Favouring OJ over milk!!


Apr 22, 2008
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As some of you are aware my LO has had constipation issues.... opening her bowels at 4 to 5 days at a time!! So doc said to continue with the diluted OJ!!

Thursday she had a dirty nappy then I got another one today :yipee: so things are looking better!!

Yesterday she fed well... I even said on a thread that I thought she was going through a growth spurt!! At 10pmish was on me for an hour more or less!! And then had her 4pz feed afterwards!! She then slept from 12pm - 6am ish!! OH fed her this morning but she was messing about with it and it took nearly an hour and a half to get 2oz down her!! I went to the next sale :) and when I got in about 9ish... she was sleeping... when she woke I tried her on the breast.... (sometimes a lil hit and miss with her) so I continued to try for a good 20 mins... but she was having NONE OF IT!! I then tried some bottle.... didnt want that either!! So I tried the OJ!! She drank 3oz no probelms then got a dirty nappy :yipee:

She was then sleeping all afternoon.... so did I?!?! :) at 6pmish OH was out with her and she started to wake... she didnt cry for food but he thought "well she hasnt fed today so feed her"!!! Again only took 2oz in like an hour!! He came home... i tried her on the breast again!! NOPE!!! Tried bottle... she suckles then either nods off or pushes it away!!

OJ.... she just had 5oz of it!! Im worried now.... she only put on an oz and half last week and the way things are going ... little weight change this week to :(

HV advised me change her milk... but all friday she had her new milk and alot of booby milk so dont think its that!!

Basically shes had about 6oz in nearly 24hours..... im concerned.... what do you advise???
maybe stop the OJ don't give it her. she will be filling up on the OJ so that is keeping her going.
maybe stop the OJ don't give it her. she will be filling up on the OJ so that is keeping her going.

But when shes screaming its hard to do that.... plus if its moving her bowels I dont want to stop cos otherwise I get a miserable constipated baby!! No win situation!!
well she just took 3 and half oz's but ive never seen so much sick in my life!!it was like all of it!!

im really worried now!!
Are you sure you're not giving her too much OJ?

She is still quite little
try adding an extra 2 oz of boiled water to her milk to prevent constipation and dont give OJ. It might be hard for a day or so but she will soon forget the delights of OJ! Instead of OJ maybe just boiled water?? Constipation is usually from the formula and some babies need it more dilute than others. She wont be constipated on just breast milk as it is normal for them to poop once a week whilst exclusively breastfeeding.

I noticed tom's poops were much thicker on sma and really watery on cow and gate, but that might just be him.
I wouldn't let her have too much OJ. Her stomach will be tiny still so she's probably filling herself up on it quite a lot. I know you'll be diluting it but aren't they just meant to have a teaspoon of it? Not sure where I got that from though, sorry. It's quite acidic too though...

Could it be anything to do with the flow from the bottles? The milk's probably a lot thicker so it'll be harder work for her to get it out compared to the OJ? Maybe try her on a faster flow teat and see if that makes a difference? x
try adding an extra 2 oz of boiled water to her milk to prevent constipation and dont give OJ. It might be hard for a day or so but she will soon forget the delights of OJ! Instead of OJ maybe just boiled water?? Constipation is usually from the formula and some babies need it more dilute than others. She wont be constipated on just breast milk as it is normal for them to poop once a week whilst exclusively breastfeeding.

I noticed tom's poops were much thicker on sma and really watery on cow and gate, but that might just be him.

She wont take just boiled water!! Ive changed the formula due to constipation!

It upsets me cos I feel bad giving her OJ cos everyones like... oooh... but Im only doing what the doc said!! Shes have 1 oz oj to 8 oz boiled water! So its very very minimal!

I cannot exclusively bf... emergency docs said that to me too!! Its just not possible for me and my baby!!

Are you sure its normal for just once a week when bf???
I wouldn't let her have too much OJ. Her stomach will be tiny still so she's probably filling herself up on it quite a lot. I know you'll be diluting it but aren't they just meant to have a teaspoon of it? Not sure where I got that from though, sorry. It's quite acidic too though...

Could it be anything to do with the flow from the bottles? The milk's probably a lot thicker so it'll be harder work for her to get it out compared to the OJ? Maybe try her on a faster flow teat and see if that makes a difference? x

because shes on easy digest milk... the packet advises a medium flow teat as its thicker.... so she has that with that milk then normal teats with oj!!

She fed fine with her milk yesterday!!
hmm that seems like a little too much OJ for a little baby. Here they suggested to give Angelynn some diluted prune nectar. But I definetely would stop giving your LO OJ whenever she wants it. Just keep offering her the milk. Cut her off of the OJ for a day and she will learn to take the milk gain. Babies are very good at getting what they want ;) But consult with your doctor first and see what she thinks... good luck
dont know wat was up with her yesterday...

...although she refused me again she drank all her bottle :shrug:
Glad she's drinking milk again :D Hope she's better today x
hope she continues to take the milk. We have to give Ally his formula slightly watered down (we tend to give him 5 and a half scoops in 210mls of water for example) because he gets constipated if he doesn't have it like that.
hope she continues to take the milk. We have to give Ally his formula slightly watered down (we tend to give him 5 and a half scoops in 210mls of water for example) because he gets constipated if he doesn't have it like that.

ill look into that thanks hun! see how she is on this new milk if no chage ill mention that to HV :hugs:
she might say it's too watered down but we found it out by trial and error that 5 and a half scoops works best not 5, not 6, but 5 and a half! lol.

Hope she is better on new milk anyway :hugs:

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