Farting Babies


Mummy To Maya & Bump
Jan 31, 2008
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Sorry if this is wierd but do your LOs fart really loud? Like I mean, you can hear it from the other side of the room??

Im not joking, when Maya farts she sounds like an old man. She farts all the time. Even in her sleep!! It keeps me awake :rofl:
Yes and she did it in Sainsburys (by Barnfield Tech) and some woman thought it was me!!
Yes. Bren busted a huge one this morning and I was surprised it didn't wake my husband. It has in the past!
Jess done it one morning and woke me up! Shaun found it hilarious when I asked him what he'd dropped. I was sure her little bum couldn't make those noises! xXx
Jess done it one morning and woke me up! Shaun found it hilarious when I asked him what he'd dropped. I was sure her little bum couldn't make those noises! xXx

I think this aswell!!

Mayas bum is teeny tiny surely it must hurt??!!!
Yep lol

Caitlins starting to laugh when she burps and farts :lol:
Mine is 6 weeks old and he can fart for the country. It woke my OH up many times and I said to him that it's not me. I think it might hurt his little bum. Sometimes he fart like a machine gun,lol
Last week OH had him in the morning for 30 min so i could sleep a bit more and he told me the baby farted 10 times ( big ones )
totally, farts all the time esp when angry!
Chloe always looks really shocked but I cant stop myself laughing and shes picking up from me that its funny.

They're so warm as well ( she tends to do it while on my lap)
Yeah, it's funny cuz OH looks at me and will ask if it was her...
:rofl::rofl: Angry farts that is cute!

Amelia does fart a lot whenever people come over they are very shocked such a sound came from her lil tushy!

It is embarrassing when they do them in public, we were in the doctors waiting room (quietest place on earth!) and she let rip (i'm sure everyone thought it was me and i was blaming the baby) :blush: :blush::dohh:
Kalea's are violent! And then my OH says "That's not a fart, this is a fart" That's when I leave the room.
yep all the time, maddi is especially prone to cough-farts :rofl: some times i could swear its my OH, she definately takes after him, poor me at night, maddi one side and james (OH) the other :rofl:
when we were in hospital, they took Ally off me for a night (he wasn't waking up to feed and was being tube fed and they wanted to keep a closer eye on him but let me sleep) and she said in the morning that they kept hearing him fart and couldn't understand it because it sounded like a grown-up farting! He hasn't been farting so much lately actually. Long may it continue! He does burp very loudly though.

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