Ok, so me and my husband have been ttc for a couple months now. I have an app that keeps up with my period and tells me when I'm ovulating. I have taken many test thinking I was pregnant but they always came back negative. So I gave my mind some rest and basically stopped worrying about it for a while. Well my period is three days late now and I tested on 8/31 and it came back negative. Tested on 9/1 and at first I thought it was negative(I didn't wait three min to look) until I looked really close and saw a VERY faint line. It was so faint that it seemed like it wasent there like I was just seeing things! I asked my husband and at first he didn't see until we held it up to a really bright light and then held a flashlight under it. I have all the symptoms besides morning sickness, sore breasts and implantation bleeding. Does this mean I am pregnant? I didn't have any if these signs all the other times I thought I was pregnant. I wanna be excited, but I don't wanna get my hopes up!
Help please!
Help please!