The only thing I can think of that's specific to that age range would be things like a high chair and bibs. I'm not a fan or our high chair but it was free to us which is why we still use it. A doorways jumper is another thing you can start using around that age but I wouldn't call it a "must have." We don't really use it too much with Leo. We used it more with our first though. I do love my Ergo, but it's not specific to that age range. I kind of feel like paying for toys is a bit of a waste at this age as you can give your baby something like a ladle and it will be just as good to him as a "real" toy. The other day, Leo was banging a block on a metal bowl and was perfectly entertained by it. When Violet was around a year, empty yogurt cups were one of her favorite toys. They're still too little for shoes at this age and anything else clothing wise isn't specific to this age range. I did buy a metal, kid sized mug recently to start using with Leo when he's ready to start drinking out of a cup... Weleda diaper cream is awesome, but again, not specific to this age range... I don't know, there aren't really any "must haves" for this age that you don't already have.