Farewell Intercourse Law in Egypt. Opinions?


Mum to 3 girls :)
Sep 3, 2008
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I'm in absolute shock. A friend told me about this yesterday but got it from the Daily Mail so I didn't know if to believe it, so I googled it and seems all the major news websites are reporting it.

London, Apr 27 (ANI): Egypt's new Islamist-dominated parliament is preparing to introduce a controversial law that would allow husbands to have sex with their deceased wives up to six hours after death.

Known as the "farewell Intercourse" law, the measure is being championed as part of a raft of reforms introduced by the parliament that will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 for girls.

I think it's awful, and completely against someone's human rights. Just because they've passed away doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to have their rights in whether or not to have sex taken away! This is just necrophilia :nope:
I think it it is disgusting and I personally think that this is only going to be passed to 'put women in their place' and show them they are the property of men, I cant imagine any man will actually want to have sex with their dead wife.
How bizaare :wacko:

I mean - at the end of the day if a man wants to have sex with his dead wife then surely he will do it anyway and no-one would be any the wiser? :shrug: .... well, if the the body is taken home before the funeral (which is quite normal in many countries as the family would prepare the body themselves and have the funeral within 24 hours). Obviously in a hospital morgue it might be a bit trickier.

So, leaving aside the necrophilia issue, what on earth is the point of writing it into law :wacko:

Did you know that necrophilia has only been illegal in the UK since 2003 and there is no Federal Law against it in the US? :shock:
I didn't know that TM :shock: I wonder why it was only passed so recently? Possibly because people just assumed it wasn't the done thing but those sicko's that did it needed to be reprimanded :shrug: I just can't believe any country would seriously discuss making this a law.
Id assume its because somenone has actually done it :sick:

I dont even know what to say about it Id love to know how they plan to enforce it if any man is actually gross enough to have sex with a corpse.
I heard about this on the news this moring on my way to work.

I have just one word for it:

Oh dear:wacko:

I also just cant see any purpose of making it law, seems in a way they're trying to promote it?! I can see how it could be a way to control women but from what I read it seemed that women would have the option as well..

The dead should be left in peace really.
Thats digusting, it actually makes my skin crawl :sick:
Even the daily mail admitted in their article when they updated it that this story has no basis.


Apparently this 'law' was dreamed up by a Moroccan 'scholar' who also said its good for pregnant women to drink alcohol-drinking alcohol is forbidden for Muslims full stop as is necrophilia. I don't know whether the proposed marriage age law is true, but many states in the US allow marriage aged 14 (or even younger with a court order) as do some European countries under specific circumstances, and both parties would have to give their free consent to marry. Just because its not the norm in this culture to get legally married before 16 doesn't make those that do marry at a young age 'pedophiles', 14 year olds having sex outside of marriage is ok here and quite a lot of such relationships I have seen have involved young men of 16, 18 even those in their early 20s. How is it any different when marriage is involved? There was even a case on one of those shows on BBC3 with the teen mums; the girl was 14, FOB was in his early 20s and could have been charged with statutory rape but the girl's parents didn't press charges and the whole show was very sympathetic and making out this was a equal relationship not a paedophile/victim relationship, but when it comes to people in other cultures...? They're all a bunch of paedos obviously.

I don't agree with these 'Islamists' in the Egyptian political system as they seem like a bunch of oddballs with no grounding in mainstream Islam; though claiming they are 'salafi' is actually nonsense; they are actually ideologically not from the Salafi school of thought at all. Salafis would not rise up against the rule of law and the rulers; as this is forbidden. But by the same token, it looks to me like this story and others coming out of Egypt are another effort by Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya to make all instances of Islamic law look extremely frightening and something people would want to avoid at all costs, they have a motive in doing this as both stations are fun by fanatical liberals who support the Arab Spring providing it isn't in their own backyard xx
Believe it or not in the UK marriage (with parental consent) was still legal for girls from 12 and boys from 14 until 1929.

I'm inclined to agree with Summer Rain in this respect - no-one really bats an eye here in the West when 14 year old are sexually active, and I'm sure many of us were (including me), so I don't see that as paedophilia.

It's also important to remember that even where marriage happens with one of the participants at a young age (as it used to in the UK with very young children) the fact of the ceremony does not automatically mean that the marriage will be consummated immediately. Traditionally marriage was a way of allying families together and swapping wealth via dowries rather than for purely sexual purposes.... and while that is no longer the case here in the West it is certainly still fairly common practice elsewhere in the world :thumbup:
It wasn't the marriage at 14 that got me to be absolutely honest, because as you say, there are 14 year olds every where giving their consent to sex (whether this is right or wrong), it was the necrophilia that really got to me as its the creepiest thing I have ever heard of!

I'll have to do some more looking into it and see if this really is true or not. I did hear about it first from someone who had read it on the Daily Mail but then after googling it myself it turns out majority of the news sites were reporting it too :shrug:
It isn't true, it appears that the story was cooked up by media. This blog post is long but shows the trail of the false story from where it started


Unfortunately Muslims are the current bogeymen in the media and even the liberal Arab media is jumping on the bandwagon. The stories about Muslims purportedly doing, or believing really awful things are giving more and more outlandish and wild examples and sadly many people take these stories at face value. I really don't think we are far off now from stories of Muslims eating children, like there were stories of Jews doing in the early part of the 20th century. Xx
I hope it isnt true, how dare it be a law that a husband can have sex with his wife after her death, no respect..... seriously! WHY!!! the world gets crazier.

As for the marriage at 14 as long as the person is willing and not being forced then i dont see it as a problem. x
Thank heavens it isn't true!

But still, what the actual f**k with someone dreaming that up? :nope: Before I finished reading all the comments, my current thought was who on earth would be aroused after finding out their wives are dead???? :shrug: :confused:
Thank heavens it isn't true!

But still, what the actual f**k with someone dreaming that up? :nope: Before I finished reading all the comments, my current thought was who on earth would be aroused after finding out their wives are dead???? :shrug: :confused:

I know right? I was thinking the same thing!
So the point of the Arab spring was so that men could have sex with their dead wives?

Isn't life peachy!

*goes off to bang head against wall whilst vomiting profusely*
If the orginal poster could update to say it's false with the link given above that would probably help! I completely missed it as I only read the first page. :blush:

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