Evan has finally arrived - long and a bit horrific induction...


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Well, my pregnancy was really easy until 38 weeks when I started having some possible preeclampsia signs so I had to start having regular fetal monitoring at the hospital - it never really amounted to anything but was monitored all the same.

Due date came and went and I got bigger and bigger! I had a sweep at 40+4, unsuccesful although my cervix was 'soft' just posterior. Induction was booked for 40+12 (19th Nov).

The couple of days before I started having some sharp pains across the top of my bump and in my back but constant and painful. On the morning of my induction (2am) I called tha hospital as it was really painful and the told me to come in.

We went to the triage unit and was put in a side room for monitoring. Everything was fine but they thought LO was pressing on nerves giving me the pain. There was a vile MW who came in and said 'why are you here?' (not my mw so why should I tell you again!) threw a sheet at me and said 'take your clothes off' and I said 'why' and she said 'aren't you having contractions?' urrm no. And then she stormed off - DH was NOT pleased.

They left us til 7am when the started the induction. I was examined (nothing happening), put on the monitor for 30mins and then the prostin was inserted - not painful, bit uncomfy. DH went home for a few hours to get some sleep.

By lunchtime I was having regular period type pains and called DH back as they were quite painful. Also quite irregular and lasting a long time. The pain got worse so I had a bath which was immense!! I really wanted a water birth then but that wasn't going to happen! After this they reexamined me - no change and inserted another prostin.

The pain really ramped up now - it was agony very quickly. The contractions were lasting for 10 minutes and building in waves within the 10 mins - I had no pain relief at this point because noone really thought it could be that bad. Children in need started and at some point someone gave me gas and air. Then the hideous mw was back on. Stormed in and said 'if she's not in labour ill have to move her to the ward as I need this room' and proceeded to examine me - I screamed the house down it was so painful. 3cm dilated so she wasn't happy because I was 'borderline' whether to bother doing anything. DH was amazing and really stuck up for me - unfortunatly there were no beds anywhere for breaking waters/proceeding with induction etc. DH got angry with the horrible mw and told her to read my notes before coming barging in here!!!

Later she was back (having read my notes!) and said I was more complex than others on triage so I was jumping the queue for a room on delivery. I was told the contractions were actually prostin pains (reaction to the prostin mimicking contractions) and the labour hadn't really started yet.......I still had to wait (i'm told) 3-4hrs before a delivery room was free - just screaming on gas and air - I went through 3 and a half canisters!!

Eventually I was transferred to delivery to a lovely midwife who wanted to sort my pain relief out quickly. Before I didn't want anything but after 20hr ish of not really alot I was desperate to sort the pain out as I had a LONG way to go. James the epidural man was dealing with emergencies and would be an hour which in my haze I could tell the mw was gutted about. The only option was pethidine which I took. I felt so guilty and kept saying it's bad for the baby etc. It really calmed me down and got me through the next hour until the epidural was put in, which I don't thik I would have coped with the procedure without the pethidine. Image of self - sat on edge of bed, face down in sick bowl (sick with every contraction) having epidural....!! Which I didn't really feel! didn't even notice the cannuale being put in my hand!

After this everything calmed down. I had close 1:1 monitoring, was left to sleep and barely felt a thing. It was bliss. Dh stayed close by and the mw kept making him tea! By sat morning I was 5cm and had my waters broken. I was put on the drugs to speed up the contractions and given loads of epidural top ups if I needed them. I always though they would put a catheter in but they just pop it in to empty the bladder when they examine you.

I didn't progress past 6cm all afternoon so the doctors said it would have to be a section. (thank god I had had an epidural because I would have been devastated to have laboured in pain for that long for nothing). I had to wait a while for theatre but was taken down at about 5pm I think.

This bit was horrific - as soon as they made the incision I knew I could feel more than I should - I started screaming, they clamped a hand on my throat and put me under a general straight away. I had a ventilation tube put in and everything.

Evan was born as 6.59pm a very healthy 9lbs 8ozs - back to back which probably explains some of the difficulty - given to very scared daddy who was forced out of theatre within minuted of coming in. He had Evan for over an hour while they dealt with me and struggled to bring me round in recovery.

Eventually we went back to the delivery room - I was completly out of it but somehow managed a cuddle and a little attempt at feeding. We had some tea and toast and I realised I had no voice because of the ventilator tube. I then had a funny turn and everyone rushed in but they think it was total exhaustion - 41hr labour and all!

By now it was late so they sent Dh home and took me to the ward (again a side room - hurrah!) I had a catheter put in, painkillers given and left to sleep while they kept an eye on me and Evan. I was so out of it from tiredness!

In the morning I was given a wash and encouraged to sit out and eat something but I still felt very rough. The next day was much better and so on. We were let home on day 4.

The whole process was horrific and not what I thought would happen. Evan was also drugged up to the eyeballs for the first 48hrs and was sleepy and reluctant to feed but at least he is here safe and well and douing absolutly fine now.

Despite my experience I actually feel quite good, bit sore from the c-section but not bad! Just realised all my photos are on the camera so i'll add them later. He's a gorgeous little man and well worth it all!

Hope this doesn't put anyone off but sometimes you have to know what could happen and you get through it and everything is fine!!
oh my word, I'm so sorry it was like that for you :hugs:

My labour wasn't straight forward either, though not to the same extent, and I did develop post traumatic stress disorder for a bit - so just worth mentioning that you can ask your MW about the birth afterthoughts service if you need to talk it through with anyone.

And big congratulations on your new arrival!! Lets see those photos :)
Although it was horrific I actually feel ok about it! I'm a total wuss and feel really proud of myself for coping - if I can do that I can do anything!!
awww congratulations, he was a great weight. look forward to seeing pics. sorry the labour wasnt straight forward but at least you both got through it safely and are both doing and recovering well xXx
I'm sorry it was such a difficult labour, so glad that you and Evan are doing fine and now recovering well at home. Congrats on your little boy!
Congrats on your little man!
I also had slow progression and end up with a section, thank god for the epi hey! :laugh2: my LO was b2b and 9lb 3oz so very simular.
Hope you have a speedy recovery :)

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