.
Mish, I had no idea things were so bad. But I'm so glad things worked out well for you and that you are both well now xxx
God Mish, you've had a really hard time of it. So glad everything turned out well for you both in the end.
It wasn't very nice but i was that out of it towards the end i wasn't fully aware of what was going on. I think my mam thought they were going to loose me at one point.

I love her to bits bit and wouldn't give her up for anything but i'll never put myself through anything like that again.

God knows how i'll cope if i ever fall pregnant again.
Omg sorry you have a bad time, glad you are both ok now take care xxxx
That was a very scary birth story. Glad you're both here and well now tho.

Congratulations. x
HI hun, only just seen you wrote your birth story, I had NO idea you had had such a horrendous time! So glad you are both ok after your terrible ordeal, sending you big :hugs:
Sending you massive hugs - didn't realise you had such a horrid time. It was scary enough when I got rushed to theatre for the placenta and bleeding after the birth but at least I'd seen George and could focus on that.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: for you and Elissa
What an awful time you must've had! Glad that you and your wee girl are ok now! x
wow what a shock, glad u are getting better now, all the best in the future :)


Cheers everyone! you'd think after everything she put me through she'd sleep on a night but nooooooooooo. she's a terror but wort it!
Oh my goodness, what a story and how lucky the both of you are!

Congratulations x

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