LO is 5 weeks and it's been a bit of a battle getting her to feed consistently. She will sometimes take 4oz but sometimes only as little as 1oz and is mostly 2.5 to 3 hours but again can often be less than that (never more though). She normally drinks the first 2oz at a reasonable rate, but seems to squirm a lot as if she's holding her breath or choking, then loses interest or gets tired. I've tried giving her a break, making sure she's winded, changing her nappy etc to get her going again but it rarely works. I switched her onto variflow teats last week but there's only a marginal improvement. I'm concerned that she's not taking enough in one go (she is gaining the right amount of weight though) and I'd like a bit more consistency for my own sanity if nothing else as it gets tiring feeding little and often. My health visitor hasn't been able to suggest anything - any help much appreciated!