I told my mum I was dreading Christmas as so many friends and family have just had their second lo since we started ttc. She said I can't stop people living their lives and basically that I was being horrible to say their happiness made it harder for me. I would never wish they hadn't had their kids but all the stories and pics just make it clearer what I'm missing.
How do I explain why I get upset. She told me off when I was upset when I found out friends were expecting
I'm really sorry, I mean absolutely no disrespect at all, but those are such horrible things to say to you!
You are in no way, shape or form a bad or horrible person. She's right that we can't stop people living their lives, but that isn't what we want to do.
Diddy summed it up really well with her analogy of being ready for something, having everything prepared and watching other people, who didn't even want it when you first expressed an interest, get that 'thing' while you're still waiting.
I don't think there is a way to explain to somebody, if they have no experience of infertility then it's almost impossible for them to comprehend. (and that isn't a criticism of them at all, just the same as I can't possibly comprehend what blind people or deaf people go through) I struggled with this a lot, we're not getting closer for 4years TTC with one m/c and the biggest problem I've faced, mentally, was the guilt and anger I felt when friends and family announced pregnancies. Like you, I wasn't wishing my condition on them, but I was extremely sad for me.
In the end I took the clinic up on their offer of the fertility counsellor they have on staff. Hands down the best thing I have ever done. I still feel intense grief and upset when a pregnancy announcement happens, but I don't feel guilty, because it's OK to feel like that.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people and use them as your mental 'crutch' when you need them. For me this is my DH and one close friend. I still speak to and see other friends and family just as much, but I choose not to disclose as much information about our IF and treatment to them, because I know they can't empathise and know comments they make will sometimes upset me (albeit unintentional)
Or if all else fails, I find my online LTTTC support network and BnB a great forum for releasing emotions
(I was previously a very active member but ran away for 18months following a bad TTC patch and have just re-registered as I couldn't remember my old details. So it seems I have 9 responses, when its more like 6009