I hear loads of mixed stories about court. It can easily be dragged out for ages by the stories I've heard! By the sounds of it ur going through what I am. I want the dick out of mine & DD's life(his not even currently in her life, we've been tryna sort a contact centre since april & still not at one so that just proves what a long process it is). Haven't heard of this gingerbread thing.. Will go take a look later.
It is true that all a judge cares about is the dad needs to see the child regardless of any worries/threats...which I think is a crap justice system!!! but like I've said u can drag the process out with contact centres etc if u have genuine fears like I do.
His living in a shared house? Theres NO way he would get overnight access.. as I have heard stories off dads that have been refused overnights as they only live in a 1 bed house. He won't be able to provide for him properly so I really can't see a judge ruling that. + he'd be a long way off overnights anyway judging by your childs age, & I'm guessing by your 1st post the lack of consistency in visits as well! If you do end up going to court and a court order is ruled, he won't be able to be late or mess you around... he will have to stick to the order and if he breaks it then he'll be in big trouble, so sounds like you could do with it going to court and getting a court order.
I've also heard about the judge favouring fathers.. BUT u need to make sure u play it right.. you are not refusing access, u simply want to protect your child and u have concerns etc etc...
I still think its aload of rubbish about this 'solicitors friend'.. funny how thats never come up before to u!?