I know what you mean! It's sort of scary but liberating to stop controlling your own fertility with contraception. I'm fully ready to TTC while hubby is wanting to wait a few months, so we've compromised on NTNP but avoiding the most fertile 5 days. So it makes me happy because there's still a small chance of pregnancy and he's happy as chances are it'll take a few months anyway! Also means I get to look forward to the date AF is due to see if there is a nice surprise without pinning all my hopes on it because we've been actively 'trying' if that makes any sense
I know EXACTLY what you mean
We're currently NTNP, I've just stopped my BC and we're using the pullout method which is a nice way to ease us in. But OMG taking charge of your fertility is very liberating, I feel like when I was younger AF was an annoyance, now it's reassuring that my body is working ok. Obviously I wouldn't mind AF not showing her face
so yes, I'm very much enjoying NTNP. Wouldn't it be nice to get a BFP while NTNP and bypass all the potential stress of TCC. Baby dust to you all xxxxx