My ex was all for it when I got pregnant, reckoned he was gonna start saving and all that bollocks then left me when I was 15 weeks pregnant, hardly spoke to him over the pregnancy as he didn't wanna know.
Soon as I'd had the baby, he wanted to come see me, but due to high blood pressure and hating him, I didn't want him there, in the last 3 months, he's seen Tom 3 times, I invited him to the christening as he claimed he wanted to be a part of Tom's life but did fuck all through the christening and was more arsed about texting his current gf.
He never texts/calls to ask how his son is or anything, yet he moaned that i'd never stop him from seeing his son or paying towards him, we're yet to see any form of money!! he's supposedly coming up in December but I'm not allowing him to see Tom due to having shown no interest in him. He had time to come to Alton Towers (We live half hour from there) yet he didn't have time to come and see his son. I'm just grateful the wanker lives in Essex as if he lived up here, i would go down for life. He's on the birth certificate unfortunately and I so wish I hadn't put him down but eventually, my partner's gonna adopt him so he'll never have a play in our lives.
As for your questions:
I'm doing great alone, I have fantastic support from my parents due to living at home and my partner is great with LO.
I didn't have much choice doing it alone.
I'm against terminations but I think we would've grown apart anyway, he was too immature.
I don't really think about the quality of life, I've had all the nice holidays as a kid and haven't been abroad since 2001, we don't really need the fancy holidays etc but we have a perfect family and couldn't ask for more.