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Extended breastfeeding dilemma


Feb 11, 2011
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Hello there,
i am currently still breastfeeding my very addicted 2 year old DD (4-6 times over 24 hours), and have so far only experienced 1 real period. I have had irregular periods all my life, so to conceive #1 i took vitex and the first month trying we got pregnant. Well, i am taking vitex again, but it does not seem to have the same effect. All my doctor is telling me is that i have to stop nursing in order to get pregnant. So, here i am, torn, as i know DD is not ready to wean, but at the same time wanting to have another baby so badly. Also, i am not sure, the nursing is my only problem..
Has anyone been in a similar situation?

Thank you!
Hi if I was you I'd stop nursing just in case.

My period returned after 10 mths. We started trying a month later 11mths no joy in those first 3 mths so I stopped BF at 14ths. No regrets I needed uninterupted sleep.
I also wanted to give TTC the best shot before going to my GP at 6 mths TTC for a referal as I was aware of long waits and didn't want them finding any reason to delay putting me on the list.

You've done fantastic to get to 24mths, only you can decide if you think BFing is interfering with your chances. If you stop and don't get pregnant are you going to regret it in 6 mths if nothing happens - but then on the other hand your GP might be more sympathic to helping you.
I remember having the same dilemma wihen BF my DD. My periods were irregular - I think I got the first one back at 14 months postpartum, but my cycles then were over 40 days long. I was approaching 35 and really wanted to try for #2 and get my cycles back on track, so I gradually cut down her feedings from 14 - 16 months, until she was almost completely weaned (except for the morning feeding) by 16 months. Then I went to the doc and asked to be put back on Clomid (was on it to conceive #1) - even with the Clomid my cycles were still long, with O on CD24 or so. I conceived on the 2nd month but unfortunately lost that baby at 8 weeks. I don't know if the late O was a factor.

I would probably start gradually weaning her now, by dropping one feeeding (replacing it wtih bottle), and then dropping another feeding in the next 3 weeks or so. I'm sure your DD will adjust in time!
AF returned for me after 10 months, I started to gently wean my LO at 12 months. She was 16 months before she was completely wean. It's been 9 months since she was weaned and not even a hint of BFP.
I'm afraid I can't totally relate but I didn't want to R&R. First of all, congratulations on your BFing success!

For better or for worse, my period came back at 4 mos post partum despite nursing on demand and through the night. I conceived while still nursing (DD was about 15 mos), then miscarried at 6 weeks. :cry: At that point though we were only nursing twice a day. I ended up weaning a few months later around her 2nd birthday b/c I was sort of afraid to continue nursing if I were to get pregnant again, though I know they say it shouldn't matter. By then we had dropped to bedtime only (and a few other times here and there if the mood struck her). Even at once a day, it was still challenging (and hard on me emotionally) and it took several weeks with the "don't offer, don't refuse" method.

If you decide to try stopping, maybe try "don't offer, don't refuse" to see if she starts to scale it back on her own. It did for us, with time. I tried actually refusing once and it made me feel so horrible, and DD was so upset and confused, I knew I couldn't go that route. It's so hard b/c you can't just stop doing the other things your LO may associate with nursing time, like cuddles before a nap. It's a process and if it takes a long time, then that's okay. With us, even though we weren't nursing as often, it still took about a month to stop completely. If you decide not to wean, try to take comfort in knowing you're doing what your LO needs right now.

Good luck, sounds like you are a great mama. :)

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